Ruler | Kingdom | Era |
Mr. Altinator Infitinty | 48 | |
Ms. Fit | 47 | |
Ms. Fit | 48 | |
Colonel Fithos | Polish Empire | 35 |
Colonel Fithos | 38 | |
Colonel Fithos | 39 | |
Colonel Fithos | 39 | |
Colonel Fithos | 42 | |
Ms. Fits | 48 | |
Mr. Fitz of Arunun | Union for Independence | 47 |
Mr. Fitz of Arunun | Union of Independence | 47 |
Mr. Fitz of Arunun | Union of Independence | 47 |
Mr. Fitz of Arunun | Star Wars | 47 |
Mr. Fitz of Arunun | Pachyglossal Proreption | 47 |
Mr. Fitz of Arunun | Union of Independence | 47 |
Mr. Fitz of Arunun | Pachyglossal Proreption | 47 |
Mr. Fitz of Arunun | Pachyglossal Proreption | 47 |
Mr. Fitz of Arunun | Pachyglossal Proreption | 48 |
Mr. Fitz of Arunun | 48 | |
Mr. Fitzchilvary | 48 | |
Mr. Fitzchilvary | Royal Musketeers | 48 |
Mr. Fitzpatrick | 37 | |
Lord Griffith | Band of the Hawk | 29 |
Mr. Griffith | Revelation | 38 |
Lady Guarsha Fitual | Mystic Alliance | 21 |
Mr. Malafitzy | 48 | |
Mr. Misfit | 48 | |
Sir Mistfits | Original Gangstas | 18 |
Sir Not Fit For Duty | Domination | 43 |
Fire Lord Nova The Mzztical Mzzfit | Fate | 43 |
Mr. Tifition | 48 |