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Mr. Komkar

Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Komkar II).

Komkar, son of Thorax the Impaler, was brought up during a turbulent time in his clan. With his grandfather, Komkax the Wierd, fighting his aunt Melinda the retarded, his aunt won and Komkar became an evil warlord. Over the years he had gained a strong liking to human flesh and blood. At first he thought that he may have been a vampire, but then he realized that he was gaining slightly pointed ears. "What?" He had said. Then he remembered the old legends that his grandfather had told him about orcs and elves. Then he realized that he, Komkar the Wanderer, was an orc (he couldn't be an elf because he liked eating humans and everyone knows that elves don't eat humans). He undertook a journey to gain followers. Years passed and he grew more orc-like. He found willing servants in mountains and forests, hiding from the humans who had nearly wiped out their race. But these small cities were hard to find. They stayed on the move, due to the elvish hunting parties that roamed the land searching for them, ready to kill and eradicate. With stories of how humans and elves were no longer vital to the earth Komkar rallied orcs to his side, and his ranks grew with each passing week, and month. They had to find a blacksmith to arm them, for they only had wooden spears and hunting knives. They found a small city in the wilderness with only slight communication with the outer world. This city was called Thinidia. Komkar approached the city one day after camping in the woods for a week. He asked for the king, but was turned away. The next day he brought his army with him and asked for the king again. This time they did not refuse.
"What do you want from us Orc?!"
"I require a city, and a blacksmith, who's skill is great."
"Why must we give our great city of Thinidia to an orc?"
"Do you wish for your people to be wiped off the face of this great earth?"
"I wish no harm to my people. If we give you the city what will you have of us?"
"I only need a city. I do not need to kill a great many innocent people to get that."
"Agreed, so we start packing our things tonight."
"There is no need king, for we will occupy this city as do you."
"No, orc, with no intent on rudeness, my people do not wish to live with your kind."
"Ok, then I will give you six days to pack and begin leaving. At that time I will move my people into the city."
"Fine, Orc, but I only ask this favor...Do Not rename the city, for it was named by my greatest elder, and I wish to keep the name."
"Fine, hurry up then!"
Six days later the humans had moved out and the orcs began occupying the city. Until this day, 23 years after their occupation of the city they have been building their army and city. They fight on until the next era, and then they will continue.
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