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NASA To Bomb The Moon
05:37:52 Oct 11th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

even if they used a nuclear warhead it wouldnt send the moon hurdling to earth or destroy the moon

05:38:32 Oct 11th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

  • There is a tradition that the Man in the Moon enjoyed drinking, especially claret. An old ballad runs (original spelling):[7]
"Our man in the moon drinks clarret,
With powder-beef, turnep, and carret.
If he doth so, why should not you
Drink until the sky looks blew?"

learned too much about the man on the moon via Wiki, but I do like the way this man on the moon thinks :P

05:46:59 Oct 11th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

lol... u is a poet. haha!

I hear rumours of Moscow having long tradition with vodka :P cannot mess with the vodka. .. no more pointing O.o

I wasnt thinking the moon would fall down, tho that would certainly be mindblowing. I was thinking more like, uhmm... might not wanna mess with that since we dont know all about the gases and what happens? Im  also thinking they might not care what I say xD

06:19:36 Oct 11th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

Mr. Kronos


14:28:00 Oct 10th 09

amen to yo my friend for saying this

Duchess Orioles


20:06:39 Oct 9th 09
I find it interesting how people are saying this is a waste of money.  What does it take to encourage people to explore new lands?  A cold war?  A huge profit potential?

A lot of world-changing technologies and discoveries were established by people going "this probably won't do anything and will cost me money, but what the hell, I might learn something useful from it that will help further on down the road."

im glad that others see it this way

 I agree completely, :) it's amazing some of the things we have discovered while basically wasting money

(although this never went anywhere, i'm pretty sure it ended up using more energy creating the wave, but it's still cool)



" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

06:25:05 Oct 11th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Wow, you guys are all idiots.

06:43:54 Oct 11th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

Mr. Arthur Dent


00:25:05 Oct 11th 09 Wow, you guys are all idiots.


I'm curious about your grounds on saying that, or if your just saying it to make yourself feel good

08:13:06 Oct 11th 09 - Mr. Minor Threat:

"nukes are to high powered. They're talking about confined precision explosions. A nuke would likely knock the moon away or send it spiraling into earth."

A nuclear weapon is tiny on a planetary scale, there is absolutely no way it would have any effect on the moons orbit (considering the moon hasn't been effected by the many asteroids to strike it, many of which cause an explosion thousands of times larger than any nuke in existence).

08:22:01 Oct 11th 09 - Mr. Minor Threat:

"1) it is already common knowledge that there is vast amount of oil in Alaska so no need to spend money in research to know where it is located
2) the oil industry will be making untold amount of money with this new gateway of fuel. in essence, the more oil there is, the less us Americans have to pay per gallon (or liter for you non-Americans out there :p). it is the supply and demand principle."

1) Yea we know it's there, we know where it is, but we would rather conserve our environment (Maybe even save the oil for when the rest of the world runs out).
2) Who cares about the oil industry? I don't. They are already the richest, most powerful corporations on the face of the earth, why would we want to put more money in their hands.

01:16:10 Oct 12th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

GO GO MOOON!!!">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

01:22:24 Oct 12th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:

">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

04:40:37 Oct 12th 09 - Mr. Kronos:

lol classic kitty classic

15:53:03 Oct 14th 09 - Mr. The Beast:

shurely if the nuke was placed at the center of the moon and it scattered some pieces could end up spiraling down to earth. as mutch as over alf the moon might have crashed.
and it would destroy all life on earth. i dont ffeel like caluculating the energie that would be released.

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