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Mr. Istar

Lived in Era 23, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Legacy

Started playing in beta 2.5, after screwing up once I landed next to Frederick (At that time member of the SE kingdom, led by Vegeta), figured i could survive next to him and started building.

After a few days of slow growth i reached magic level 5, which was the maximum, and got access to a spell known as "Controll Time". With unlimited bonus turns and time frozen for other players due too a bug i had the world of VU at my mercy. After taking control of hundreds of city's i realised that it was not the way the game should be played and stopped casting CT. In the end of the era Vegeta figured out how to do the same, and annihilated me which made me end like, last.

Beta 2.6, the era of the Legondary Warriors (intentional spelling error) ended on a sucky 48th position after trying to take on LW, not much to say about the era, LW ruled, i sucked.

Beta 2.7 was an era of change. Together with Augh (Dinmammaeenpappa) and my old foe Vegeta we started to fight LW. After getting killed in the war i restarted as Glorfindel 3 weeks before the era ended and ended up 19th, thanks to finding out how to utilise the Tree of Gold spell. In this beta the kinddom of Honor and Power was started, which would prove to be one of the new superpowers in the game.

In beta 2.8 LW disbanded and the HaP kingdom, in which i was one of the leaders, won the era thanks to Jet. This is also the first era Roxbury ended on a nice ranking. I ended 31th, sucky eh.

Ended 25th in beta 2.9, with new kingdom's on the rise and the return of the LW kingdom Vu once again became one big battle.

In beta 3.1 a lot of things happened. Restarted my own kd after HaP fell apart: The Heroes of X (X), we pretty much fought everyone off until late in the era most of us were killed. Restarted as Istar and after talking with the king of SARS and my old kingdom we decided to create a new kingdom in the next era. The best players of SARS and X joined together in the new kingdom which would be hated by almost everyone, The ZeTa Zealots aka Z.

In beta 3.2 Swampfot abused the Army of the Dead spell and controlled a huge number of riders. This era was the first era of Z and if Swampfot had not stopped us it would also be our first era of dominance. With 6 players in the top 10 we still did great however. Ended up 3rd this era, best finish up until today.

Beta 3.3 was a showoff of Z power, only a few members of the DDP kingdom could rival with us, once again 6 top ten positions were taken by Z players, with Raistlin as the big winner of the era. Ended 15th myself as Duke Istar.

7 of the top 10 positions were claimed by Z members in the last Beta, 3.4. Ended up 7th myself after pumping ghosts close to the era end. Don't remember much of this era besides what the rankings tell us, Z owned.

The first era was once again ruled by Z, and once again we had to fight the whole world of VU, ended up 24th myself, and raistlin won yet another era.

In the era of Raistlin Z got beaten by the Saiyin Empire, now led by Frederick. I think i dont want to remember what happend in this era, probably some bug abusal ;)

The next era we took our revenge with once again 7 top 10 positions and Roxbury as our winner. I slacked this era and ended up on a sucky 41th position.

I stopped playing for a while after that era.

Played for a week or so in the Era of Jeroen, did nothing special. Quit playing again after that era.

Started playing again in the first era of Rambo, and restarted my Heroes of X kingdom, ended up 51th due to starting late. In the era after that i kept on playing and ended 21th, the kingdom of X was at that time the only MAP of the ruling kingdom of those era's, the Mafia (OWN) crew. The people in OWN were mainly ex-Z, and before quiting in the third era of Rambo i rejoined my friends to help them own yet another era.

In the third era of Rambo our kingdom Mafia owned everything there was to own, including the entire top 10, there were only 3 non-OWN players in the top 20. People hated OWN like they once hated Z, and during the fourth era of Rambo the kingdom disbanded after a few unjust deletions and most of the Z crew took a break or quit the game permanently, this era was thought to be the end of the Z empire. With 2 kingdoms named after the hunt for Rambo the era was one of battle and defeat. The remaining Z crew join the kingdom called "Paramount Warring Nobles of Time" aka PWNT.

During the era following the defeat of Rambo and Mafia, PWNT renamed to Legacy. Even tho i didnt play much in this era i helped out the LGC crew where i could to ensure that the Z legacy would never die.

The 13th era, also known as the Era of Jeker was the first era dominated by Legacy. The only reason LGC didnt have all of the top 10 spots was because of Adelbert backstabbing us in the final hours of the era and creating his own kingdom. LGC returned the favor in the following era of Adelbert and destroyed him and his kingdom, leaving him at the 193th position and his kingdom disbanded. In the top 20 of that era only 4 non Legacy players were listed.

The next era was a off-era for Legacy with only draiken ending on a good position, winning the era for us. The era after that was marked by the Smith's, who managed to find an abuse in almost every part of the game mechanics, destroying the LGC core in under a day using unlimited bonus turns. In protest, LGC didnt play the next three era's.

After an absense of over 10 era's I have returned. Started 3 hours before Sexymon casted armageddon in the Era of Isabel, let's see how long i last this era ;)

Second Era of Draiken;
After an easy start in the LGC core (which was cleared out of hostiles at an incredible speed), the war against V and their 2 allies began.

V, BoW and PKS were all three bugging us a lot, with logan of PKS using an amazing amount of bonus turns to evade and kill all the armies we threw at him. While thinking of a suitable solution Ez mentioned he had a HoH army in the area, and Logan was quicky dealt with after bugging us for several days. PKS seemed to be doing nice, but with the help of Alchemist of the Crown kingdom the once proud PKS nation collapsed under the sheer power of the combined Crown and Legacy armies.

Meanwhile, the Phi Empire was starting an offensive against the member hogging BoW, with more than double the members any other kd had, BoW still only had around 75% power compared to LGC. After Phi broke the BoW blockers, a combined Phi-LGC force overran one of their main areas, which left LGC at the doorsteps of the V economy zone.

Just before the BoW blockers were broken V launched a large offensive to break the LGC blockers, the first and second fallback positions were taken, but in the end Legacy prevailed.

With V giving up the battle for supremacy came to a quick end. Without an enemy to fight, what will Legacy do?

Like every bored superpower would do, Legacy went looking for a new target to push around. After wrecking PKS and the remainder of BoW, MAD decided to attack a small Legacy colony. At that point it was right about the worst decision they could have made. But the fight against MAD was done while slacking and it proved to be a bit more challenging as first thought.

In the meanswhile Elsin wacked I.E. and reinforcements of Istari blood are on the way...

After hard and bloody fights Sezymon casted armageddon twice in a row and ended the era for all of us.
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