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Mr. Sicarious

Lived in Era 29 and got 0 heir(s) .

Sicarious was once a soldeir in an old army, forgotten by the world and doomed to die without memory. It was not until Sicarious seized control of what was left of his bretherin and formed Miridia that things began to look good.
After months and scouting and destroying those around him, he formed a kingdom named Dominions with ms. valkyrie. The kindom flourished for a while, many new cities, whitebridge and juliasad being two were formed and the royal legion was once again growing.
But even at its peak it was enough to hold back lucimorth of sparta. The 2000 strong army of swordsman, catapults and magicians wasnt enough, they fleed the burning Miridia and stood at juliasad. Another force off 500 swords joined, and then the warders legion from whitebridge arrived with 600 knights. The future looked bleak for dominions.
Later that week, ms. valkyrie was killed defending her cities, all 4 cities were wiped out. Lucimorths armies marched on juliasad, all the families were sent away, to evacuate as the small miridian army fought a lost battle against the collosal armies of sparta. The armies fell.
At white bridge, sicarious and 100 of the surviving soldeirs stood, all peasent males that survived floked to white bridge, over 20,000 men were assembled, but without walls the army was soon crushed....and sicarious killed.
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