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REBELLION [not accepting pla..
12:10:17 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Alban VII:



Efresil looked around, jumping at the slightest sound. He ran his hand through his dark brown hair, sweeping aside the strands that fell in front of his dark green eyes. Footsteps nearby startled him, and he ducked down, concealing his presence behind the wall of a house that had fallen down, only two walls remaining upright. He heard low voices talking, and he strained to hear, but he could decipher nothing.

Once the voices moved on, Efresil made his move. With inhuman speed, he quickly sped down the street of the city, making his way to the exit of that accursed place. With a yelp he jumped back, a soldier had appeared in front of him. He drew his twin elven swords from either side of him, and attacked.

The soldier was well trained, and fought well, parrying Efresils attacks, and attacking himself with controlled fury when he got the chance. Then he made his mistake. He lifted his sword, intending to chop it down towards Armanasks neck. But in doing so, he left his stomach and torso unguarded. Armanask took the opportunity, and the next thing he knew the soldier was lying dead at his feet, a hole through his stomach.

Efresil received no more trouble during his escape. He ran out of the gates of the city. Freedom beckoned. He drew back his hood, revealing pointed ears. He stood and waited, for there were others that had attempted to escape with him. He had gone first, then at five minute intervals so did the others, all taking a different route. Altogether fifty of them were attempting to escape. He hid himself behind a spur of rocks, and wrapped his cloak more tightly around him, pulling the hood back up. Now the wait began.


Efresil waited patiently for the others to appear. He knew that it could take a long time, as their departure may have been delayed, or even stopped altogether, by soldiers. He shifted slightly, making himself more comfortable. He ground was hard, already frozen, frost had appeared, coating every surface, making the ground sparkle.  The full moon shone brightly, making the area as bright as day.

Efresil tensed as a figure dropped over the wall. Efresil quickly hid himself as the figure began to walk purposefully in his direction. He drew one of his twin blades, and lay in wait. If this was an enemy, they would wish they had never been born

18:22:00 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Must... Not... Let... Them... Catch me!
Running, running, running. That had been Eriaeus' life for the past three days, running, fighting and running a little more. Unfortunately, he hadn't always ran fast enough, or fought well enough. His shoulder was afire with agony where it had been hit by an arrow. The gash across his face was more recent, and had stemmed from a sword. That one had been more skilled than the bladesmen. Checking behind him, Erunion realized he'd lost them. He then cast an eye in the sky, searching the area for his pursuers.
I can't see them... Where are they? There! They've stopped at the city gates, and are going into the barracks!
He'd lost them at last!
Stopping, he looked around, scanning his surroundings, in the distance he saw another elf crouching down with two blades drawn, and someone else walking purposefully towards the aforementioned elf...

18:31:24 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

Xerxus had been watching this elf for the last few hours.

The black shadow behind Efresil moved settling into a more comfortable place.

Intresting, he seems to be ready to fight almost everyone at the slightest hint of danger. He reminds me of a Half-Elf. He can't be a full elf. Their must be some trace of human blood in him.

18:42:29 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Revenge looked from the bushes with his long sword clenched in his giant right hand
He saw a man holding his shoulder crouched over
He peered into his black rock that hung on a thick silver chain around his neck

It showed him a cast of every energy in the Local Area
Every time the rock turned white, there was an energy present
5 Blips appeard
He could only see 3 and himself
There was another present...

18:50:12 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

*Wraith sped along quickly. He passed from shadow to shadow in silence, observing everything. He quickly ducked behind a hedge as he heard 4 voices and they passed by without hesitation. He let out his breath silently and ran along. As he passed a corner though, he let down his guard and cut across a beam of light.

Wraith hears a yell and swears under his breath as he reaches for his dirk. He pulls it out and charges for the guard, the blue River Blade shining coldly in the dark. He stabs the guard and dodges nimbly out of the way of a sword. However he is caught in the downswing of the sword in the left arm. He yelps and knees the guard in the chest while muttering a few Elven words.

Ice coats the guard wrists, weighing them down. He grunts in surprise but Wraith's Blade catches him in the neck before he can recover. The sword clatters loudly on the ground but Wraith searches the soldier quickly and rushes off, back in the shadows.*

18:55:52 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion turned and stared at the gem, and then at the man holding it, hiding in the bushes.
Quite well, actually.
Erunion drew his blade silently and walked straight towards his target, magically increasing his adrenaline to prevent his wound from paining him overmuch.
With his sword blade just a foot from the bushes, Eriaeus stared at the person crouching there, then whispered;
"Who are you and what do ye here?"

19:17:05 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Elfy:

At the peak of the tallest mountain in the area, a white glow can be seen...when looked at closely, it resembles the form of a High the people in local villages gazed in awe, a loud tumbling voice echoed down the said "someone give me some bloody food, I aint ate for months!!!" The villagers were puzzled by his wise words, but before they had time to think upon what he meant the wise High Elf had lost his balance and came tumbling down the mountain..

20:20:22 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

" I was passing by heading for the village for some supplies"
Revenge passed the young man a flask of Rum
It wouldnt do anything magically but it tastes good
" Come over here" Revenge whispered as the young man coughed a little to the stength of the Rum
Revenge led him to a cavern only 5 minites away
He passed the young man some bandages and took the Rum back
He glugged some down and screwed the top back on, and much to the surprise of the man, Revenge didnt even blink
Revenge went to get some fire wood
The young man stayed in the cavern waiting for him to return..

20:29:08 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Eriaeus was careful not to ingest any of the rum the boy had given him, but rather to cough it up and to stay in the shadows. He didn't want anyone to know too much about himself for now. With Revenge gone to gather firewood, Eriaeus took off his armour.
Damn, it's been too long since I last took this off.
He supplemented the simple bandages he had placed on his shoulder the day earlier with the new ones he had been given, but was careful to clean them of poison or spells first. He then fused the hole in his armour back together, and fixed the dents and scratches on the rest of it. Gingerly, Erunion replaced his armour back on himself, then took some food out of his pack and ate it.

20:43:37 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Revenge returned with alot of firewood and layed just inside the cavern
The night was coming and the fire would keep most beasts away
Revenge drank some more Rum and the left the cavern
He didn't give a reason but when he returned
He had a rabbit over his right shoulder and a pale of water in his left hand
He prepared the rabbit then dug a hole in the soft floor of the cavern
He put the firewood in and lit it with a match
He poured little of what was left of the Rum onto the fire and the rabbit
He put the rabbit in the white hot ashes and turned it every now and again
Revenge tried to talk to Eriaeus but he seemed a little quiet
He passed him some rabbit
It was nice and tender and Revenge enjoyed it
Eriaeus gave it a funny look
" Id eat up, the village is a good days walk ma lad, youll need some strength"
Revenge had some water and then pulled out a huge bear skin which had been stitched with a couple more from his large bag
" This scar on my arm, from that bear there" Revenge chuckled as he pointed to one skin in the corner
He pulled out another fur coat which he passed to the young lad as he didnt have much but a shirt and armour on
" Id take that armour off lad, it will give you sores in the mornin"
He pulled his own furry coat over him
He didn't really sleep much but he got some rest..

20:58:33 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion sat in his corner of the cave, resting, having draped the fur skin over the now-sleeping youngling.
That boy has a serious alcohol problem. Bah, I'd better do something about it.
Making sure the whelp was asleep, Erunion grabbed his rum-bottle, poured out the rum and replaced it with a considerably weaker brand.
That should keep him from getting drunk until we reach this village of his.

21:27:19 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

*Xerxus slipped silently into the dark corner of the cave blending in perfectly with the surroundings.*

21:46:03 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

[[ OOC : Of course you did Might  xD ]]

Revenge although not meaning too, slept for longer than he expected
He woke in the morning with Eriaeus on the rug in a doze
Revenge's chuckle awoke the Elf
" Ahh, couldnt not sleep ay"
Revenge packed up the rugs and things and slung it on his back
" Off we go now "
As the day passed they stopped in a light forest
There was some Uckle fruit on a branch
He picked two down and gave one to Eriaeus
" Its quiet sweet lad "
Revenge took a big bite and walked on
After a day of trecking they could see the village
The Village of Tanrok
" Ere we are " Revenge said in a now happier voice..
They trotted down the hillside into the village
Revenge took a swig of his flask
He looked at Eriaeus
" First stop ye old Tavern , then the Inn "
" What ya think lad ? "

21:56:59 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

Deathuelf had cleared the city walls but there were seven guards following him. They were about 50 yards behind him. Four of them had bows and light armour the other three had swords and chainmail armour. He is 100 yards from the tree line. Running. Nearly at the tree line an arrow flu past his head. He looks back and the archers had stopped and were firing at him but luckily they werent well trained. He was at the tree line but an arrow slice the back of his carf and he fell. The guards were getting closer and closer. Deathuelf removed his bow and three arrows and he rolled over arming the bow. He aimed and fired. Two of the arrow*beep* two archers in the head and the third arrow hit an archer in the shoulder. The guards were on him. He drew his sword and forced himself up. Two of the guards were fairly far behind but the other was yards away. He stabbed at Deathuelf stomach but easily blocked it. The block had a lot of force on at and the guards arm had swung above head leaving his stomach open. Taking the opportunity Deathuelf sliced the guards stomach open. He put his sword back and got his bow out. Armed the bow and fired at the other two guard killing them both. The last archer started to run back to the city. Deciding it wasnt worth killing him Deathuelf ripped the guards shirt, bandaged his leg and moved as quickly as he could away from the city.

22:17:00 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Elfy:

After tumbling from the top of the mountain, Elfy stumbled back up onto his feet, recieving no help, due to the fact...he was in the middle of nowhere.The High Elf, started chanting a sacred encantation, a high pitched song could be heard all around...then he was gone...he appeared back at the top of the mountain twenty seconds later. This time he makes sure he does not tumble off the edge and once again echoes his voice down from the heavens saying "Give me food."

23:25:17 Apr 2nd 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Gorris Septim walked casually down a dark alleyway towards the area that the half elf told him to meet him at. Gorris had his blade, Firengard, at his side as always, but it was underneath his long brown coat. Upon his face was a scar extending from above his left eye to the right of his chin. It was from a warlord he had killed long ago for his country, a fierce, proud warlord who thought what he was doing was the right thing, they always did. Gorris turns down another dark alley and sees a shadowy figure draw a blade. Gorris took the amulet around his neck and threw it to the figure. The amulet was that of the Septim line and a heirloom of the family.

13:33:06 Apr 3rd 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

Slowly awakening from his slumber, Shezmu found himself in a strange new world... Trees were quite abundant, unlike on Carrothia which had been turned into a desolate wasteland due to the many battles that had been fought there... Slowly Shezmu started to walk towards the distant mountains, fainthly visible through the treetops ahead when he heard some kind of weird highpitched sound followed by a thunderous voice booming into his direction, saying he wanted food...

Shezmu slowly moved into the shadows of the trees fading away completely... carefully he looked around to see if there was anyone nearby and gripped his sword tight...surely this had to be some sort of god or perhaps another demon... who else would demand food from the people of this world in this matter, he himself has demanded much worse things when he was still on his beloved Carrothia...

Shezmu waited for a few hours, yet nothing more then a pack of white wolves passed by...Slowly he emerged from the shadows and figured he'd be better off if he himself had some food to get rid of this starving hunger he had been sensing... It was at that time when he spotted a few deer roaming the nearby pond and decided to head out and slaughter one of them...

14:07:43 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Alban VII:

Efresil watched as the people headed off to the cave. He sighed with frustration, this was not what was meant to happen. they were meant to meet up, then leave as quickly as they could. what they were doing was beyond him. He followed them, his swords drawn. He quickly reached the cave, not far behind them. He stepped inside, and looked around.

"What are you all doing? we must get going! soldiers will flood this area as soon as we are found to be gone. I for one killed a soldier on my way out, do you really think they will not realise? come! we must go!"

With that Efresil turned and began to walk away. He soon reached were the forest started, and glanced back at the city. It was far away now, but he could still see the lights that showed where the senteries were situated. With a last glance back, he walked on, allowing the darkness to swallow him up

15:11:18 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

[ OOC : Alban.. we have reached the city already... ]

15:53:09 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

*Wraith finally reached the city gates. He had not been able to find any of his companions and was worried. Had something happened to them? He didn't know and there was no way of him finding out. He saw the glow of the sun on the horizon and swore. He couldn't wait anymore for them and he started running towards a tree line in the distance.

As dawn was breaking, Wraith reached the forest. He entered it and walked some distance in. Then he found a shallow trench and laid in it to rest. The night had drained him of  the little energy he had left. He would have to heal his wounds after he slept. As he was lying down he heard the snap of a broken twig nearby. His mind nudged him from his rest and he draw an arrow and strung it on the bow, aiming where he had heard the noise.*

18:46:03 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

As he was walking, Eriaeus remembered the night before;

Eriaeus' silent vigil that night was interrupted when a strange elf, probably a half-elf, came into the cave and told him and the youngling to come with him. But this was a small matter and he ignored it. Later in the night a demonic presence entered the cave and Eriaeus kept his eye on it for the rest of the night.
When the whelp finally woke up, Eriaeus stood up as well.

Now that they were in the town, Erunion left the whelp in the tavern and decided to walk over to the food stalls. Buying some food for himself that would keep, he went around town asking for word of the other members of his group...

19:32:03 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Revenge had some more booze in the tavern before wobbling outside
He stood up and shook his head
He looked around the town till he saw Erunion talking to another Elf
Night was crawling in over the horizon
" Heyy " Revenge said with slighty slurred speech
" I booked us into the Inn"
" Ive paid done worry"
"We should head back if you want" Revenge said, it didnt make much sense though..
Eriaeus raised his eyebrow..
They arrived at the old Inn and entered to a warm atmosphere..

20:02:01 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Eriaeus entered the common room and ordered a glass of wine. Going from table to table, Eriaeus kept looking for news of his friends, but could hear none. Eventually, he went back to his room, set wards, took of his armour, placed his sword beside his bed, checked the room for traps and went to sleep, finally... He hadn't really slept in five days.

20:43:05 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Alban VII:

[wtf?! your not meant to go TO the city, your running AWAY from the city! didnt you read the plot?!]

20:58:42 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Sir Alban VII


4/3/2008 8:43:05 PM
[wtf?! your not meant to go TO the city, your running AWAY from the city! didnt you read the plot?!]

This is another city, were staying here for a while before moving on

21:09:47 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{We're in an outlying village. Also, I'm a bit of an outsider...}

21:11:16 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Alban VII:

[oh honestly. The whole bloody place is taken over by soldiers, we cant stay in other cities, they are just as bad as the rest. didnt you read?! they must journey into the mountains


We need to restart this]

21:19:27 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Elfy:

err i was in the mountain actuallly, i didnt realize lol. i fell off it remember? then i stumbled back up and shouted for food

21:27:01 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Alban VII:

[I dont know, everyone went mad. we are meant to meet up outside the city, then head into the mountains, as I have said in the OCC thread, [roleplay re-form] we need to restart and do it properly....


21:32:31 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Im not, we were quite happy going along until you come along and gone crampy on us...

21:36:36 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Alban VII:

come on, it isnt hard to read the plot and figure out what you are meant to do. all cities, towns and villages are ovverun with soldiers I said in the plot.

22:38:53 Apr 3rd 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{I'm kind of an unknown entity to the locals, only guards I outran know to kill me, and word wouldn't have had time to spread. OK, when we restart, I'll be running from the guards and will meet up with one of you lads outside the town.}

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