Forums / In game politics / CARNAGE DIE !! II

23:22:27 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

If you had checked, Venomz left to join Havoc, he had had a poor start and decided to go , so they were native, now no one would just leave them (all KD's would take them). He didnt return and would have done had he been feeding, it was his decision and he took it

23:24:49 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Just seemed a lil convenient your #1 HOH player got both the cities in our LOS.

23:27:18 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

They were next to his main armoury and he was quick off the mark, but yes I see your point, however it was not intentional.

23:30:16 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Yes i admit one was directly next to it. But one was a fair walk away and as this was close to your war front. Any members could have gotten the second before him.


As for napping Music...i have heard either way, regardless, you CFed them if not NAPed and focussed on an already under pressure DB.

Edit : Had this been a mirror image of last era, you would have been stretching yourselfs, fighting Music, Legacy, DB and WOL.


Pretty close comparisons there, Music for Zeon, Legacy for Legacy, DB for Carnage and WOL for PKS.

Altho with diminishing numbers of KDs on Fant it isnt possible to mirror image last era. As if you warred legacy then your only NAPs were sheo and PKS....but still, you cannot come close to comparing what you did last era to what DB did.

You did OK this era, i had hoped that DBs efforts last era to challenge itself might make other KDs do it too. But the game is getting worse and nobody likes a challenge anymore.

23:40:01 Jun 25th 08 - General Ezatious:

what DB did? hmm lol

23:40:13 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

Hey I will be happy with ok :)

This was by no means one of our better era's and we still have alot of things to improve upon. but I think from our discussions this era that Carnage will take the steps necessary to move the KD in the right direction and hopefully will suprise some people, but we shall see :)

23:43:31 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Elsin:

"i had hoped that DBs efforts last era to challenge itself"

??? O.o

23:50:05 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

@ EZ sorry...i dont like to group Sheo and Trio under what we did, as they did their own stuff too and it wasnt like we did everything yes, what DB did.

@Elsin yes...a challenge, you know fighting 3 fronts and not using diplomatics to solve 2 of them. the opposite of what legacy did, NAP Music and CF Binh to leave 1, tough era for you guys. Take a rest next era.

23:57:08 Jun 25th 08 - Sir Stalin:

Carnage and LGC suck major a$$  =D

00:13:43 Jun 26th 08 - General Ezatious:

So nothing then? as a whole id say the alliance did something... on your own umm no :)

00:26:02 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

Mr. Aligreat


6/25/2008 4:18:18 PM

Now correct me if i'm wrong but DB in fact had Nap's with Sheol, Trio and Wol last era and fought 2 KD's (3 Nap's never!!!).


So Carnage+Legacy+PKS+Zeon = 2...exactly

As for the one you fed off. It was on your front so im sure you saw it. Survivor took the cities it was Venomz. Went by the name Farm I Harm i think.


you sir are crazy. blame it on me that surviver was able to farm because it really was. i droped venom right down their so he had a free upkeep. is this farming letting him have an income when he was below -200k per tick? i think its called stratigy to let him train more advents to get down their and fight you guys. and von was wasying your blaming us for having 3 naps while you had 3 naps last era. last era all the weak kingdom had to join up and try and defend what they could. hey we havent said anything about you naps this era have we? nope. we could care less. in fact you guys were almost ahead of us at one point this era. but you never did pull in first. you know you had 2 of your pets come try and *beep* us over hence this thread. dont give me the *beep* "oh its their choice what they do, they arent part of us". BOUL *beep*! what kingdom is bihn in now? DB. who was he with? SOLO. who has he always been with? DB. he has a hatred for carnage. he leaves every era then crawls bck to you after a bitter defeat. ford, well hes held his own this era but he has naped EVERYONE BUT carnage. so again dont give us *beep* because we are BETTER


one last thing, PKS and Carnage are one, not two. it appears as if because they techniaclly are but they are perminate. not like they were a major factor. and when we naped LGC they were below you guys when last era you naped all those kingdom while all ahead of the 4 allies

00:31:34 Jun 26th 08 - General Ezatious:


00:32:36 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Ah ok...if you wanna look at it like that. What did your alliance acheive this era...beat DB and WOL.

Even when you look at it like that your lacking in acheivements.

00:47:11 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Fordius:

Caradoc to be honest.
@ some certain point I was going to war Music.

I only have a deal with DB & LGC and I recently signed a CF with Music yes.
but people like you make me wanna come towards your kingdom I mean it's not a cuinsident that everyone seems to have some negative feelings towards Carnage is it ?
Or please enlighten me if I'm wrong :)

I could have warred other kingdom next to you guys
but other things were starting to take over my time and stuff so that's why I later in the era concentrated on 1 kingdom and that was carnage ( and that's only just because of people like you and nothing more )


01:09:45 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

i honestly dont know where to begin with caradocs post. Its like he has vomited every idea that has been fed into his head onto the forum here.


i droped venom right down their so he had a free upkeep

No idea what you mean tbh, only thing i can derive from it is that you logged as venom and planted his cities there??? i dunno, its uncomprehensible *beep* tbh.


You say you consider feeding strategy...ok guess we should have taken over our inactives. But we all know had we done that there wudda been whining on the forum immediately.


Yes we napped 3 last era...we also had Legacy, PKS, Carnage and Zeon to fight. It warranted 3 NAPs.

Fighting DB and WOL does not warrant NApping Legacy, Sheolic,  PKS and Music.

As for PKS being insignificant or however you put it. They still had to be dealt with. So after eras of disputing Carnage and PKS being 1kd your now arguing you are one. You just say what suits at the time dont you guys.


Our NAPs this era. Sheo, Trio and WOL. To fight Legacy, Carnage, PKS.

Your alliance this era Legacy+Carnage was napped to Sheo and Music and fought WOL and DB....big difference.


Look at either era if you wish.


As for Binh...would we not have benefitted from having his big armies in our merge when legacy turned us away. Or when we were close to breaking you guys early on. I wish he had been with us. But he wasnt able to be active so he left the KD to try solo stuff. We are his friends, so obviously he would war you guys over us. We had no influence over him. If we had i wudda told him to tell Legacy to shove the 24 CF up their *beep* but he didnt and paid the price for trusting them.


The reason we didnt quite pull over going ahead of you guys was we were fighting so much. If you were down fighting with Von Darkmoor you would know how much we were fighting at that stage.

01:28:17 Jun 26th 08 - General Ezatious:



never heard so much dribble

01:31:46 Jun 26th 08 - General Ezatious:

You say you consider feeding strategy...ok guess we should have taken over our inactives. But we all know had we done that there wudda been whining on the forum immediately.


<<< umm no you take over your actives instead to feed someone to #1 ;)

01:45:34 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

"Yes we napped 3 last era...we also had Legacy, PKS, Carnage and Zeon to fight. It warranted 3 NAPs."


You had the top 3 KDs in Fantasia for the most part -_- more like overkill.......

01:48:35 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

ernie havnt you ever noticed that in msot eras its one band of KDs that are naped that always end up on top? its usually like this becasue the top kingdoms for that era will have won all their wars and then have other naps with the other people who won their wars

its not always like that but ive noticed it happens a lot

01:53:57 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Hmm....or how they were the top kds before they even set up their alliance against everyone not talking about the END of the the end of the era the remaining kds napped with each other are supposed to be on this case the top ones were NAPed from the beginning....

03:16:30 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

Sir Ernie The Orange


6/25/2008 6:53:57 PM
Hmm....or how they were the top kds before they even set up their alliance against everyone not talking about the END of the the end of the era the remaining kds napped with each other are supposed to be on this case the top ones were NAPed from the beginning....

that was my main point of my argument that was just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.

@ali, look (if i havent destroyed it yet, it was close to being wrecked when i posted that) where (if you can) where townsville is *im sure you rember. surviver had the strongest army in the game at one point, remeber? he was preping on townsville. im sure you do. so he had an extra city down their to fall back to but he left his troops in the merge so when your in your own city you still have to pay upkeep. so then i WILLING droped my city, Venom down so he had free upkeep. its techniclly not feeding

03:30:13 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Ernie last era DB had Zeon,Trio,Carnage,PKS,Legacy,WOL and Sheolic in their immediate area...honestly i didnt think we stood a chance.

We chose 3 of those KDs. WOL, Trio and Sheo. Sheo and WOL ended up warring so they were weakened. Legacy had that AOD people to deal with immediately and were able to build up better than any of our NAPs. Eventually DB and Trio came, but your talking initially.

You guys died...and you know its because you guys made no troops untill it was way to learned from it atleast.

PKS didnt come into contact with anyone for quite a while. So Legacy and PKS get building up time. I think your side had a way better situation.

DB and Trio with crap all building room being packed in. Sheo and WOL warring.

Alot worse situation than yours, only Carnage really had a bad OOP. The other 2 did fine and Zeon escaped to another area to rebuild.

So was ours friendly KDs the biggest at the time. We were small untill we ate you guys.


lol @ EZ...great contribution. Why not just shut up. Untill Legacy stop with their pussy style of play anything you say carries no weight.

03:47:46 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

i guess the real thing that pissed me off this era is that zeta said their were 15 starting spots for kingdoms and yet he still clustered all the big ones in one area which ticked me off

03:56:22 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

I guess he got the last laugh.

"Hah those guys are gonna blow the hell out of each other while I sit here and watch the massacres.....muahahha"

03:59:51 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

U sure caradoc?

We had a fair march to reach you guys and then even further for legacy.

Guess we shudda whored instead of going looking for you guys. oh well

04:10:57 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Stalin sucks major @$$ for bashing Lgc only to try and get back in your old group's good graces.

04:16:07 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

well DB was realy the only ones a way out. LGC, and Music were exactly right next to us. the WoL were IN our core. so thats 4 in our area....

05:39:39 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

to stop this... why not try this next era.... NO NAPs IN FANTASIA..


05:42:26 Jun 26th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Fizban you do it behind Legacy's back so why you calling people out?

i've seen your ingame msgs to ppl outside the kd about your opinions of Legacy

you guys in legacy should really stop being so hypocritical and interjecting your insignifant posts into a conversation that is fine without you.  Why do you always have to be such jerks...?  all in the fun of the game right Ez?

05:42:42 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

^^^ Good idea Boy Negro

05:45:40 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

oh come on plz....with Legacy on Fant.

They are chronic NAPers and struggle to not NAP everyone on the map, i dont think we will see them with less than 3 NAPs anytime soon...well i guess they would use some creative name for CFs and stuff to get around that

06:25:19 Jun 26th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

So the flaming from "Fantasia Wars" has gone to "CARNAGE DIE !!".

A few things I want to clear up, and then you can go back to your flaming.

As for last era, DB NAP'd two kingdoms initially. Both of the kingdoms where recently formed, and one was a real newb Kingdom coming fresh from Mantrax. DB took a chance with those two kingdoms and it payed off. On the matter of WoL, I was in Trio last era so I would know, they NAP'd WoL for us (Trio). We wanted to have a little fun and since we couldn't get down south to play with Carnage we fought WoL.

The second thing I noticed Carnage calling Legacy Farmers. LGC is a lot of things, whoring for score? sure.........farming? No, but this era, even though they NAP'd most of VU, they where the real cause of your "Victory". I saw the battles, I was in the battles, and if it was not for LGC breaking through in the East and another of their merges coming in from our north Carnage would have never broken through.

Even as I type, if DB NAP'd LGC, then the field would look very different right now, but instead they decided to fight against all odds. Now they are going to be killed, but at least they did what most KDs only want to do. They basically fought the whole map, they didn't win, but they put up a hell of a fight.

06:37:50 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Giggator:

I vote we go back to the Good old days of everybody versus legacy/mafia....

06:40:27 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Justin:

I still think Boy Negro has the best idea by far

07:22:32 Jun 26th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

BN is dreaming in a dream land while eating his imaginary lollipop

Oh and before I go I want to say one thing. Nubsic is losing to SHEOL!!! What did I say before? That they where farmers.........SHEOL proved it.

07:27:23 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

Sir Drunken


6/25/2008 7:04:59 PM
Tell us which kd nv farm at all this whole era... What is farming? Building 1 mine and not spending 100% on troops is farming... Stupid to blame kds for that. Might as well put it under the bugs section.


trio and shelo didnt farm this era and the only real oop war was shelo vs trio.

08:03:38 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Elsin:

"@Elsin yes...a challenge, you know fighting 3 fronts and not using diplomatics to solve 2 of them."

"i had hoped that DBs efforts last era to challenge itself might make other KDs do it too."

Naping (or arguably MAP'ing) the second largest kingdom on Fantasia (after DB), and MAP'ing another normal sized kingdom. A big Sheol buffer on one side and a Trio buffer on the other side.

The idea that you challenged yourself last era is a joke. You gained allies where others did not. It worked well as always, but same old story... Using this "challenge" in one of your "DB will show VU the way" type posts is just poor taste.

"i dont think we will see them with less than 3 NAPs anytime soon"

Last era...

08:14:50 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Giggator:

Duke Fafnir The Odd


6/25/2008 11:22:32 PMBN is dreaming in a dream land while eating his imaginary lollipop

Oh and before I go I want to say one thing. Nubsic is losing to SHEOL!!! What did I say before? That they where farmers.........SHEOL proved it.

Im joining the bandwagon, bought 2 weeks ago when Music's leadership *beep*ed up so bad it wasn't even funny i left.

08:16:12 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

too much yapping and babbling going on

09:19:42 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Gilth:

/me smiles

09:38:47 Jun 26th 08 - Death Lord Draven:

i don't see a difference in what Carnage did this era and what DB did last era, it's luck of the draw on whom you nap etc. DB earned my respect last era, don't kill that with pointless flaming etc. as for Ford and Bihn, i had fun fighting those guys, kept the game interesting. as for LGC all i can say is they rock and have been faithful and honorable allies for many era's. LGC has pulled our butts out of jams more times then i can remember and they were the only reason we had a fighting chance last era when we were beaten oop. PKS is our brothers and lots of our members consider them the same kingdom, we would never betray PKS and they know that. when we allied DB several era's back, what i can say is they are and were honorable, we did have our problems, but no where near the probs we had with PHI over terms, but we remained honorable even when most wanted to break those terms.

with all being said, let's finish this era and then move on to the next.

09:42:03 Jun 26th 08 - Death Lord Draven:

but one other point i want to make, strategy wise, DB kicked ass last era. i think Quietone and Mielow and the rest of DB have shown they can fight with the best of us all.

i'm out.

09:47:20 Jun 26th 08 - Prince Melow:

Sir Ernie The Orange


6/26/2008 1:45:34 AM

"Yes we napped 3 last era...we also had Legacy, PKS, Carnage and Zeon to fight. It warranted 3 NAPs."


You had the top 3 KDs in Fantasia for the most part -_- more like overkill.......

About this ...
we made our naps at era start ... there was no sign of who would become a massive power and who wouldn't. A kingdom can only make itself powerful if it fights that way ... or in some cases whore ... but I'm sure it was the first one in our ranks ;)

ps, thx for the compliment draven, likewise :)

10:14:36 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

Duke Fafnir The Odd


6/26/2008 2:22:32 PM
BN is dreaming in a dream land while eating his imaginary lollipop

Oh and before I go I want to say one thing. Nubsic is losing to SHEOL!!! What did I say before? That they where farmers.........SHEOL proved it.

hahaha you made me laugh... what I said was a joke... I know nobody in fantasia want to fight all kingdom... there won't be "No Naps in Fantasia" thing. But since you said something like this, you have shown your just afraid of fighting all kingdoms.

10:15:08 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

Another suggestion. bring back the GOOD VS EVIL!!!

10:16:41 Jun 26th 08 - Prince Melow:

well if you do that ... make sure the teams are balanced fair ... I remember being on the evil side back then and evil was no match against good ... :p all the veterans and more experienced players were in good :)

10:21:08 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

a random would do!

10:33:33 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

LOL, I can think of some really freaky line-ups :p

P.S. : Draven, I thought Carnage and Phi were friends :(

10:35:02 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro Bukis:

LOL Phi wars all kingdoms....

10:37:21 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Not at the same time :p

Anyway, we used to have problems with Carnage but nowhere near the flamewars with Legacy and Dark Blood. So I'm quite surprised to hear Draven saying that Carnage-Phi relations were bad...

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