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Sir Darkhelm

Lived in Era 15, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Kingdom of Heaven

Trolls, huge ugly brutes, regarded by the other races in a mix of fear and scorn. While the physical strength of the average troll is immense, its brains are often in the feather weight division. The sole exceptions are the shamans of the tribes. skilled conjourers, their numbers are small and magics petty in the eyes of the other races that inhibit the VU world. It is thus that these shamans decided to come together, combining their powers to raise a new being, a leader to lead them to victory and domination. That was the rise of Darkhelm. After ages of selective breeding, a troll was bred with immense physical strength and cunning. encasing it in a rare suit of troll armour, the troll magi used all their powers in a ritual that lasted years. So draining was the enchantments used that even the vaunted endurance of the trolls were drained with only a handful of shamans surviving. At the final fiery end, from the ashes of the alter arose the mightiest of trolls, with flesh of black steel, its helm carved in the likeness of a howling troll melded into its face, imbued with superior strength and mastery of powerful magics. Let the world thus tremble at the sight of the black fist banner, for on that day was born "Darkhelm"!
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