Forums / In game politics / Death List (REAP)

Death List (REAP)
17:48:54 May 30th 08 - Mr. Dragons Chain:

Death List

Kingdom Banner

Name: Death List
Members: 3
Created: 5/29/2008 5:38:45 PM
Leader: Mr. Dragons Chain


But everybody"s going down tonight

We are the few that won"t say nothing right
We are the footsteps fading into the night
Nobody cares and nobody stares with such Conviction and I say:
I never wanted this, no one ever wanted this
But they gave it to me so i might as well be Proud of it
And i know I"ve done something wrong
All i know now is i got to do something right

WE control the Death List
WE control who lives and who dies
WE control you

If interested fill out an application with the following:

1. Past names
2. Past Kingdoms
3. Eras of experience
4. Activity (times logged in a day)
5. Reason for joining



18:03:44 May 30th 08 - Lord Tudelu:

Oh booo, when I saw the title I thought someone was writing a death list :(

19:28:57 May 30th 08 - Mr. Dragons Chain:

We Are

20:17:27 May 30th 08 - Mr. Xerces:

your own by the look of things...

20:40:23 May 30th 08 - Mr. Dragons Chain:

and why do you say that?

21:33:03 May 30th 08 - Sir Grover The Super:

Hes Xerces, he thinks hes a God, even thoug you wright that Xerxes with 2 X's, and only a God should have the power to determine who lives or dies. But I support you! Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

*cough* let me live *cough*

21:39:04 May 30th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Stabs Grover with a needle full of sedative*  "Nighty night spazz...."

21:40:10 May 30th 08 - Mr. Xerces:

Xerces is actually the name of a web tool i use... but i see a few tools around here.

you know what they say about assuming...

22:09:25 May 30th 08 - Mr. Samual II:

they say that u named yourself after a web tool ats pretey random and not amusing


everyone fear Mr. Web tool

22:12:59 May 30th 08 - Mr. Xerces:

whereas your name is amusing isn't it...


everyone fear Mr.Tool II

06:36:55 May 31st 08 - Mr. Dragons Chain:

whatever, you need to die... listed biatch

08:27:03 May 31st 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

LOL @ Nigger Slayer. Wonder how long till he's gonna get his name changed to "Google Sayer"

08:55:08 May 31st 08 - Mr. Random:

lol so how many other people have reported his post?

09:09:46 May 31st 08 - Sir Grover The Super:

I sure as hell did ;)
I dont like racism and Im white :)

11:28:43 May 31st 08 - Mr. Spoon:


11:40:01 May 31st 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIV:

Mr. Lord Corollin


5/30/2008 10:34:47 PM
Mr. Forrest The Nigger Slayer


5/30/2008 10:14:03 PMMy name is Forrest Harvey Lee, and I will soon the the viceroy of this nation of Death List.  We will slay all niggers in VU.  God save the South. it isnt its just there to cause arguments and fights between them and other races and also i dont like this "niger slayer" i would like him to come onto fantasia and kill me .........*beep*ing punk

16:54:02 Jun 3rd 08 - Mr. Dragons Chain:

Death List still recruiting on Valhalla

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