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Religious debate
21:16:14 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

and how was economy started.over gold. how is gold extracted. through science. so science is at the heart of politics and economy. NUBTARD

21:16:19 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Banana:

and most wars are over things like oil...... which is extracted through SCIENCE. sold for sheets made from science.

Don't act totally dumb. It's same as I would say that bible is book. Book is science. So science created new testament?
Or death is explained by science, so science cause death.

21:17:12 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

no... the new testemant is written on paper. the new testamant is simply words spoken that were written down for us to read.

21:17:18 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Fordius:

look im just respond to what people say.
dont want to offend the believers or none believers I think everyone is free to believe what's right and we all should respect each other for that.

eventually the believer or none believer is the same.
we are both flesh and blood , we all die eventually and we are born the same way.
you can like black while I like white we all differ in thoughts and thats the same in religion some get our hopes from believing that there is something else after that while others have dead is dead or whateva.

just let us all respect each other.
when it comes to wars ,wars isnt done by sciense.
you think that if we didnt have guns , nukes or whateva we wouldnt have wars ? history proven otherwise since mankind there has been wars.

and its not religion either.
since we mankind came we have warred each other.
tribe vs tribe
nation vs nation etc etc

we war cause we cant live with eachother our problem is that people doesnt respect people ( this doesnt count for all but it counts for the most )
every culture thinks that they have the rights to rule over others and think they are the dominate position and to prove this w*beep*volve.
also it comes to people not understanding eachother.
we people differ allot from eachother and thats why we dont always understand eachother and it escalates to fights.
also it has to do with might with might you do stupid stuff in our era its nothing other than showing your might and let the eco deside the wars.

instead of putting so much effort in warring or figthing or saying who is right or who is wrong we should maybe start putting effort in knowing eachother trying to understand eachother and respect each other as a human being.

cause in the end we all live on the same planet and are nothing different from each other :)

21:18:03 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

WOW you're right! We should all still be in the stone age fighting with tree branches because science is at fault! Tell me if you dislike science so much why do you use it in your life? For every piece of technology you use chances are it came from a war. Enjoy your deluded hypocritical life.

21:18:21 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

what recruits soldiers?  

 religious fervour ...

21:18:25 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

no.. since weapons there has been war. no weapons no war :P

and since the beginning of our history there have always been weapons. weapons created by SCIENCE

21:18:49 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

i dont think science is wrong. i think YOU ARE WRONG lol.

21:19:04 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

as i'm always too late, i'll shut up !   :-p

21:20:04 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

and fromatieduiker... religious fevour has enlisted soldiers to fight against other christians? hindu on hindu? sihk on sihk ? muslim upon muslim ? you are a EPIC PHAIL.

atleast josef is good at trolling and what he says makes sense. your just talking outta your A hole

21:21:04 Mar 31st 09 - Dark Lord Osiris:

no.. since weapons there has been war. no weapons no war :P

my hands were not created by science yet i can use them to kill people..

21:21:22 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

Again, I'm not here to force everyone to believe in God. I'm just here to tell you what the Truth is. For the Truth cannot be broken. It is by the gift of Free Will that He gave you all that you've been given the freedom of choice. So wether you believe what I say is up to you. Sooner or later you will know the Truth. I've been sent not to force anyone but to love everyone. I rather die while I'm preaching by stab or shot so than to shut up and pretend I don't know Him.

May the Sanctifying Grace of God be with us all! God Bless to everyone!

"For Your honor and glory, I'll offer my life."

21:23:50 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

Nobody cares what you think, something tells me you haven't gotten that part yet. You're just another deluded piece of fertilized egg that pretends he's some creation of god, as laughable as that is. It would be hysterical if it wasn't for the fact that people like you actually have influence when you shouldn't even be allowed to play with knives.

21:25:27 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Banana:

"Prove without a doubt that gravity exists."
Throw a pencil. It's on the ground now? To totally prove it to person who really don't know in physics a lot is same as to teach logorythms for 4 years child. It's possible, but we can't really know everything what is proved and prove to others.

"hmmm is that not what people said about evolution. show me irrevocable evidence that religion is wrong."
I can't prove or deny it. Can you?
It's only a theory. So why religous people spread and persuade others that GOD really exists and everything in bible is true?

21:25:54 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"Again, I'm not here to force everyone to believe in God. I'm just here to tell you what the Truth is. For the Truth cannot be broken."

*beep* you! Take your God, truth and the rest of your sorry ass out of this thread, you're a suicide bomber in the making, you scare me the most.

"May the Sanctifying Grace of God be with us all! God Bless to everyone!"

*beep* you, your god and your jesus for added measure.

21:26:35 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Banana:

"no.. since weapons there has been war. no weapons no war :P"
There still would be war, fights against tribes for food.

21:27:34 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

This thread is just asking to be set on fire

21:28:02 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

im a a level science student... so someone who doesnt know physics :S who you talking about.

same way in schools they teach you evolution really happened is the same way priests tell you GOD really exists  and the bible is true. thats like saying because in many ways the world seems flat it is... but it isnt is it ?

21:28:39 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Sdrawkcab:

are you kidding me? this thread is like watching football...

21:29:43 Mar 31st 09 - Dark Lord Osiris:

bible = wrong

Genesis 1 gives the order of creation as plants, animals, man and woman. Genesis 2 gives it as man, plants, animals and woman. Genesis 1:3-5 says light was created on the first day, Genesis 1:14-19 says the sun was created on the fourth. Genesis 7:2 says Noah took seven pairs of each beast, Genesis 7:8-15 says one pair.


The fruit of the tree of knowledge is said to kill within a day of being eaten, yet Adam and Eve don't die after eating it. Genesis says there were giants (Nephilim) before the flood and that the flood annihilated all creatures other than those on the ark, but Numbers says there were giants after the flood.

The earth IS older then 6000 years

according to the Bible, the earth is flat and immovable, the moon emits its own light, the sky is solid and the stars can be shaken from the sky by earthquakes

And the sons of Shechaniah; Shemaiah: and the sons of Shemaiah; Hattush, and Igeal, and Bariah, and Neariah, and Shaphat, six.

god cant count?


The value of pi is given as 3, even though many other cultures had already worked it out with greater precision.

why would god not give a better number?


etc etc even if you belive in god you can hardly say a book written by humans is your main evidence as its just wrong in so many places

21:32:07 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"im a a level science student"

A level? As in abysmal right? Because otherwise you'd know how to prove gravity, you'd have learned it.

21:32:18 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail


3/31/2009 9:28:02 PM
im a a level science student... so someone who doesnt know physics :S who you talking about.

same way in schools they teach you evolution really happened is the same way priests tell you GOD really exists  and the bible is true. thats like saying because in many ways the world seems flat it is... but it isnt is it ?

Please, find a hole and die in it

21:32:21 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

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21:33:06 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Sdrawkcab:

even though i intended to stay out of this I do have to say a bunch of bibles are written wrong, whatever bible or internet source you got your stuff form is wrong. Even then the bibles written right arent totally correct form the first ones, so your point just went, FAIL!!!!

21:33:21 Mar 31st 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Kath, aren't you 15? I am dying of laughter because you are trying to argue religion...

21:34:04 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

"The earth IS older then 6000 years "

how do you know this?

21:35:03 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail


3/31/2009 9:20:04 PM
and fromatieduiker... religious fevour has enlisted soldiers to fight against other christians? hindu on hindu? sihk on sihk ? muslim upon muslim ? you are a EPIC PHAIL.

atleast josef is good at trolling and what he says makes sense. your just talking outta your A hole

perhaps, go to your library and lookup medevil europe and search for religious wars ...   some historylessons won't do you any harm apparently ;-)

also the french 'crusaded' in Spain aswell ...

i studied 'Hansel und Grethel' , i din't find the bible very believable, but everyone has his own taste  :-p

Guns don't kill people, people do ... :-/

and if science is to be blamed?  then why don't you go live in a cave? and starve to death, because the moment you'd be learning to catch food with some tool, you'd be gathering 'knowledge' ... which leads to innovations to your huntingweapon ... which becomes a specialism ... which has been created by 'science' ... 

21:35:28 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

im not 15 im 16. and im not arguing anything. im just saying you cant prove religious people wrong

21:36:25 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

You can't prove Santa doesn't exist either, that doesn't make him real though.

21:36:55 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

The fruit of the tree of knowledge is said to kill within a day of being eaten, yet Adam and Eve don't die after eating it

just to answer this. its written in hebrew which is a ancient jewish language. how long is a day in hebrew? it simply means a passage of time. so all it means is they WILL DIE if they eat it

21:36:59 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Lord Apollo Wolfe


3/31/2009 9:34:04 PM

"The earth IS older then 6000 years "

how do you know this?

Its been proved by people with an IQ above yours
Which is proberly not hard to do

21:37:07 Mar 31st 09 - Ms. Happy Quote:

u could still have wars without weapons use ur fists DuH =)

both started wars, religious ppl usin science so yh.. i dk

21:37:45 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Banana:

"same way in schools they teach you evolution really happened is the same way priests tell you GOD really exists and the bible is true. thats like saying because in many ways the world seems flat it is... but it isnt is it ?"

Well they don't say it's 100% true. At least in my country. It says only that it's probably true, and it's mainstream hyphotesis.
I didn't hear any proof in my religon lessons, but they say that god is totally real. And even tryed to brainwash me as I was a kid. Darwins evolution is teaching when children (or even teenager?) already growed up to understand that Santa is not real.

21:39:07 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Ms. Happy Quote


3/31/2009 9:37:07 PM

u could still have wars without weapons use ur fists DuH =)

both started wars, religious ppl usin science so yh.. i dk

Why don't you just stay out of this
You obviously have no better input than a 10 year old

21:40:46 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

"Its been proved by people with an IQ above yours
Which is proberly not hard to do"

it's funny. when someone doesn't know how to respond without embarrassing themselves, they resort to insults.

got any evidence to support that "fact"?

21:42:55 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Lord Apollo Wolfe


3/31/2009 9:40:46 PM

"Its been proved by people with an IQ above yours
Which is proberly not hard to do"

it's funny. when someone doesn't know how to respond without embarrassing themselves, they resort to insults.

got any evidence to support that "fact"?

1. I don't embaress myself, I embaress you
2. Its Called "Google'

21:44:39 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

Mr. Banana


3/31/2009 8:37:45 PM"same way in schools they teach you evolution really happened is the same way priests tell you GOD really exists and the bible is true. thats like saying because in many ways the world seems flat it is... but it isnt is it ?"

Well they don't say it's 100% true. At least in my country. It says only that it's probably true, and it's mainstream hyphotesis.
I didn't hear any proof in my religon lessons, but they say that god is totally real. And even tryed to brainwash me as I was a kid. Darwins evolution is teaching when children (or even teenager?) already growed up to understand that Santa is not real.

So yr 3 is when your grown up... your around 7 and were i live they tell you it is a fact until GCSE stage

21:45:12 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"got any evidence to support that "fact"?"


Now GTFO of my thread.

21:45:45 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

too pineapple: oh, so you're saying that everything you find on the net is true?  that's interesting. so if i post something on the net that says God does exist, you'll believe it?

there's no need to resort to insults. you do it because you feel like you're losing an argument. everybody does it, i do it sometimes. it's true.

21:47:17 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"oh, so you're saying that everything you find on the net is true?  that's interesting. so if i post something on the net that says God does exist, you'll believe it?"

Oh so you read that? Oh wait no you didn't since most of it will go over your head anyway, which isn't hard since you're a *beep*ing *beep*. If you have any issues with the proofs on that site feel free to point them out with counter-proofs.

21:48:25 Mar 31st 09 - Lord Apollo Wolfe:

wow josef that's a lot of "facts", oops, i mean theories.

21:49:40 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Banana:

Em... You been teaching about Darwin and evolution theory at the year 7 ???

Evolution theory in biology is same as Ensteins reliativity theory in physics. It's not 100% proved, but it works out best and is almost proved,so it's used to be as fact to talk about other thing which need those theories,

21:50:06 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"wow josef that's a lot of "facts", oops, i mean theories."

Are you truelly mentally deficient? Those aren't theories as you mean them, or even scientific theories, they are the proof you requested. Now *beep* and start reading.

21:50:55 Mar 31st 09 - Dark Lord Osiris:

even though i intended to stay out of this I do have to say a bunch of bibles are written wrong, whatever bible or internet source you got your stuff form is wrong. Even then the bibles written right arent totally correct form the first ones, so your point just went, FAIL!!!!

so if all bibles including the king james (which is where i got info) are wrong then why do you belive what they say? FAIL? much

21:51:07 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

so why is no1 replying to my point?

21:52:10 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Banana:

which one Divine?

21:52:15 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Josef:

"so why is no1 replying to my point?"

Because you're irrelevant. I think I already mentioned that.

21:52:18 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

lol,  the denial-stage!   just a few more steps, next is 'anger'? then 'acceptance'?    ofcourse, it requires effort :-p  good luck :-)

21:53:28 Mar 31st 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail

3/31/2009 8:44:39 PMMr. Banana


3/31/2009 8:37:45 PM"same way in schools they teach you evolution really happened is the same way priests tell you GOD really exists and the bible is true. thats like saying because in many ways the world seems flat it is... but it isnt is it ?"

Well they don't say it's 100% true. At least in my country. It says only that it's probably true, and it's mainstream hyphotesis.
I didn't hear any proof in my religon lessons, but they say that god is totally real. And even tryed to brainwash me as I was a kid. Darwins evolution is teaching when children (or even teenager?) already growed up to understand that Santa is not real.

So yr 3 is when your grown up... your around 7 and were i live they tell you it is a fact until GCSE stage

21:54:08 Mar 31st 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Lord Apollo Wolfe


3/31/2009 9:45:45 PM

too pineapple: oh, so you're saying that everything you find on the net is true?  that's interesting. so if i post something on the net that says God does exist, you'll believe it?

there's no need to resort to insults. you do it because you feel like you're losing an argument. everybody does it, i do it sometimes. it's true.

Please, just gtfo
Ill insult who I want, if you knew anything about my personality
You would know the person I am, and you know why you dont know about my personality?
Because your a freak, I normally dont talk to such freaks as yourself

So please, Leave this thread k?

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