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Mr. Schmidy

Lived in Era 12 and got 0 heir(s) .

Schmidy is a man of power. His father (the King) was killed on the battle field when he was but 9. He trained had every day so that he would one day rise up and take his place as the King. He was banished from his homeland by the new King, but what the new king did not know was that he had taken all of his friends with him to where he hid in the old forest of noobs. He doesn't know why he went there but he and his friends built a small fortifacation there to try and keep
unwanted people out. He built it wisely because several days late he was attacked by a band of outlaws. It was a point less attack for Schmidy, because they had bows and the outlaws were slurghterd on the spot, they gathered things from the dead bodies and beried them.

At the time of they had 50 stong boys running the camp/fort. But day by day they were getting more of Schmidy's old friends and the were all starting to grow up.

Being know 15 they trained every day to improve there skills. They were living a good life sending in people to go to other villages to buy supplies.

Now at the age of 25 Schmidy has a small army of 50 and is ready to take ove his castle and become the King he was sopossed to be.
Schmidy is now far from his hiding place and has started up his colony with a rather good start. But he is in need of some allies and wishes that he could get one soon. He is trying hard to look for the perfect person. He wishes to get his most trusted general to take an army and start a second colony.
I seems as if Schmidy could not get another colony so he is reenvorcing his lod one and getting red to repel an attack, he is still looking for an allie, but no one has come forward and spoken to him. But he tries.
Finally Schmidy has his second colony set up.
Desaster Schmidy has lost his second colony to 'Helveticus'.
He has an army at his first colony and has attacked and destroyed some of his enermy's in his area. He has been oford an alliance by Eme.
Schmidy has joined into an alliance called The Unvanquished.
He was sent a message by Eme and he greatly happy to join.
Schmidy soon finds out that he is allied with the person who toke and captured his second Colony. He has not yet spoken to him but intends to speak with him. Schmidy has a second army called Schmidy's Hunters. They are scouting the area.
Schmidy is moving out to try and get anouther colony.
Schmidy has his colony and is starting to get itr up and running. He has his main army up there and is looking rather good at the moment. Not Strong enough to help hi alliance members, but he is working on it.
Schmidy has lost his main town and has sworn to take it back with the help of the alliance or not.
Schmidy has just taken Tungwar Town as his third colony.
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