Forums / In game politics / Fecking Feckers Traitors

Fecking Feckers Traitors
09:48:09 Oct 26th 10 - Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac V:

Good to see that so early in talents era , there are already traitors.


First i was told by ragnorak , a member of fecking feckers , thats i could build were i was in peace , with no threat of attacks from him , but i should go the leader for relations.


I then go to the leader , remembering that NO attacks AT ALL have been made at this point. Me and the leader begin discussing and i suggest a NAP. this is AFTER he says YES to us having relations. we were simply sorting out wether it would be a CF or NAP. THREE armies suddenly enter my core. Ragnorak assures me they are heading to a blocker , and NONE of them will attack me.


i then recieve this.


Duke Pesterd (10/25/2010 9:18:29 PM) GOOD BAD
It would seem that the majority of the kingdom wouldnt agree to relations with your kingdom.
However We may be able to discuss a short/long term CF amongst us.

Attacking will be continued for now unless deemed otherwise.


and then 2 or so ticks later my Main mines , the only properly built one is taken over , and my cities are plundered for over 15 milliin gold , and over 5 million stone. By the armies that were 'JUST PASSING THROUGH'.

Very honorable Duke Pesterd.

10:35:08 Oct 26th 10 - Mr. Thornside:

I'd like to say however that ragnorak is not the one who attacked , giorgio is

13:58:31 Oct 26th 10 - Duke Pesterd:

This is false. You asked for an NAP and I said we would continue discussing it.

You then stated that you would like to cease attacks because you see a member of mine coming to attack you.

I said NO. Attacks WILL continue regardless of current peace talks.

Hence we are still at war unless deemed otherwise.

I did nothing dishonorable.

13:59:26 Oct 26th 10 - Duke Pesterd:

"Attacking will be continued for now unless deemed otherwise."

Perhaps reading your messages thoroughly will help......

14:02:41 Oct 26th 10 - Prince Mithras of Arunun:

Attacking will be continued for now unless deemed otherwise.

He told you they would attack...nothing dishonourable here. When you were told they were heading to a blocker they probably were, Pesterd's message however rendered that null and void.

Also, Ragnorok isn't a vice in fecking feckers anyway (I suppose you didn't bother checking?) so anything he said couldn't be taken on behalf of the kingdom as he isn't in a position of authority within it.

14:12:12 Oct 26th 10 - Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

Silly Feckers!

(sorry just wanted to say Feckers on the forum :P)

16:08:07 Oct 26th 10 - Mr. Ragnorak:

Sorry Guys I have been asked to Take yous out Sorry.

I did try to be Honerable and stay away but my Position in the kingdom will be affected.


18:26:41 Oct 26th 10 - Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac V:

This is what happened.


You (10/23/2010 2:43:25 PM)
Would relations between us be possible?
Duke Pesterd (10/24/2010 7:30:41 PM) GOOD BAD
Very Much So
You (10/24/2010 9:16:50 PM)
Do you have relations with the primates?
Duke Pesterd (10/25/2010 5:14:26 AM) GOOD BAD
No sir
You (10/25/2010 1:08:00 PM)
Would you agree to a NAP for the full era? and can you please tell your kingdom to not attack me , at the very least for as long as we are discussing diplomacy


At THIS POINT , a few armies approached my core.


I asked them where they were going , and was told that they meant no harm to me and was heading for a blocker.


when they were ONE TICK AWAY i got this. after letting them reach me.


Duke Pesterd (10/25/2010 9:18:29 PM) GOOD BAD
It would seem that the majority of the kingdom wouldnt agree to relations with your kingdom.
However We may be able to discuss a short/long term CF amongst us.

Attacking will be continued for now unless deemed otherwise.


When you told me this i had let them travel 12 ticks away from any type of armoury that could oppose them.


Ragnorak is not a vice however he was the one who owned the him telling me he would not attack me is relevant. be he a vice or not

18:29:50 Oct 26th 10 - Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac V:

The lol is im just going to sit in my city and mind my own business , as only giorgio can even attack me , and all he can do is plunder , but my city with warehouses is still strong.


When im not even up to 50% of ONE of your players , you should clearly see its an unfair fight.


And we were not 'still at war' , we were NOT AT WAR WHEN I SENT YOU THE PEACE MESSAGES. which means you STARTED A WAR DURING PEACE TALKS...which is unhonorable. its not like a messaged you for a CF in a war. we were neutral.

18:33:28 Oct 26th 10 - Ms. Idontcare:

I msged you a long time ago asking what your intention were with our kingdom and you never replied and i am a vice so maybe you should have replied to me then and this may  not have happen !

18:37:19 Oct 26th 10 - Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac V:

this is what you messaged me.


Ms. Idontcare (10/22/2010 5:24:44 PM) GOOD BAD
Hello Sir how you doing this find day?


how was i supposed to know who you are , who you represented , or what you wanted to know? and this as AFTER i spoke to ragnorak. if we check the dates it was only a few hoursbefore my first message to what difference would it of made? those 4 ticks?

18:46:45 Oct 26th 10 - Ms. Idontcare:

Well i am leader of  Fecking Feckers or was i wasnt planning on playing this era so i ask pesterd if he would take over i wanted a good leader  for kingdom. so if you had of replied there would be something i could have done. but things were put in motion and not up to me now thats between you and pesterd. and when the topic came up about you guys and since i never heard back from you i said take them out . 

18:49:16 Oct 26th 10 - Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac V:

Okay. so it was pesterd who acted dishonrably then , as he had put into motion to kill me , but lied we could have relations.

18:52:07 Oct 26th 10 - Ms. Idontcare:

I dont see it as dishonable nothing was set in stone you were in talks thats all as far as i can see it

18:59:03 Oct 26th 10 - Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac V:

I asked if we could have relations , he said yes.


from this point , that we were going to have relations was a definite. he did not say 'i have to ask my kd' , he simply said yes. or to be precise , 'very much so'.

next day ragnorak tells me he was told to take me out. does this seem honorable to you? remembering his last message to me was the one in which he said , qoute 'maybe a CF  , long/short term'.


20:00:16 Oct 26th 10 - Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

You (10/25/2010 1:08:00 PM)
Would you agree to a NAP for the full era? and can you please tell your kingdom to not attack me , at the very least for as long as we are discussing diplomacy

if he didn't reply yes to that, then I dun see anything else at all not even a little bit... everything else is a very loose "could" or "maybe"; doesn't sound like they did anything intentional or sneaky; you read quite a bit into his responses...

20:08:05 Oct 26th 10 - Mr. Donut:

Even the Mafia had enough honour to not kill you while you might think talks were still happening.  "Honour" isn't what it was in the lands of VU.

Then again, times change - I blame the parents myself.

00:01:56 Oct 27th 10 - Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac V:

He never said maybe , he said very much so.

00:03:51 Oct 27th 10 - Ms. Arielle Kebbel:

he said , qoute 'maybe a CF  , long/short term'.

well, it's you quoting him saying maybe... -.-

00:05:25 Oct 27th 10 - Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac V:

when he said the CF thing he had already attacked. when i asked for the NAP , he attacked between the two.


when i asked for can we have peace he said very much so.

01:48:14 Oct 27th 10 - Duke Pesterd:

You (10/23/2010 2:43:25 PM)
Would relations between us be possible?
Duke Pesterd (10/24/2010 7:30:41 PM)GOODBAD
Very Much So

That means that relations are possible....

Ask me any question. Hello sir. Would it be possible to jump off the bridge?

Very Much so.
That means it is possible. But It doesnt mean I am agreeing to doing it.

Clearly you misinterpreted my messages and you are enflamed about your miscommunication.

When I said VERY MUCH SO. I said that relations are Very Much So Possible.

I DIDNT say, Yes. Relations will be in affect.

Therefore, you are wrong and I did nothing dishonorable.

Also, it wasnt a "tick" later. It was a few hrs from the time i sent the message to when you were attacked.

03:28:58 Oct 27th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Who cares it's Talents?

04:13:55 Oct 27th 10 - Mr. Archi:

18:28:58 Oct 26th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Who cares it's Talents?

Well, if you've not noticed, everyone get's 3 accounts now...

Fantasia isn't the only world that matters to people now since they can play on 3.  Lots of people who used to play solely on Fantasia are now playing on lower worlds, such as Talents.  It's a pretty simple concept really...

Pestered is in the right here.  He never agreed to any relations, you just mis-understood him.  It's how it goes.

05:53:52 Oct 27th 10 - Mr. Robin Longstride:

I feel a little nostalgia coming around. I feel like I know this Duke fellow.

05:58:08 Oct 27th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I've only got 2. So you're incorrect there. I only made 2 so I could be in SIN, and I don't even care for that anymore.

09:16:46 Oct 27th 10 - Sir Ozymandias Back:

and this coming from the guy who told us he would leave GOD and join us just because he was loosing...

13:12:09 Oct 27th 10 - Duke Pesterd:

Which Duke Fella?

There are 2 in this case :P

13:17:11 Oct 27th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I know right Ozy? He's so hypocritical, one of the main reasons I don't give a sh*t for this thread.

17:50:55 Oct 27th 10 - Sir Binh The Returner:

I gotta agree with pesterd here. I read the messages myself. And he didn't say anything about agreeing to a nap. Just a possibility that it may happen. And while these things are negotiated, the war generally continue unless specifically agreed on by both party to halt the war while negotiating.

21:12:15 Oct 27th 10 - Mr. Thornside:

The reason why i and vexille think it is under handed is simple.


We were not at war at the start of the peace talks. Giorgio said he was TOLD to attack me. ragnorak said the same thing


This means that whilst duke pesterd spoke diplomacy with me , he was telling his kd mates to go after me. When i FIRST STARTED TALKING ragnorak was pretty sure we would reach peace. this suggests the orders were given DURING the peace talks.


On top of this they used the 'peace talks' as a way into my core area. passing my blockers by stating we were at peace andt they simply wanted to reach there blockers , which were on the other side of our core.


This is where i feel they acted dishonorably. What duke has done in the past , i do not know , but how it relates to this i feel is irrelevant.

21:13:33 Oct 27th 10 - Mr. Thornside:

Also i would like to say , he says most of his kingdom were against NAP'ng me , but so far 6 of his members have said they feel this whole thing is unfair , ragnorak even threatening to leave over it.


As you only have 9 members , that means your claims the majority of the players did NOT want a NAP is clearly a lie. as that only leaves 3 members max to refuse relations with us.

21:17:48 Oct 27th 10 - Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac V:

The reason i wanted to leave GOD was simple.


I joined GOD after they entered my core , burnt down 3 of my 4 cities , and said i would lose the last one if i did not join them.


By the time you guys came i was NO LONGER within GOD's core , i was outside of it , and they could no longer threaten me.


So please dont talk if your unaware of a persons motives.

22:31:34 Oct 27th 10 - Sir Ozymandias Back:

nice try mate, but we talked to GOD, wasn't quite like that, but since I think his game needs all the people it can get I'm not going to spread details. Instead I think you should just stop talking on this post

02:32:38 Oct 28th 10 - Mr. Robin Longstride:

Oh i mean this Duke Guy asterac. Past is catching up....

15:05:58 Oct 28th 10 - Mr. Hannibal:

Well I am not saying Pesterd is a traitor here though I think he is rude 

You (10/23/2010 10:19:59 PM)
Hey mate,

I have checked with Ms. Peach, the leader of the kingdom "kingdom" and I can try and persuade you to become friendly with us. 

I understand before Mr. Montyy joined "kingdom" he was at war with your kingdom. Well we have all united and are hoping now we will be able to put this behind us and move to what will hopefully be an era of peace between us. 

War with "Internal Primates Forever" seems inevitable for our kingdom. If we could get the reassurance of peace with your kingdom that would be great for us. I will not deny if you were currently to attack us you could just steam-roll our kingdom. Though I believe that with a reasonable amount of time we could amount to beneficial to your kingdom as I understand your at war with "Internal Primates Forever" too.

What I am after is a NAP or an era long CF, preferably an era long NAP though I would end prefer it if we could go for an 72 hour breaking notice NAP. Of course you hold all the cards right now though I am hoping you agree to NAP us.

I am going away though from Sunday (tomorrow), to Wednesday so if your online now we can sort it out though you may have to carry this relation discussion on with Ms. Peach. Though if you are willing to make a temporary CF till, preferably Thursday as I am getting back late Wednesday so I may not log on that evening then that would be great.

Duke Pesterd (10/25/2010 4:16:09 AM)GOODBAD
Message me when you get this.
We can sort something out. We both have a common enemy,
You (10/27/2010 4:48:54 PM)
I am back mate so if you could give me an update on how things have progressed and let me know if you are still interested that would be great

And yet since I have messaged him with this Pesterd has taken two of my cities and this Ragnorak guy has taken one of my cities, call it whatever you will but this Pesterd guy is a total dick. 

My point is if Pesterd wanted to attack me why couldn't he have just said so instead of making me wait for this supposed reply to try and negotiate something and then never replying. I did also send him a message yesterday evening though he didn't reply to that either so I can't show you that message. 

19:47:21 Oct 28th 10 - Mr. Thornside:

Ironically , when he begun attacking us he stopped replying.


so thats two kingdoms he has betrayed? what kingdom are you Hannibal?

19:54:45 Oct 28th 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

lolol Hannibal is Samual  

ha ha ha ha dead again :D

20:57:49 Oct 28th 10 - Ms. Idontcare:

19:12:15 Oct 27th 10 - Mr. Thornside:

The reason why i and vexille think it is under handed is simple.


We were not at war at the start of the peace talks. Giorgio said he was TOLD to attack me. ragnorak said the same thing


This means that whilst duke pesterd spoke diplomacy with me , he was telling his kd mates to go after me. When i FIRST STARTED TALKING ragnorak was pretty sure we would reach peace. this suggests the orders were given DURING the peace talks.


On top of this they used the 'peace talks' as a way into my core area. passing my blockers by stating we were at peace andt they simply wanted to reach there blockers , which were on the other side of our core.


This is where i feel they acted dishonorably. What duke has done in the past , i do not know , but how it relates to this i feel is irrelevant.


wasnt pesterd who gave the order to attack it was me i didnt know of any peace talks going on so either way i gave the order :)

23:11:32 Oct 28th 10 - Mr. Robin Longstride:

Duke Kathandarion = Duke Guy Vexille of Astarac

Makes good sense lol

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