Compare different kingdom against each others.
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Kingdom A: Mr God of War Aardvarks Anonymous Absence Abyss Ace of Spades Ad Libitum Aeternus Affliction Afterlife ahoy P I R A T E S ahead Akatsuki al I Ial Alagaesia Albatross alfa All For Killing ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US Amniot Anarchy Anarchy V Ancient Mining Testers Anonymous Aquila Arcbound Arian Brotherhood Army of Anubis Army Of Four Army of Two Ascension Atlantis Guardians Awesomeness Azarath Baby Eaters Banana Empire BC Band of the Red Hand Bane Elemental Barbaros Battlestar Galactica Bawbagz FTW BDSM Bear Empire Eclipse Bear Machines Beothuk Beothuk Evil Ops Berzerkerz Black Chain Black Dragons Black Flag Black Knights Black Rose Blah Blah Blah Bleh Blood Guardians Blood Havoc Blood Lance Tribe BloodLust Bogtaint Bolton Bomba Volante Bomber Brothers boxxers rebellion BREEZY Bright Star British Petroleum Brodonia Brotherhood of Nod Brotherhood of the Wolf Bruennor Brutality Bubble and Squeak BurningLegion Byblos Cajaerthyr Calcanda Candy Land Canis Exercitus Cannabis Cannabis Reborn Canudos CATFIRE Cease Exist Cease to Exist Celestial Empire Central Powers Champions of Valhalla Childrens Playground Chompers Chronicles of Candlewax Cinnaptix CLIT Commanders Cloud Nine Clownface Industries Communism Confederacy Confederate States of America confederation Coroners Office Cosa Nostra Crater and Bean Crazy Apple Created Kingdom Crimson Fangs Crimson Mist Crushing Pinecones Cryptic Cursed Cypher Daedalus Daffodils Danger Dark Angels Dark lords of the Sith Dark Thorns Darker Blood Darkfire Darkness darkninjas Dead Dead or Die Death Dwellers Death Note Death Valley Death Walkers DeathSpren Demonic Gate keepers Demons Denadrii Mercs Dendarii Dendarii Mercenary Corps Denial Descendants Desperation Dexter Disney Psychos Dissonance Divinity Lost Doges DonerKebab Dragon Dragon Flight Dragon Returns Dragon Syndicate Dragons Empire Drain The Beans Dreadgod Dream Big Drokvira Ducky And Friends East Coalition Eccleziastez Echoes of Unity Edetopia Edoras Elements ELITIANS Empire of Drea Envy Epic Equestrian Knights Error EVIL Evil Evil Dead EVOLUTION Exclamation Mark Exogenesis Fate Fecking Fecker Fecking Feckers Felicity Felix Legions Fen Tiger FFA Final Fantasy Fire Fire Breathing Rubber Ducks Fire Nation Forgotten Warriors Forsaken Frankly Phallic Freelancers Liberation Front FRIEd Not STIRred Gaia Gatekeepers Genesis Gladiators Gladiators Reborn Glory Good Gorillaz Gravity Griifin Warriors Grimskull Warriors Guardians of Leviathan Guilty Spark haha ortiz Hammer and Shield Hardcore Hero Association Hey Hidden Shadows Hillbilly Mafia HISTORY MATTERS Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse Holy Holy Roman Empire Horns House of Durin House Of Keros House Stark Human Player Hungry Hungry Hippos Hydra I AM THE ANTICHRIST i dno wat to rite here lol Ideal Society IK WIL KAAS Illuminati Im With Stupid Imladris Imperium Imperium Corps Incognito Infantry Infinity Ioannina JIHAD Jose C Paz Just Two Guyz Karas Ir Taika Karelian League KD checking Kell Hounds Kilkerran Lords Kin to the Ale Kindom of Solace Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts Nirvana Kingdom Hearts Nirvana Squires Kingdom Hearts Zeta Kingdom of Azeroth Kingdom of Darkness Light and Fire Kingdom of Fools Kingdom of Heaven Kingdom of Stupid Warriors Kingdom of the Fallen Kingdom of The Fallen Warriors Knightly Order of the Eagle Knights Of Claidmore Knights of Miku Knights of the Round Knights Of The Round Table Knights Radiant Knights Templar Kuro Madoushi Ladies Abroad Lazy Peoples Leeroy Jenkins Legendary Stone Legion of Mary Jane Legion Under Zondervan Leon Nemeios Lezbos Look Around Lords of the Ring Lost Souls Lovebirds Luna Wolves Luna WolvesII Lust Mad Mad and Dangerous Mad And Dangerouz MAFIA Zealots Making Your Talent Heard Maleficent Manifest Destiny Medieval of War Medieval Dogs of War Men Mercury Mercury II METAL Mextli Micmac Midnight Mighty Alliance Mijiu Military Misfits Monarch Monolith MrMcMen Mutiny Myrmidon Nararians Natives Nemesis New Age New Luna Nom Nom Nominion Nope Chuck Testa Not Exactly Evil Notorious Nurnir Oblivion Odins Minions Odyssey Olympians Olympus One Moonlight Night Under Sky Optimus Consilium Orange Order of the Dragon OutLawZ oyesdeath Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame Pawerful Peace be with you Peacefull dwarf hide Peacekeepers Perrys Knights Pestilence Petrol Phantom Phoenix Pinecone Crushers Pink Fairy Armadillos Pink Legacy Pirates Pitch Black Plebarians Plus Ultra Poker Poodles From Hell poop smashers five thousand Pooping Philosophy Poppicorns POWER Primes Purgatory Queendom of Marcelilia Question Mark Ragnarok Rainbow Warriors Rambo Slayers Rat Pack Raven Raven Clan Realm of Gras Realm Of The Mountains Rebel Against Society Red Red Cross Red Flag Regeneration Release the Genius Relentless Renaissance Renaissance Knights Reservoir Dogs Retribution Revolve Riders of Iscariot Ritz Reloaded Riven Rome Roundears Rowdy royal Royal Order of Claidhmore Royal Order of Claidmore Ruka Ruka go cops Sacred Ones Scoreboard Scream Scum Lords Seven Deadly Sins Sexploited Shadow Guardians Shadow Legion Shadows Shadows of Shadok Show No Mercy Simple Simplicity Sinful Sisters Skull and Bones Skullz Vrs Humans Skullz Vrs Humanz Skullz Vrz Humans SLAKINGs Sleepless Small Roman Empire Sol Invictus II Solo Soloing Fant Some Guys Sons of Odin SoulTrackers Spandex Inquisition Special Forces Spiteful Steel City Storm Cloaks Stormcloaks Super Happy Fun Group Supernatural Surprised SWARM Synarchy Syndicate Tainted Legacy Task Force Tatterton team Awesome Team B TEETH Templars Testers Teutonic Knights Thay THC the b team The Bakers The Black Chain The Borg The Captropian Empire The Chosen Few The Confederacy The Corporation The Craziest Thing The Death Dealers The Decomposed Warriors The Devils Pact The Don KIlluminatti The Duchy of Lithuania The Elf Newb The Fallen The Federation The Fellows Ship The Feywild Wardens The Forest Brothers The Forgotten The Furry Cocks The Gong Show The Great Duchy of Lithuania The Great Revolution The Green Dragons The Grim Reapers The Horde The Hunters The Imps of Lannister The Interview The Iron Circle The Jester Empire The Khornate Berserker The Knights Radiant The Legion The Light Side The Military The Mongol Empire The Mountain Climber The Obsidians The Odd Ones The order The Phoons The Rippers The Royal Guard The Sanctum The Sensitive Fellas The Skull Gods The Undead The Varden The Visual Utopia Empire Those Of Khaos Those who know Tiny Rick Adventures Tip of the Spear Training ground TRANSCENDENCE travelkind Trein Musketiers TRIBEL Trio trouble maker Tutty Bandhurs Undercover Underdogs Unholy Union Union of Independence United Front Untag New Ursidae Uuu Varangian Guard Vikings Wall of Fire Warlock FFA Warriors Against Punk Rogues Wasted Guys White Rose White Walkers Whoknows Why So Serious Wictorious Wankerz Wizengamot Wolf Pack Wolfpack Wraith X Xtra Yargh You Know Yummy Guys zanny land Zeon Zona Oeste Zoo
Kingdom B: Mr God of War Aardvarks Anonymous Absence Abyss Ace of Spades Ad Libitum Aeternus Affliction Afterlife ahoy P I R A T E S ahead Akatsuki al I Ial Alagaesia Albatross alfa All For Killing ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US Amniot Anarchy Anarchy V Ancient Mining Testers Anonymous Aquila Arcbound Arian Brotherhood Army of Anubis Army Of Four Army of Two Ascension Atlantis Guardians Awesomeness Azarath Baby Eaters Banana Empire BC Band of the Red Hand Bane Elemental Barbaros Battlestar Galactica Bawbagz FTW BDSM Bear Empire Eclipse Bear Machines Beothuk Beothuk Evil Ops Berzerkerz Black Chain Black Dragons Black Flag Black Knights Black Rose Blah Blah Blah Bleh Blood Guardians Blood Havoc Blood Lance Tribe BloodLust Bogtaint Bolton Bomba Volante Bomber Brothers boxxers rebellion BREEZY Bright Star British Petroleum Brodonia Brotherhood of Nod Brotherhood of the Wolf Bruennor Brutality Bubble and Squeak BurningLegion Byblos Cajaerthyr Calcanda Candy Land Canis Exercitus Cannabis Cannabis Reborn Canudos CATFIRE Cease Exist Cease to Exist Celestial Empire Central Powers Champions of Valhalla Childrens Playground Chompers Chronicles of Candlewax Cinnaptix CLIT Commanders Cloud Nine Clownface Industries Communism Confederacy Confederate States of America confederation Coroners Office Cosa Nostra Crater and Bean Crazy Apple Created Kingdom Crimson Fangs Crimson Mist Crushing Pinecones Cryptic Cursed Cypher Daedalus Daffodils Danger Dark Angels Dark lords of the Sith Dark Thorns Darker Blood Darkfire Darkness darkninjas Dead Dead or Die Death Dwellers Death Note Death Valley Death Walkers DeathSpren Demonic Gate keepers Demons Denadrii Mercs Dendarii Dendarii Mercenary Corps Denial Descendants Desperation Dexter Disney Psychos Dissonance Divinity Lost Doges DonerKebab Dragon Dragon Flight Dragon Returns Dragon Syndicate Dragons Empire Drain The Beans Dreadgod Dream Big Drokvira Ducky And Friends East Coalition Eccleziastez Echoes of Unity Edetopia Edoras Elements ELITIANS Empire of Drea Envy Epic Equestrian Knights Error EVIL Evil Evil Dead EVOLUTION Exclamation Mark Exogenesis Fate Fecking Fecker Fecking Feckers Felicity Felix Legions Fen Tiger FFA Final Fantasy Fire Fire Breathing Rubber Ducks Fire Nation Forgotten Warriors Forsaken Frankly Phallic Freelancers Liberation Front FRIEd Not STIRred Gaia Gatekeepers Genesis Gladiators Gladiators Reborn Glory Good Gorillaz Gravity Griifin Warriors Grimskull Warriors Guardians of Leviathan Guilty Spark haha ortiz Hammer and Shield Hardcore Hero Association Hey Hidden Shadows Hillbilly Mafia HISTORY MATTERS Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse Holy Holy Roman Empire Horns House of Durin House Of Keros House Stark Human Player Hungry Hungry Hippos Hydra I AM THE ANTICHRIST i dno wat to rite here lol Ideal Society IK WIL KAAS Illuminati Im With Stupid Imladris Imperium Imperium Corps Incognito Infantry Infinity Ioannina JIHAD Jose C Paz Just Two Guyz Karas Ir Taika Karelian League KD checking Kell Hounds Kilkerran Lords Kin to the Ale Kindom of Solace Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts Nirvana Kingdom Hearts Nirvana Squires Kingdom Hearts Zeta Kingdom of Azeroth Kingdom of Darkness Light and Fire Kingdom of Fools Kingdom of Heaven Kingdom of Stupid Warriors Kingdom of the Fallen Kingdom of The Fallen Warriors Knightly Order of the Eagle Knights Of Claidmore Knights of Miku Knights of the Round Knights Of The Round Table Knights Radiant Knights Templar Kuro Madoushi Ladies Abroad Lazy Peoples Leeroy Jenkins Legendary Stone Legion of Mary Jane Legion Under Zondervan Leon Nemeios Lezbos Look Around Lords of the Ring Lost Souls Lovebirds Luna Wolves Luna WolvesII Lust Mad Mad and Dangerous Mad And Dangerouz MAFIA Zealots Making Your Talent Heard Maleficent Manifest Destiny Medieval of War Medieval Dogs of War Men Mercury Mercury II METAL Mextli Micmac Midnight Mighty Alliance Mijiu Military Misfits Monarch Monolith MrMcMen Mutiny Myrmidon Nararians Natives Nemesis New Age New Luna Nom Nom Nominion Nope Chuck Testa Not Exactly Evil Notorious Nurnir Oblivion Odins Minions Odyssey Olympians Olympus One Moonlight Night Under Sky Optimus Consilium Orange Order of the Dragon OutLawZ oyesdeath Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame Pawerful Peace be with you Peacefull dwarf hide Peacekeepers Perrys Knights Pestilence Petrol Phantom Phoenix Pinecone Crushers Pink Fairy Armadillos Pink Legacy Pirates Pitch Black Plebarians Plus Ultra Poker Poodles From Hell poop smashers five thousand Pooping Philosophy Poppicorns POWER Primes Purgatory Queendom of Marcelilia Question Mark Ragnarok Rainbow Warriors Rambo Slayers Rat Pack Raven Raven Clan Realm of Gras Realm Of The Mountains Rebel Against Society Red Red Cross Red Flag Regeneration Release the Genius Relentless Renaissance Renaissance Knights Reservoir Dogs Retribution Revolve Riders of Iscariot Ritz Reloaded Riven Rome Roundears Rowdy royal Royal Order of Claidhmore Royal Order of Claidmore Ruka Ruka go cops Sacred Ones Scoreboard Scream Scum Lords Seven Deadly Sins Sexploited Shadow Guardians Shadow Legion Shadows Shadows of Shadok Show No Mercy Simple Simplicity Sinful Sisters Skull and Bones Skullz Vrs Humans Skullz Vrs Humanz Skullz Vrz Humans SLAKINGs Sleepless Small Roman Empire Sol Invictus II Solo Soloing Fant Some Guys Sons of Odin SoulTrackers Spandex Inquisition Special Forces Spiteful Steel City Storm Cloaks Stormcloaks Super Happy Fun Group Supernatural Surprised SWARM Synarchy Syndicate Tainted Legacy Task Force Tatterton team Awesome Team B TEETH Templars Testers Teutonic Knights Thay THC the b team The Bakers The Black Chain The Borg The Captropian Empire The Chosen Few The Confederacy The Corporation The Craziest Thing The Death Dealers The Decomposed Warriors The Devils Pact The Don KIlluminatti The Duchy of Lithuania The Elf Newb The Fallen The Federation The Fellows Ship The Feywild Wardens The Forest Brothers The Forgotten The Furry Cocks The Gong Show The Great Duchy of Lithuania The Great Revolution The Green Dragons The Grim Reapers The Horde The Hunters The Imps of Lannister The Interview The Iron Circle The Jester Empire The Khornate Berserker The Knights Radiant The Legion The Light Side The Military The Mongol Empire The Mountain Climber The Obsidians The Odd Ones The order The Phoons The Rippers The Royal Guard The Sanctum The Sensitive Fellas The Skull Gods The Undead The Varden The Visual Utopia Empire Those Of Khaos Those who know Tiny Rick Adventures Tip of the Spear Training ground TRANSCENDENCE travelkind Trein Musketiers TRIBEL Trio trouble maker Tutty Bandhurs Undercover Underdogs Unholy Union Union of Independence United Front Untag New Ursidae Uuu Varangian Guard Vikings Wall of Fire Warlock FFA Warriors Against Punk Rogues Wasted Guys White Rose White Walkers Whoknows Why So Serious Wictorious Wankerz Wizengamot Wolf Pack Wolfpack Wraith X Xtra Yargh You Know Yummy Guys zanny land Zeon Zona Oeste Zoo