Forums / In game politics / CARNAGE DIE !! II

22:11:04 Jun 21st 08 - Mr. Justin:

honestly if carnage needs to merge and attack ford, then ford is definetly gonna win

22:52:17 Jun 21st 08 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

Its a compliment, I admit I couldnt beat him on my own, this way we shall see :)

00:36:14 Jun 22nd 08 - Sir Binh The Reborn:

Carnage always needed a merge to fight. Never seen them fight successfully alone :P

00:57:50 Jun 22nd 08 - Sir Brannigans Law:

my money is on carnage RoFing fords puny shamans

02:35:06 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Mr. Ignis The Virus


6/21/2008 10:52:24 PM

Fordy! you must kill the carnage scout while they are mergin' into it :P.

Good one :p

02:58:22 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

is one man better than 100? if i walked into the crusades im sure i would have died if i was the only man fighting for my side. it woulde be me vs all of them. the power is overwhelming

03:53:18 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. New Person:

Yes Caradoc one man can be better then 100. Look at the great leaders of the past, the people who have led empires, the people who made things great.

You need examples?
Alexander the Great
Julius Caesar
William Wallace
Richard the Lionheart
Napoleon Bonaparte

Each of them have led their respected [besides France] empires to become great in history [besides France of course]. Each one of them was one man, they did what one million men could not. Could have they done it without lesser men? Of course not, but the lesser men could not have done what they have done, no matter how many of them.

So yes, one man most doubtlessly can be better then 10, 100, 1,000, 1,000,000 or 1,000,000,000 men.

03:53:19 Jun 22nd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

William Wallace killed 100 men. He cut through them like...hmm... Moses through the Red Sea?

03:55:33 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

^^^ you've been watching to much Braveheart Lelouch

13:31:27 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

those guys ain't one man, they are million soldiers led by one spirit who gets all the blame or all the glory.

13:40:05 Jun 22nd 08 - Sir Revengee:

[ Insert witty " This is Sparta " Comment here ]


13:40:23 Jun 22nd 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

and it isnt ford vs 4 carnage guys either :) its one man commanding armies

13:42:18 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Elliott:

i would agree with william but hes an alcoholic :P

14:18:56 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

ford u cant have mutch more then 50k nazzy if u razed all your buildings. adn trained with saved income..
i could send u some 30k nazzy but thats like 100-150 ticks away

owned by Mr. Fordius

14:21:18 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

obviously the only standing city.(armory)


city info
owner: mr. fordiuskingdom banner
size: 12000 building(s).
kingdom: solo guys
gates: no gates

holds the massive nazzy *beep*...

shure u cant lose if u razed everything you have but that doesnt mean u won.

14:32:59 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

We should make a bug thread. It shouldn't be allowed to raze your towns and then train with saved income.

Fordius is a damn cheater :(

15:05:22 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

they are not abbuseing we are whineing (-_-')

15:35:45 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:


I think your English teacher was drunk when she taught you guys that thing with adding "ing" at the end of some verbs and accidently added an "e" before it :p

P.S. : Joke, not flame :p

19:22:08 Jun 22nd 08 - Sir Binh The Reborn:

yeah it is a cheap tactic but it have it's disadvantage Dreadlord. It's not like one of those abuse where there's no disadvantage. For example feeding. Fix feeding first before you fix ford's tactic :P

19:26:34 Jun 22nd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Ford's tactic is an 'all in' of sorts. Someone doesn't pull that unless they're already on the ropes, and it's not like he can use it again if he was successful.

00:39:22 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

WTF? I was being sarcastic.

I sure hope you were just debating the issue and not replying to my "It's a bug, we should fix it" post :p

01:29:06 Jun 23rd 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Richard the Lionheart=?????????

What a frack did he acomplish? what empire did he build........

And I do notice you failed to mention the one person who created the biggest empire there ever was and that in a life time = Ghengis Khan. all the ones you mentioned had pretty good armies to start with.

03:41:45 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:


Oh and id so pick Joan of Arc over Richard the Lionheart.... Oh and I dont like his name.

06:01:27 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Darth Vader, hell yeah.

07:12:16 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Drunkoldman:

MC Hammer? anyone?

09:36:06 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. William The Alcoholic:

our great dutch pride... the most ugly prince/king of all!!! William III!!! (and II for the scotisch)

12:27:16 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Fordius:

It's so fun when people think they know me or that they know what I do :)

who knows brainerd is or isn't my last colony.
maybe I've 10k nazguls maybe 1mil :) come and find out :)
all those guesses don't compare me with yourself cause I'm better :P (flame flame)

hehe :P
nah I'm still waiting for the carnage guys to come :P
they have backed down for the moment ( giving me more time to train & build up )

I'm almost back @ my old income :P so that's going to be fun :P

13:50:25 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Scoutkiller with 4 soldiers awaiting your orders, Mr. More Inactive Than You...

Brainerd is defended by 764650 soldiers who seem to be armed with magic weapons and mithril armor. The city is also defended by 5311 peasants.
Brainerd has 0 walls, which provide 0% extra defence.
Our strategists say that we currently have around 0% chance of success for any attack.
We have prepared 1 days for this attack. It will take another 25 days before our soldiers are fully prepared.

They have no resources in the city so there is no point in plundering it.

This city has no food.


Before the army left the town :D

14:58:21 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

All Fordi needs to fight off the armies of millions of Carnage people is two large cliffs, a small path that runs through them, a red cape, helmet, spear and shield. ;-)

16:10:20 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Drunken:

Watched 300? cep this time there are more armies involved for both sides ;)

16:12:22 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Fordius:

Merge Support XII & CO (merged)

Army Info
Commander:Mr. Von DarkmoorKingdom Banner
Size:Horde (Millions)
Status:Moving North East

16:15:22 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Fordius is getting scared :)

Carnage are going for the slaughter :)

21:15:34 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

omg ford i do know u :P.
btw u did a great era this time mutch better then before where u dinnt do muth the first 800 ticks of the era then sloughter everyone the next 200.

21:25:31 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

(i know you very well couse im your stalker fan :P)

21:26:47 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

mr. inactive guy.
ford has produces 150k+ nazzy's in previous era's.

21:40:50 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Wow. Where nazguls tier 1 units back then?

22:00:37 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Velil:

Inactive, you reall seem to underestimate ford.
It's gonna be a close one. but that horde is millions.

22:00:42 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Were* lol sorry :)

I beg your pardon Velil, but I don't understand what that picture is trying to prove. Nevertheless, I am not underestimating Ford, too bad too many people take me serious regarding this issue...

P.S. : I see that area (as well as the rest of the map) anyway...

P.P.S. : EDIT POST Fight FTW :) Velil deleted his picture cause it made no sense haha :)

22:12:09 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

btw best geass video site i know.

(i miss u stage6) / please grow ''stage-next''

22:24:14 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:


23:02:07 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Velil:

yeah, made sense to me till i clickedo n the merge and realized one didn't die, but they just merged, and i was like well *beep*, nice knowing you ford.

02:10:34 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

Hey if he made 150K nazzie last era.. did they accused him of cheating??? It's more that 400K catapults!!

02:12:58 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Go FORD!!!!! ^^

Oh and Ernie has a present for you when you win... xD -->    =( )

02:14:38 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

BTW.....Wraith likes it rough

02:15:38 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. The Great Elf:

when r u actually going to fight u said u were close at the begining of the thread

02:16:48 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

"Hey if he made 150K nazzie last era.. did they accused him of cheating??? It's more that 400K catapults!!"

the problem with hte 400k catas was that they came i nthe middle of the era. the nazzies could have been late in the era which is possible if a lot of gold is saved up and then a big land drop

02:17:18 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Oh yes. Its the best way.... -.-

And GE, they fight in 10-ish ticks, I heard =P

02:20:37 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

Well human has 0-10% discount + free stg plus landrop plus free upkeep a 400K cata in the middle of the era is possible....

02:24:33 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

and here is a pic of the front with carnage and ford


the carnage city ahs teh carnage merge and im not sure where fords army is but thats the closest city to their merge

PS sorry bout all the white haha i dont want to fix it =P

03:45:28 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Stalin:

Go ford!!!

it takes all of carnage to take out ford...lmao.

ford is so good that an exp kd that has 36 members in it, still cant even take him out :p

kudos for ford!


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