Forums / In game politics / War of Fantasia

War of Fantasia
23:31:02 Nov 22nd 07 - Lord Ladybug:

@Donut & Lady G: Somehow, I guessed that. Best wishes to the both of you. * winks at Lady G *
Good fight all round, though now all of us are going into a deadlock now. Until something drastic happens, in my humble opinion, that will be the way....

00:52:42 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Barny:

Well, I think that this era the East end war between Lgc, DB, FF vs Mad, PHI is pretty much a total standstill.

On the West end, Carnage and PKs eliminated all of their targets, Zeon (my kd), and Preds.

Fant hasn't really been too exiting this era. I'm with Zeon, but still on Fant until the whole  Carnage killing everyone thing settles down... but for the rest of the era I think it will be fun to try to burn every Carnage city I see =)

01:32:33 Nov 23rd 07 - The Juchi:

Through the eye we can see this information about The Stging from Mr. Black Ice[MAD]:
 Stging from Mr. Black Ice

moments later

 Stging from Mr. Black Ice

fantasia aint for the faint o heart

Long Live Swifty

01:34:21 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Architect:

Holy crap, thats awesome.

01:34:22 Nov 23rd 07 - Dreadlord Noiralav:

hmm Binh had 200k and was accused of cheated...that guy had 500k:o


01:37:02 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Tommy Chong:

01:37:55 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Plague:

lol thats alot but archmages still rule

02:05:52 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

With the above eits' in mind, I think the image below is rather fitting. Seems Black Ice forgot his sun-tan lotion when he went to play out today with the big boys, and got burnt to a crisp.

That aside for a moment, it's amusing to note Binh was accused of being fed for running around with 200k catas (which he wasn't, they were legit), while this guy pulled out near enough 500k catas today and nobody bats an eyelid. Mind you, they didn't last long, so you can be forgiven, but it's still amusing none the less.

(That's it gragpa. Accredit me all the victories, and toss the losses at Sezys feet! Who can forget the travesty with Val!)

02:15:15 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

And this just gets even better, MAD get accounts deleted for multying. AGAIN.

Strawberry	berry	(Too many accounts)
Black Ice black (Too many accounts)
Hilario larry (Too many accounts)

This seems to happen every era..

Knew it had too be too good to be true.

  • They kick members out of their kingdom, take over their cities
  • Feed each other to create mass armies (500k catas!)
  • And now get deleted for multying. Must be like the 5th time?

02:33:09 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Gracielo:

Oh poor Strawberry, always having her account deleted.
Well having played with MAD in the past eras, as far as i know, this black ice guy is Strawberry's "online boyfriend" or whatsoever so they seem to use each others account. Its a pity,  hope we can see you again in the coming eras.

*hugs Strawberry

04:47:59 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Lol "online boyfriend". That's even less believable than saying it's your "little brother".

05:48:22 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Ridukuluz:

[12:46] mr. barny: i am just lingering on fant, causing carnage an pks ass hurting
for(var i=0;i<15;i++) {document.write('');}

08:59:01 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

Troops Ready Injured
Gaia: 1 0
Hammerthrowers: 0 0
Ogres: 0 0
Shamans: 49582 0
Nazguls: 9916 0
Peasants: 0 0

sitting bored haveing no enemies he can reach in time for anything.. :D

13:01:57 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

somewhere you cant get in 400 ticks?

13:07:28 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

bye the time i get there there will be no enemy left

13:30:30 Nov 23rd 07 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

ore tehre wikll be no nazies left from your army ..:P  becouse whit 50k  shamans you get burned >:P

12:54:53 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

yes its on the low side but eneies have no magic and i hav magic lv 6 sow :D

12:56:02 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

shouldnt it be 

10 MU   : 1 nazgul 


14:24:38 Nov 25th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

it all depends on the kd and mage you are fighting and at what point of the era ;)

14:59:55 Nov 25th 07 - General Ezatious:

:o theres war on fantasia? where? please point me in the direction

15:01:26 Nov 25th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

i think he means swifty and valar fighting over the last sausage

16:44:36 Nov 25th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

yep thats all ;)

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