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Viceroy Fire

Lived in Era 14, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Death or Glory

Viceroy Fire is a far descendent of the old elven warrior god, Firelord, that fought against LW all the way back before the Modern times, back when gods walked across the world of VU in the form of beeings with tremendous powers. Those were the times of Second Era, Beta 6.

While it is not known what are his powers, people believe that he could change his appearance and thus his race and gender.
It was also speculated that he does not age. He can be recognized by a somewhat barely visible red aura around him and most certainly for his great strenght, speed and magical powers that mostly include fire spells. He has legendary military and economical skills that helped to spread his name all across the Visual Utopia worlds.

The legend goes that Firelord was a member of a great kingdom named UTR. UTR was a group of gods that were foreign to this world but came here to live in peace and prosperity. (Some of the modern kings and warriors are actually descendents of that old kingdom and it's warriors...) Sadly, some of the gods already present on VU didn't feel like sharing this green paradise with others. Thus the great war started.

Some of the gods sided with UTR, some created a mighty kingdom of Legendary Warriors to oppose everything that is foreign. While the UTR kingdom was spread across the lands and divded by The Great River and The Lake, LW was concentrated around the mountains of Turagdor, rich in resources, iron, gold, cole; some of the peaks still active as silent vulcano craters spitting dark fog-like smoke that coated the entire area giving it a dark touch. The LW was a powerful and rich kingdom, built fast, but with great determinantion and will under the rule of the unfamous king Blah. They had cities over cities, megalopolis' called Megas with tens and hundread of thousands of inhabitants that could support great armies that they had. The whole mountain was actually one big city with Blah and his lords ruling this gigantic composition.

Firelord, although much younger and unexperienced provided a good defensive line for UTR against LW, but was finnaly defeated while he was away from his lands by a sudden night attack.

While most of the people look at LW as evil, you should consider that their lives were deeply disrupted by the changes when the new gods came to live here; they just wanted to protect and keep their ways that were before this intrusion.


Some of his sons were named Fire or Firelord to follow the tradition of the first ruler, while some were named Quirinus, which was the same name, but written in the forgotten language of the old times.

It is believed that his sons are just his reincarnationes, but some people believe that Firelord is still walking in the worlds of Visual Utopia in the form of a person with powers not different than the one in Beta 6.


In Modern times, Era 15., Era of Adelbert Fire was lending his powers to the Kingdom of DoG (Death or Glory). He joined the world later than the others, but managed to defeat some of the Narrse and fowl kingdom members with the usage of master tactics. Later in the era, he provided a good protection against fowl for the borders of the DoG kingdom. Four fowl members were marching towards his territory, but with his supreme dwarf economy he managed to hold the positiones untill the very end of the era.

Not much is known about his personal life, but he married Anna, a beautiful dwarf mage after she saved his life and had a son with her - Quirinus.
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