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Religious debate
20:19:46 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

This thread needs the Truth.

Well, I'm a youth missionary. Vowed to served God and His people in any possible means I can. I was an atheist before, didn't believe in Him and depended only in science. Suddenly, things changed me 2 years ago. I was in my worst ever in my life that time. When Christian welcomed me with open arms, neglecting my past mistakes, failures and sins. They are the evidence that God really exist. I saw and felt God through their cares and love. Faith is not lived by sight.

20:21:21 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

Interesting conversation about Faith
Nice Debate!

An Atheist Professor of Philosophy speaks to his Class on the Problem Science has with GOD, the ALMIGHTY.

He asks one of his New Christian Students to stand and . . .

Professor : You are a Christian, aren't you, son ?
Student : Yes, sir.

Professor : So you Believe in GOD?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Professor : Is GOD Good ?
Student : Sure.
Professor : Is GOD ALL - POWERFUL ?
Student : Yes.
Professor : My Brother died of Cancer even though he Prayed to GOD to Heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn't. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?

( Student is silent )
Professor : You can't answer, can you ?
Let's start again, Young Fella. Is GOD Good?
Student : Yes.
Professor : Is Satan good ?
Student : No.
Professor : Where does Satan come from ?
Student : From . . . GOD .. . .
Professor : That's right.

Tell me son, is there evil in this World?
Student : Yes.
Professor : Evil is everywhere, isn't it ? And GOD did make everything. Correct?
Student : Yes.
Professor : So who created evil ?

(Student does not answer)

Professor : Is there Sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the World, don't they?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor : So, who Created them ?
( Student has no answer )

Professor : Science says you have 5 Senses you use to Identify and Observe the World around you. Tell me, son . . . Have you ever Seen GOD ?
Student : No, sir.
Professor : Tell us if you have ever Heard your GOD ?

Student : No , sir.

Professor : Have you ever Felt your GOD , Tasted your GOD , Smelt your GOD ?

Have you ever had any Sensory Perception of GOD for that matter?
Student : No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
Professor : Yet you still Believe in HIM ?

Student : Yes.
Professor : According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Student : Nothing. I only have my Faith .

Professor : Yes , Faith . And that is the Problem Science has.
Student : Professor, is there such a thing as Heat?
Professor : Yes.

Student : And is there such a thing as Cold?
Professor : Yes.
Student : No sir. There isn't.

( The Lecture Theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events )

Student : Sir, you can have Lots of Heat, even More Heat, Superheat, Mega Heat, White Heat, a Little Heat or No Heat. But we don't have anything called Cold. We can hit 458 Degrees below Zero which is No Heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as Cold. Cold is only a Word we use to describe the Absence of Heat.
We cannot Measure Cold. Heat is Energy. Cold is Not the Opposite of Heat, sir, just the Absence of it.

( There is Pin - Drop Silence in the Lecture Theatre )
Student : What about Darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as Darkness?
Professor : Yes. What is Night if there isn't Darkness?
Student : You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the Absence of Something … You can have Low Light, Normal Light, Bright Light, Flashing Light . . .. But if you have No Light constantly, you have nothing and its called Darkness, isn't it? In reality, Darkness isn't. If it is, were you would be able to make Darkness Darker, wouldn't you?

Professor : So what is the point you are making, Young Man ?
Student : Sir, my point is your Philosophical Premise is flawed.
Professor : Flawed ? Can you explain how?
Student : Sir, you are working on the Premise of Duality. You argue there is Life and then there is Death, a Good GOD and a Bad GOD .
You are viewing the Concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure.
Sir, Science can't even explain a Thought. It uses Electricity and Magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view Death as the Opposite of Life is to be ignorant of the fact that Death cannot exist as a Substantive Thing. Death is Not the Opposite of Life: just the Absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your Students that they evolved from a Monkey?
Professor : If you are referring to the Natural Evolutionary Process, yes, of course, I do.
Student : Have you ever observed Evolution with your own eyes, sir?

( The Professor shakes his head with a Smile, beginning to realize where
the Argument is going )

Student : Since no one has ever observed the Process of Evolution at work and Cannot even prove that this Process is an On - Going Endeavor, Are you not teaching your Opinion, sir?
Are you not a Scientist but a Preacher?

( The Class is in Uproar )

Student : Is there anyone in the Class who has ever seen the Professor's Brain?

( The Class breaks out into Laughter )

Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's Brain, Felt it, touched or Smelt it? . . .
No one appears to have done so.
So, according to the Established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that You have No Brain, sir.
With all due respect, sir, how do we then Trust your Lectures, sir?

(The Room is Silent. The Professor stares at the Student, his face unfathomable)

Professor : I guess you'll have to take them on Faith , son.
Student : That is it sir . . .
The Link between Man & GOD is FAITH .

That is all that Keeps Things Moving & Alive.

20:26:24 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

I lol'd. Is that was passes for proof for nub creationists? How you people manage to feed yourselves is something I'd classify as a miracle if I believed in them.

20:28:34 Mar 31st 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

*Professor takes a hammer to his head and brains spill out*

Student: "OMG! He had a brain!"

20:29:13 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"Student : Is there anyone in the Class who has ever seen the Professor's Brain?"



20:34:33 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:


Oh I see, I think I better stay out form those who has no wisdom. Although, I think I need to tell the Truth. That's why God given us one of His greatest gift. "Free Will". The freedom of every person to choose for himself/herself.

May the Sanctifying Grace of God be with you!

God bless!

20:37:21 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Red Knight:

Ryan's post explains things in a way I couldn't put in words. You have science, but in reality it cannot explain anything past the basic levels of existence. You can cling to science all you want but in reality your going on nothing but faith in that as well. Personally I've seen more evidence for god and for the bible than for science in my life. And I'll trust in it over everything my science teacher ever taught me.

Anyone else who said those things about the Pope and all this other stuff, christians are humans. Personally, I won't believe in anything unless its from the bible. And thus I am not a Catholic or a Methodist but a christian. If a preacher supports *beep* rights or abortion(which many do these days) they aren't a true christian so don't judge the religion by them. Find someone who truly reads their bible and follows it then tell me what you think of christians.

Edit: And like Ryan also said, we really do have free will ;) God gave us the option of either asking for forgiveness or not asking forgiveness. He doesn't judge us based on how much sin we have, he judges us on whether or not we asked to be forgiven of them. Commiting sin is our choice to make and all of us choose wrong. God knew we would and gave us a way out. Take it or leave it :S

20:38:54 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"God bless!"

The hubris which you showed by saying that classifies you as a *beep*wit *beep*, perhaps you didn't read what I posted? I don't need god's blessing, I don't WANT IT, god can *beep* off for all I care and you with your "Truth" with them.

20:39:43 Mar 31st 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

God...Cobra will become as obese as Americans if people keep feeding him, LOL!

20:41:14 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

high five Ryan! speak the truth!


20:43:14 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

so Josef, you think yo don't need God? without him, there would be nothing. you would not exist. try to comprehend that. it's almost impossible. you do need God, you just don't realize it.

20:43:20 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Red Knight:

So Josef=Cobra?

20:44:02 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"I won't believe in anything unless its from the bible"

They can write entire libraries of books with things not in the bible... OH WAIT! ... They DID write them. You're a very uneducated person if you all believe is from the bible.

"so Josef, you think yo don't need God? without him, there would be nothing. you would not exist. try to comprehend that. it's almost impossible. you do need God, you just don't realize it."


Oh you can't? Well isn't that sad.

20:48:29 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

@ Josef

Even if you say that you don't need it I still want God to bless you and enlightened your mind.

You can call me by any words you want. It won't offend or insult me. I'm just a mere missionary wanting to spread the His love and words.

Again, may the Sanctifying Grace of God be with you and God Bless!

20:51:40 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"Even if you say that you don't need it I still want God to bless you and enlightened your mind."

What you want is unimportant, perhaps you should ask God to enlighten you mind, oh wait... there is no god, so you can forget being enlightened on the cheap, you'll have to do it the old fashioned way.

"I'm just a mere missionary wanting to spread the His love and words."

Laughably deluded and self absorbed.

"Sanctifying Grace of God be with you and God Bless!"

*beep* you and your god also.

20:51:53 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

take a look at the world around you josef! do you really think this all came about by chance?

20:52:23 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

Lord Apollo Wolfe


4/1/2009 3:41:14 AM

high five Ryan! speak the truth!



Don't give to me the credit, give it to Him. I'm just His mere intsrument.

20:52:44 Mar 31st 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Everyone needs to calm down...this is really beginning to get...weird

Do I need to reveal the truth of this thread? lol

20:52:56 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"take a look at the world around you josef! do you really think this all came about by chance?"


20:53:47 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Banana:

Is there any proof that god exists? "I feel it in my hearth" isn't a proof. "It's written in bible" isn't proof too, because I can write in my book that Tooth Fairy exists and that wouldn't be true. So bible as me can talk whatever it wants, but without proof it will only be theory.

If science has theory - it doesn't say that it's 100% true (until proves it).

...Religion does say that it's true.

20:53:53 Mar 31st 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

"Everyone needs to calm down...this is really beginning to get...creepy."

Every religious 'discussion' i've ever seen on random forums ALWAYS goes exactly the same way :)

20:55:30 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

Mr. Josef


4/1/2009 3:51:40 AM"Even if you say that you don't need it I still want God to bless you and enlightened your mind."

What you want is unimportant, perhaps you should ask God to enlighten you mind, oh wait... there is no god, so you can forget being enlightened on the cheap, you'll have to do it the old fashioned way.

"I'm just a mere missionary wanting to spread the His love and words."

Laughably deluded and self absorbed.

"Sanctifying Grace of God be with you and God Bless!"

*beep* you and your god also.


May God forgive you for you do not know what you are saying.

20:55:36 Mar 31st 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

You don't know the secret about this thread Ademo :)

20:55:48 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

what's really ironic is that people don't try to prove Buddhism or Hinduism or Islam wrong. no, they want to prove the truth wrong. that's why the jews have been treated so badly. look at history. first the egyptians were tryin to kill them, then the canaanites, and then hitler. and now people make forum topics to try to prove christainity is wrong. do they try to do that for any other religion?

20:56:21 Mar 31st 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Apparently not :( Am i going to this fictional "hell" place now for being a heathen? :(

20:57:32 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

"Don't give to me the credit, give it to Him. I'm just His mere intsrument"

you're right Ryan. but you allowed him to speak through you :)

20:57:59 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"hat's really ironic is that people don't try to prove Buddhism or Hinduism or Islam wrong"

They are wrong also, it's just that the internet is full of self deluding christians that think they have the truth, but in reality what they have is a giant penis up the ass.

20:58:13 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Fordius:

Guys God doesn't excist.

what is god god is something where we get our hopes out in times we are in need.
yet we can also complain against him when we ain't having an awesome time.

its just a imaginary thing to give us strenght and be our guide in our lives.
you can call it god or whateva.
what about the bible the bible is the lawbook from the old times.

but to make it more interesting you should watch
Ancient Aliens. pretty awesome and with good theories and stuff.

maybe it might be true that the old gods are aliens visiting earth.
ah well who's knows.

the thing is the 1 that believes believes and I respect that.
but I expect the same respect for my believes.
and please dont complain to me that what I do is wrong cause than we can blame each other ;)

Peace Out the Wise Guy Fordius

20:58:59 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Banana:

Lord Apollo Wolfe,
Yes it try to do for any other religion. (just those who try to prove god always are christians).

20:59:17 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

Chancellor Ademo


3/31/2009 7:18:17 PMYou do realise that a Scientific Theory is quite different to the normal kind of theory, right? Scientific "Theories" are actually based in fact.. they must be PROVEN to be considered a theory.

That aside, i belive that EVERYONE should be allowed to believe in whatever they want to believe in. The only thing i'm against, is those that believe a particular religion, to go around shoving it down the throats of people who don't really care to hear it. Yes, that inclused the very annoying people who quite frequently come knocking on my door about religion. It's wrong.

your a liar. theories just have to have small amounts of evidence. which is why the world being flat is a theory yet it being round is also a theory. go away *beep*.

21:00:40 Mar 31st 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Religion is a lie.
It is no longer a serious candidate for explanations because it is completely superseded by science.
Faith is the great cop-out, the excuse to avoid the need to think and evaluate evidence.

21:01:01 Mar 31st 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

What is evidence, if not proof, then? *beep*.

21:01:04 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"our a liar. theories just have to have small amounts of evidence. which is why the world being flat is a theory yet it being round is also a theory. go away *beep*."

GTFO of my thread.

21:01:07 Mar 31st 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Hypothesis, Theory, Law

That is the order of  "correctness" or "proof" at least that I could find in 30 seconds.  Enjoy being trolled...
Enjoy Cobra, I shall be watching :)

21:01:16 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

it means ... you only have one shot ... one shot to get it right, or make it better for your children, and their children ...

21:01:55 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

"the thing is the 1 that believes believes and I respect that.
but I expect the same respect for my believes.
and please dont complain to me that what I do is wrong cause than we can blame each other ;)"

hey Fordius, just keep it in mind that we aren't teh ones who start these threads. the people that start these threads are th ones that are trying to devalue are faith and tell us that we're *beep*s because we beleive the truth. we just defend our faith.

21:01:56 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

and i can answer all the questions from ryans debate thing

21:03:52 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

You defend your delusion, just like coke addicts defend their addiction and both are just as good for you.

21:05:03 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

and josef i made this thread

21:06:29 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

So science is good for you... people always say that religion creates wars... but what are they fighting with.... with SCIENCES weapons. not with RELIGIOUS WEAPONS.

a comparison.

Religious weapon - your mouth and mind

Scientific weapon - nuclear warheads

you tell me what is the greater evil and dellusion. that your science helps us or that our god is alive.

21:06:59 Mar 31st 09 - Dark Lord Osiris:

your a liar. theories just have to have small amounts of evidence. which is why the world being flat is a theory yet it being round is also a theory. go away *beep*.

please tell me you dont think the earth being flat is a credible theory ^^

and i like how church facts also change a lot through the ages. first earth is only 6000 years old? err the earth is flat, medicine is evil!!. yeah you got all those things spot on so why should your god hold more weight?

21:07:36 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Banana:

Who makes a beginning ofwar?
Your mouth and mind.

21:09:23 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"and josef i made this thread"

Irrelevant, I took over it.

"So science is good for you... people always say that religion creates wars... but what are they fighting with.... with SCIENCES weapons. not with RELIGIOUS WEAPONS."

Can you be anymore inane? If religion didn't start wars perhaps you wouldn't need such deadly weapons. Besides your point is even more worthless since while some wars start because religion, that doesn't mean all wars do.

21:10:29 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

who causes the death in the wars. your weapons. and also. church facts dont change.

People look at what one christian says and judge it for all of christianity. catholics believed it was 6000 years old.

no one says medicine is evil ..... People believed that certain medicines were used with the power of the devil. if a man came into a room floating and shooting fire from his hands you would claim he got power from a higher place or something. you would automatically think he was evil would you know.

but why, simply because you dont understand how he done it.

Religion is not wrong.

some people who control it are.

21:11:56 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

and most wars are over things like oil...... which is extracted through SCIENCE. sold for sheets made from science.

Name me a religious war and ill name you 2 scientifically started wars.

21:12:18 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"Religion is not wrong.

some people who control it are."

Careful what you say, it's the realm of heresy. ^_^

Religion is wrong, was wrong, is wrong and won't ever change.

21:12:43 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Banana:

Who told you that religion is not wrong?
Same people who control it?

21:14:17 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

hmmm is that not what people said about evolution. show me irrevocable evidence that religion is wrong. show me irrevocable evidence that anything you say is true.

Prove without a doubt that gravity exists.

whats that. o the sounds of you not being able to prove it.

You come with equations to prove something. explain why these equations are true. some people can do that. by then cant explain why there explanations are fact.

you base your whole life on faith and then call those who do the same but on a different faith wrong?

seems you are innane at anything but failing

21:14:57 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

and no. i learnt it isnt wrong from my experiences. from reading the bible. from studying its word.

please exit now

21:15:25 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"Name me a religious war and ill name you 2 scientifically started wars."

Oh so because religion isn't at fault for all wars it means that the ones they do start are ok? Science doesn't start wars, wars start for economic of political reasons, not scientific.

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