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Mr. Weiss

Lived in Era 28, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Army of the Empire

Weiss Val'Giram, a nineteen years old man, stands as a young man that few others can overshadow. Replacing his dying father as the leader of his people, Weiss has shown himself to be a capable ruler, reforming the military into a stronger force and leading several campaigns at once.

Weiss Lionheart, though only 19 years old, has shown resourcefulness, ruthlessness, and is widely considered by many to be a military genius. Out of sixty battles, he has lost not even once. Many of his fellow generals often view him with skeptical thoughts, but once they saw his unparalleled leadership and grasp of military tactics, they became stout supporters. With thousands of willing recruits and trainees, he has managed to galvanize an entire nation into becoming a military state, and has begun building an army powerful enough to hammer through the enemy.

Since joining the Army of the Empire, he has since decided to commit his nation to the cause, and has led several attacks against his kingdom's enemies. Several of his ideas were put into practice, and while it may seem unofficial, he seem to consider himself both an adjutant general under Soki and as a strategist/tactician of sorts.

Standing at six feet, three inches tall, Weiss is taller than his average subject. Due to years of training and combat, he has a powerfully built body, one that he keeps maintained through a daily rigorous training regime. He also wears the same clothes his father and grandfather has, though with several differences.

Weiss is easily distinguishable from his clothing style, and easily noticed in the court room or the battlefield. He wears a simple black yet baggy pants, has bandaged most of his upper body and arms, and wears a tight black shirt. Over this, he wears a simple but sturdy chest plate for protection. Then he wears a large overcoat, covering most of his body and leaving only his hands, his feet, and his head visible. Finally, Weiss wears steel-plated boots, steel gauntlets, leg guards, arm guards, and a heavy leather belt where two scabbards hangs from. These scabbards holds his deadly broadswords, aptly named Merciless and Ruthless. He also wears a mouth guard, with a slit for him to breath out of, and a large helm that covers all of his face and fits onto his mouth guard. The helm also has two bull horns extending out of them, appearing as demonic horns. On the back of his overcoat is a symbol that means "Perfection". He calls himself a true warrior, and adheres to a personal code that demands honor above all others. Despite his personal bravery and his code of honor, his ferocious appearance and ruthless fighting skills has led to him being labeled as a monster on the battlefield, and has given him the moniker of "The Devil King."
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