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Religious debate
18:58:38 Apr 11th 09 - Sir Santa:

What shape does the Earth has?

19:06:56 Apr 11th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

I believe the shape of our planet is based on how God coded our world, round. What do you believe is it's shape?

19:17:24 Apr 11th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Online religious debates are about as stupid as it gets...just in case no one figured that point out.  Neither side will back down or change their minds...they will just say the other is stupid, lacking proof, or just stubborn.  Even if someone states something that the other side cannot disclaim, they can just throw something back and then the arguing starts back at square one.

19:22:58 Apr 11th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

That's what makes it very entertaining... :o)

19:36:11 Apr 11th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

The great depth of the Grand Canyon and especially the height of its strata (most of which formed below sea level) can be attributed to 5,000 to 10,000 feet (1500 to 3000 m) of uplift of the Colorado Plateau, starting about 65 million years ago (during the Laramide Orogeny). This uplift has steepened the stream gradient of the Colorado River and its tributaries, which in turn has increased their speed and thus their ability to cut through rock (see the elevation summary of the Colorado River for present conditions).

Weather conditions during the ice ages also increased the amount of water in the Colorado River drainage system. The ancestral Colorado River responded by cutting its channel faster and deeper.

The base level and course of the Colorado River (or its ancestral equivalent) changed 5.3 million years ago when the Gulf of California opened and lowered the river's base level (its lowest point). This increased the rate of erosion and cut nearly all of the Grand Canyon's current depth by 1.2 million years ago. The terraced walls of the canyon were created by differential erosion.

About one million years ago, volcanic activity (mostly near the western canyon area) deposited ash and lava over the area, which at times completely obstructed the river. These volcanic rocks are the youngest in the canyon.

Your god is dead. Your churches are dead. Your faith is dead.

I am alive. I believe in what i see, and what i understand. take your hocus pocus fairy tailes and pi$$ off back to the caves you came from and write a new story.

19:41:20 Apr 11th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

Like I said before ;) Everyone is wasting their breath and life.  Just show how little of a life you have :)

19:46:17 Apr 11th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

Your god is dead. Your churches are dead. Your faith is dead.

You are wrong in all account, The God I believe in is not dead nor alive God simply exist, well I don't have a church but if you meant the temples made by people, it's pretty much operational and functions as it should. and if it is about my faith... well what makes you believe that I have lost it?

20:11:52 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus IX:

Im gonna have to stand by Hirragi on that one. being ignorant to the existance of God doesn't make him any less real. May he have mercy on you at Jugement. My faith is very alive, and has allowed me to persevere, and the Church, the Ecclesia? Thats the body of beleivers, and while yes, we are killed, no, we are not all dead.

20:12:34 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus IX:

And I would like to know where the volcanoes are that this activity ensued from.

20:21:38 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus IX:

And on second thought, that seems rather detailed coming from someone who has been alive no longer than 80 years, and the people who studied it no doubt have lived no sooner than 150 years ago, as its discovery is fairly recent.

My point, is that if you believe only what you see, I first ask if you beleive everything you see, and secondly ask if you've seen it yourself, as well as seen it when it was created.

20:26:20 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

that's right, dismiss all reason and any logic thought :-)

your faith will help you :-D

god rules!!! hahaha :-p

20:47:21 Apr 11th 09 - Sir Santa:

Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa


4/11/2009 7:06:56 PMI believe the shape of our planet is based on how God coded our world, round. What do you believe is it's shape?

But how do you know the world is round? Very simple, you were taught so from the beginning by your parents, your teachers and everyone around you. But have you ever seen the round shape of the world with your own eyes? Most people never have yet they hold it to be the truth. It's the same with all religions. Many people believe it to be true, but why? Why do we all think to know the earth is round, when we simply don't know? We simply believe someone else has told us. Now I ask you, why?

21:30:15 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

because we evolved? and we are no longer primates (atleast some of us aren't)?

go get an education, learn how to reason.  

i suppose the sun is just a large disc?  a golfball is also a two-dimensional object? ...  there seems to be no limit on stupidity in this thread ...

22:45:39 Apr 11th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

You aren't helping...*sighs*

23:15:07 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

apparently :-p

23:30:38 Apr 11th 09 - Lord Lord of The Flies:

Glad I stepped out of the convo when I did...I made my points and bounced :)

23:42:37 Apr 11th 09 - Lord Lord of The Flies:

and man Charley for not enjoying this sure post a LOT in it :P

23:47:19 Apr 11th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

I did at first, but then again I am just sitting here and reading a psychology book for study.  I am studying internet addiction.  Fun huh?

00:40:34 Apr 12th 09 - Sir Santa:

Formatieduiker, if this thread is so stupid then help make it better by answering my question. Why do we believe something when the majority of the people believe it too?

03:08:30 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Theophilus IX:

Alas, the logic and reasoning can not explain the change that can happen within a person. That is the testament to the power of the Love of Jesus, that even the cruelest person can change. That has nothing to do with dinosaurs, but its what I base my life upon.

No one can say I haven't changed, but people surely can say that I have. Thats hard evidence. Im not an isolated event. Many others have also changed, however there are hypocrites among us who wear our name but have not.

07:49:19 Apr 12th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

Mr. Formatieduiker


4/12/2009 4:30:15 AM

because we evolved? and we are no longer primates (atleast some of us aren't)?

go get an education, learn how to reason.  

i suppose the sun is just a large disc?  a golfball is also a two-dimensional object? ...  there seems to be no limit on stupidity in this thread ...



07:49:24 Apr 12th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

Sorry for the double post, my computer is acting up because I punished it for not doing what I instructed him.

09:20:33 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

lol, keep living in denial, your god will save you, good luck :-)

if you want answers?  i don't like posting a 1000 pages, and none of you reading it or having the mental capacity to grasp the meaning of it all.  (= do your own research)

you don't bring arguements, you bring (false) believes/statements.

again, it is easier to have faith, than to think for yourself ...

oh yes, happy easter, did the bunnies bring you some eggs?   i got some!, i prayed last night and they haven't forgotten me! and even the sun was shining! and the chocolat didn't melt!!! surely, that must be proof of a divine intervention!  luckily i was full of faith ... without that it would be a horrible day today :-p

09:24:33 Apr 12th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

And here I thought Easter was a Christian holiday...I forgot a huge f*cking rabbit gives out chocolate for all the fat kids to eat and get even larger...happy commercialism! two are rediculous...

09:28:30 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

suiting the subject ... :-D

09:31:48 Apr 12th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

This was a troll topic to begin with -_-  obviously you missed that little tidbit...

09:43:13 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

yup, that's it :-)

11:59:11 Apr 12th 09 - Sir Santa:

"lol, keep living in denial, your god will save you, good luck :-)"

How do you know there is no god then?

12:26:01 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Josef:

How do you know there aren't any fairies, elves or Santa?

13:44:19 Apr 12th 09 - Sir Santa:

I don't know if they exist or not. Well I know I exist but the fairies and the's all a big mystery to me :S

14:08:04 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Theophilus IX:


14:17:24 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

Sir Santa


4/12/2009 12:40:34 AM
Formatieduiker, if this thread is so stupid then help make it better by answering my question. Why do we believe something when the majority of the people believe it too?


because you are weak, insecure, ignorant? because you need a group to get enough recognition, to feel 'safe'? because you are like 'sheep'? because you have no education? because you are shortsighted/blind? afraid to face reality? etcetc

it doesn't even have anything to do with religion, religion is just one of its manifestations ... remember WW2? or racism? the exact same mechanism ...

dogmatic thinking.

(actuall studies have been made about that ... i'm sure, with some faith, you can find them yourself :-)  )

14:41:56 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Theophilus IX:

God Bless you, Formatieduiker.

14:45:48 Apr 12th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

lol, keep living in denial, your god will save you, good luck :-)

if you want answers?  i don't like posting a 1000 pages, and none of you reading it or having the mental capacity to grasp the meaning of it all.  (= do your own research)

you don't bring arguements, you bring (false) believes/statements.

again, it is easier to have faith, than to think for yourself ...

oh yes, happy easter, did the bunnies bring you some eggs?   i got some!, i prayed last night and they haven't forgotten me! and even the sun was shining! and the chocolat didn't melt!!! surely, that must be proof of a divine intervention!  luckily i was full of faith ... without that it would be a horrible day today :-p

Lol, divine intervention? easter bunny? sicko...

So far you haven't said anything that might contribute to the conversation but heckle, your stupid this your stupid that. and make ridiculous childish coments. You bluff about knowledge you don't posess. You have just been repeating things you have already said. If your belief is just as shallow as 1000 pages of human fabricated information, I don't want to see it. You will just be relaying information that other people have thought of without even a speck of your own mind.

14:49:16 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

hahaha, yes, now think about what you just said :-)

14:57:56 Apr 12th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

no more comebacks?... Pwnt! :D

15:00:25 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

:-D only until you wake up.   

15:02:42 Apr 12th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

The only way you will consider anyone awake is if the peson agrees with you, thus there wouldn't be any conversation.

15:25:20 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

do you consider a more reasonable explanation? 

no. why? see answer to santa's question :-)

you cannot show/proof/explain anything, the only thing you can say, that that's the way it is ... ... how old are you? 3?   when you're asked to reason, then you start denying/questioning facts and reasonable thinking?

enjoy your festivities today, celebrate and thank your god for his greatness and your pathetic life :-p  , 

15:46:01 Apr 12th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

you cannot show/proof/explain anything, the only thing you can say, that that's the way it is ... ... how old are you? 3(fail pretty much)?   when you're asked to reason, then you start denying/questioning facts and reasonable thinking?

have you ever said anything to disprove God's existence? you just kept telling there are mountains and mountains of proof. but hasn't presented any. You don't even know what I believe in and you blindly spew about fairy tales and about religion that does not concern my belief.

did the bunnies bring you some eggs? you want me to answer to that? lol

15:54:04 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

why would i need to disproof something that doesn't exist? there is nothing that points into the direction of a 'creator'?

16:11:44 Apr 12th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

why would i need to disproof something that doesn't exist?

to prove to me your point of which is conflicted with mine?

Thus is the mechanic of this thread.

16:26:42 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Formatieduiker:

excuse me?  maybe you can make a reasonable statement? something different than makebelief?

16:32:25 Apr 12th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

im back to dismantle some athiests :P someone summarize what everyone has said since i left lol

16:33:37 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Josef:

It seems that no matter how many times this is pointed out, people just refuse to understand. From a logical stand point it's impossible to prove a negative, what this means for those of you that are not the sharpest tools in the shed is that it's impossible to prove that God doesn't exist, just like it's impossible to prove that elves, fairies, Santa and the Flying Spaghetti Monster don't exist.

Just because something can't be disproven does not constitute evidence of existance, it's just sound logical thinking.

The burden of proof is on those that support a positive, in this case, that God does exist, because positives can be proven.

We neither don't have to, nor need to disprove god, it's not our job. I've written this in a simple terms as I could, in the vain hope that at least some of you might understand it.

"im back to dismantle some athiests :P someone summarize what everyone has said since i left lol"

Why don't you run along back into the sand box and let the adults speak.

16:38:43 Apr 12th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

Mr. Formatieduiker


4/12/2009 8:20:33 AM

lol, keep living in denial, your god will save you, good luck :-)

if you want answers?  i don't like posting a 1000 pages, and none of you reading it or having the mental capacity to grasp the meaning of it all.  (= do your own research)

you don't bring arguements, you bring (false) believes/statements.

again, it is easier to have faith, than to think for yourself ...

oh yes, happy easter, did the bunnies bring you some eggs?   i got some!, i prayed last night and they haven't forgotten me! and even the sun was shining! and the chocolat didn't melt!!! surely, that must be proof of a divine intervention!  luckily i was full of faith ... without that it would be a horrible day today :-p

i liked this one.

n.o1 its a catholic not christian event.

n.o2 it is a event to worship the coming of new life. hatching. eggs get it. you claim you have such reasoning but so far you seem to post one smart post then 59 dumb ones then one smart post.

16:40:41 Apr 12th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

Mr. Josef


4/12/2009 3:33:37 PMIt seems that no matter how many times this is pointed out, people just refuse to understand. From a logical stand point it's impossible to prove a negative, what this means for those of you that are not the sharpest tools in the shed is that it's impossible to prove that God doesn't exist, just like it's impossible to prove that elves, fairies, Santa and the Flying Spaghetti Monster don't exist.

Just because something can't be disproven does not constitute evidence of existance, it's just sound logical thinking.

The burden of proof is on those that support a positive, in this case, that God does exist, because positives can be proven.

We neither don't have to, nor need to disprove god, it's not our job. I've written this in a simple terms as I could, in the vain hope that at least some of you might understand it.

"im back to dismantle some athiests :P someone summarize what everyone has said since i left lol"

Why don't you run along back into the sand box and let the adults speak.

you just posted our point. how can you come and tell us something  cant exist for a fact if it can never be proven a negative.

also some things can.

we can prove that there is no uplifting force stronger then gravity that is always operational by not floating.
we can prove there is no god by dieng and not coming back. it just cant be proven any time soon.

16:41:55 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Josef:

16:43:35 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Josef:

"we can prove that there is no uplifting force stronger then gravity that is always operational by not floating."

No you *beep*ing *beep*, you prove that Gravity exists, and by proving that Gravity exists you show that there is no uplifting force greater than gravity.

What the *beep* do they teach you in those american schools? And I use the term losely.

16:44:16 Apr 12th 09 - Mr. Josef:

pic is in theme with the day ^^

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