Forums / In game politics / Era 32 : Valhalla wars

Era 32 : Valhalla wars
17:51:31 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Lord Nitral:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
IoKImperium Of Knights20Mr. Lord Nitral100
WARLord of the WARLOC11Mr. Killer Warloc74
novasupernova4Mr. Evo74
OPOwnified Pzornification11Mr. Dogga61
CFCrucifiction3Mr. Piece Maker36
EvoEvolution7Mr. Acerf15
GS Guilty Spark3Mr. Hiroshima The Infestation15
kdmKingdom2Ms. Peach7
BHThe Black Hand10Mr. Hadhod1
yesgrandland1Mr. Oscuro0
FMFree Masons3Mr. Demon0
swatSWAT4Mr. Accord0
AngleoAnglend1Mr. Emerico0
CCCPUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics1Mr. Alexis Leonov0

Who is warring who.

I know IoK are not at war with anyone.

20:06:33 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Lord Nitral:

Just realized this should be ERA 34..........

20:28:25 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

The Russians are back-.- Why must they keep coming back!! I hope that isn't the same guy I argued with a long time ago when I used to play... That guy was wierd! Huge long nonsense posts about honor and other random stuff about the glory of the motherland and other stuff. And he wasn't even Russian, his grandfather was, or something like that....

23:31:57 Aug 3rd 08 - Mr. Lord Nitral:


04:15:23 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Sirmeat:

The russian will be dead in next tic. No russians to worry about friend.

04:27:43 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Hurt him bad!! *evil grin* Scare him off for good this time!

09:28:19 Aug 4th 08 - Sir Chucky:

era 32?
you're living in the past man

19:12:29 Aug 4th 08 - Mr. Lord Nitral:

..........If you read the second post you would realize i already said that.......GTFO if you aint from valhalla please lol.

22:25:22 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Synario:

yea lol chunk is a *beep*ing *beep*.

22:30:25 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Justin:

synario go get another sexual harrasment suite against you and leave PJ alone!

22:31:19 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

nice justin, nice

23:02:35 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

usually when someone is making fun of my kd mate i usually try to stick up for that person instead of complimenting the other one, but that was a nice one justin... roheran even said so

23:04:39 Aug 6th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

sarcasm brutii, sarcasm

06:58:57 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Sirmeat:

bump, IoK owning, end...

07:25:38 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Kalkan:


00:34:54 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Peace War And Suffering:


16:18:21 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Love:

Sirmeat u sorry sod. IoK and Evolution has joined bond in an attempt to destroy Crucifiction.

Why have you not been able to eradicatie us from the map yet? Are you scared?
You are in the last hours of your pathetic KD Sirmeat. Bwahahaha

Kingdoms in Valhalla
IoKImperium Of Knights36Sir Lord Nitral666
EvoEvolution14Mr. Acerf250
CFCrucifiction5Mr. Piece Maker100
SKSarafan Knights9Mr. Shakenbake60
EpochDawn of Epoch5Mr. Epoch of Wisdom59

16:35:21 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

petrified. you will need more than 19k shaman and 2.7k nazguls my friend. Even with wraith hiding to the east...

16:55:50 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Love:

Your unholy alliance will crumble underneath ur feet. GHOST RIDA

17:52:42 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Love we didnt join together behind your back in some evil way like your trying to make it attacked our ally lool.Next time use your and your KD and GS have been predicting our death for days....give up.

17:55:18 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Justin:

thats pretty bad if 36 ppl cant beat 5

18:01:42 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Basch:

It's actully 50 ppl

18:04:39 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Basch i was talking about how he had to team up with 16 more players. If 36 players cant beat 5 and need to team up to make 50 to beat 5 thats pathetic.

18:42:09 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

justin, jog on numbnuts. you can barely understand your own kd let alone someone elses

19:21:18 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Poopertrooper:

pretty sad that they are the only ones seeing that ...

19:26:53 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Acerf:

lol for starters where did you get that 5 from?  its been much more from the start of the era, just that we [IoK in 90%] took care of other KDs thats why it looks like its unfair now...

though i got to hand it to CF that they hang on quite well, much better than GS or Nova.... or Warlocks... or KDs not worth mentioning :D

19:37:31 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

to be honest, we haven't really gone on a major offensive against any kd except SK (mainly because of slade..). the rest we have just dealt with reactively.

20:42:44 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Mr. Justin


8/17/2008 5:04:39 PMBasch i was talking about how he had to team up with 16 more players. If 36 players cant beat 5 and need to team up to make 50 to beat 5 thats pathetic.

LooL.if you look at who we were originally fighting we were outnumbered.if you look at who we are now fighting we are outnumbered.......And we didnt need more people to beat a offensive strike we had against them.we have just been sitting here repelling there attacks.

20:55:08 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Poopertrooper:

as long as you believe it yourself, it's all right isn't it :). I'm sure you're sitting there with your 'best king ever' mug in your hand :)

20:58:17 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Justin:

haha ya he is. Should be "i think im the best king ever" mug ;)

21:08:50 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Sirmeat:

Love, Its completely stupid for you to call me a sod, I was a part of OP, which got disbanded due to Mr. Dogga, so As such it was only wise to join one of my allies, IoK or Evolution, And your right, Evo,IoK and OP all joined but it was pretty much at the start of the era, long before you were even reconized,  The only reason you guys have been able to twindle freely is because IoK has been dealing with the bigger that you have had all this era to build up, you have sent 2700 nazzys and 19k shammys, your whole era's worth of troops...I see no point in you talking what so ever highspeed, your doom is soon, since every other kd has been broken down and taken out, yours just happens to be the last on the list other then a few small fry scattered members of the enemy kd's.

I will only address you Mr. Love because im not one to talk mad smack and yada yada, but you called me out by name...I find that funny, the weakest link is the one tryna talk crap to me...Ha, funny, You wont last much longer hoss.

21:37:42 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Mr. Justin


8/17/2008 7:58:17 PMhaha ya he is. Should be "i think im the best king ever" mug ;)

Justin why dont you go lose TDS a few more memberes.This from the imbosal.I qoute: OH NO.what if bloody sabbath kicks me from TDS because i was a *beep* and made you lot leave.OHH NO.i made as well quit the whole game.your pretty big now that you see you have a lasting spot in are a joke.

And pooper i admit we have more numbers then you.If you looked at the figures start era it was our 36 vs 52 enemy wernt whining then.only when those enemies who were keeping us occupied fell you decided to try and talk crap.Have CF even managed to reach our actual cores blocker bridgepass.not as far as i know of and i would know as i own the blocker.You all just keep celebrating taking some undefended cities next to our core from us and we will keep killing you off.agreed?

And love all im gonna ask if have you got your Mil Science past level 0 and manged to pump more then just 2K nazzies and sum gaias(dearly departed).This is what you farming all era produces.and your KD start a week before are also a joke.

21:56:49 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Poopertrooper:

And pooper i admit we have more numbers then you.If you looked at the figures start era it was our 36 vs 52 enemy wernt whining then.

wasn't that the time you guys offered us a CF and then you broke it simply because you were talking to the wrong kingdom? You thought we were supernova and then eventually you just declared on us, not keeping yourself to the terms of the cf at all ...

So assuming you had to end a CF with supernova as well, means kinda you made peace offers with everyone in the beginning, and then by breaking and attacking in the unsuspecting, you gained land and power?

NR. 1 KING! <3<3<3<3 ...

21:59:00 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Mr. Poopertrooper


8/17/2008 8:56:49 PMAnd pooper i admit we have more numbers then you.If you looked at the figures start era it was our 36 vs 52 enemy wernt whining then.

wasn't that the time you guys offered us a CF and then you broke it simply because you were talking to the wrong kingdom? You thought we were supernova and then eventually you just declared on us, not keeping yourself to the terms of the cf at all ...

So assuming you had to end a CF with supernova as well, means kinda you made peace offers with everyone in the beginning, and then by breaking and attacking in the unsuspecting, you gained land and power?

NR. 1 KING! <3<3<3<3 ...

............No.we sent you a message by accident.then 3 days later broke it anyway lool.To unrelated events.

22:08:43 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Poopertrooper:

omg, are you even reading what I said? You breaking with Supernova has nothing to do with ending a cf? And you not holding yourself to the terms of not attacking till 24 after the CF is over?

C'mon man, you have simply no realization of loyalty and managing your inbox in vu ...

22:19:35 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

...Pooper....we did wait 24 hours.simply because your leader didnt tell you when we broke it or because your leader logged in a while later doesnt mean we didnt.

22:21:26 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Poopertrooper:

no remember ... you guys (typhoon) started hitting me already back in our CF? gawd you are so ignorant!

22:58:14 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral: already seen the times that all our attacks took place.we were out of the CF.

23:06:46 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Sirmeat:

Man I have started a storm huh, all I was doing was bumping the thread, it hasnt had much its a mini-soap...>8P

23:29:03 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Poopertrooper:

Sir Lord Nitral [IoK] (8/5/2008 2:30:26 AM) GOOD BAD
Attacking a city of Ours would be stupid as we have a Cease fire with your KD.attacking a city that used to be ours is equally dumb as according to the terms you cant.
You (8/5/2008 9:19:45 AM)
now now, before you start insulting me, you should've checked the other possibilities of what this mistake must contain? Before I set sail now I knew there was a city around there from peach, so I was going to attack there, but now I just logged in and saw it has you banner on it, so don't worry i'm gone
You (8/5/2008 9:20:36 AM)
# 03:01:49: Typhoon Warriors lead by Ms. Typhoon attacked and plundered Peachs Castle. They took 5179 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 87970 food and 119 slaves. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
# 03:02:51: Typhoon lifeguards lead by Ms. Typhoon attacked and took over Peachs Castle. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
# 06:03:38: Harass Hem lost a battle against Typhoon lifeguards from Ms. Typhoon. The army escaped to Wookie. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 408 Knights, 59 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
# 07:01:01: Dump lost a battle against Scoutinscoutin from Mr. Lucreatun. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

wtf, you call that a cf??
Sir Lord Nitral [IoK] (8/5/2008 12:55:01 PM) GOOD BAD
Go and take the city worries it was accidental.
You (8/5/2008 12:57:28 PM)

will this hush your trap for good? ... thought so :)

23:32:52 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

....that was BEFORE THE CF WAS and piece maker spoke about that.simply because your KD leader isnt competent enough to talk to you about it doesnt mean we are some evil Nub KD like your trying to make us look like.I dont really care carried on winning battles on the forums whilst we carry-on winning battles in game.

23:35:11 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Poopertrooper:

....that was BEFORE THE CF WAS and piece maker spoke about that.simply because your KD leader isnt competent enough to talk to you about it doesnt mean we are some evil Nub KD like your trying to make us look like.I dont really care carried on winning battles on the forums whilst we carry-on winning battles in game.

wtf!! that exactly proves my point ... are you mildly retarded or what? You guys attacked me and later that day

07:01:01: Dump lost a battle against Scoutinscoutin from Mr. Lucreatun. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

as you can see here ... ffs

23:41:18 Aug 17th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

WTF YOU ARE SO DUMB.we were arguing what relevance the accidental Message has to us breaking the CF later on you dumbass.look your just angry as yuor losing.

23:59:08 Aug 17th 08 - Mr. Jesus Left Toe:

Pooper, looking at this from a non-biased (or what i think was a non-biased) point of view. You are wrong, and even if you are right there is nothing you can do about it. So stop having a sook about it.

00:40:48 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Love:

Well 2700 nazzies aint my hole eras worth. Not been around too long.

But still i will kill you all. I promise this dearly.

01:17:11 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Sirmeat:

LMFAO, Ok...Ill hold me breathe..>8)

01:51:53 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Vapor:

I'm pretty sure that we were allied with OP you attacked OP so we had to declare on you

09:43:51 Aug 18th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Sir Lord Nitral


8/17/2008 11:41:18 PM
WTF YOU ARE SO DUMB.we were arguing what relevance the accidental Message has to us breaking the CF later on you dumbass.look your just angry as yuor losing.


Eh? I'm pretty sure your armies not moving and your cities burning qualifies as YOU Losing... ;)

10:20:39 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Bladehadranos:

Ok seen much here..... ready for anything too

11:07:46 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Lord Wraith


8/18/2008 8:43:51 AM
Sir Lord Nitral


8/17/2008 11:41:18 PM
WTF YOU ARE SO DUMB.we were arguing what relevance the accidental Message has to us breaking the CF later on you dumbass.look your just angry as yuor losing.


Eh? I'm pretty sure your armies not moving and your cities burning qualifies as YOU Losing... ;)

Hey wraith when you reach our actual core instead of just burning a few cities that were built accidently on the wrong side of our blocker then come and post.

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