Forums / In game politics / Its quite obvious

Its quite obvious
18:29:34 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Who Was Fone:

You guys need me around here.
I don't see any good flame wars at all.

All I see is Swifty trolling you all, how could you get trolled by swifty?
Seriously ?

18:31:50 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

who are you ?

18:32:52 Apr 3rd 10 - HighMage Daemon:


18:33:28 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Who Was Fone:

Sir Jason of Antioch


18:31:50 Apr 3rd 10
who are you ?

Im you're god, suck up kid and you might get lucky

18:33:44 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

shutup rev :P were did you go  :S

18:34:21 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Who Was Fone:

Let me use your statement .

" Who are you ? "

18:37:44 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

:P if i tell you you wont answer mine , were did you go rev?

18:42:48 Apr 3rd 10 - Dark Prince Hemagyname:

your lameass returning already? its not even been an era, you really do suck mr chav

18:44:57 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Who Was Fone:

I simply quit the game, terrible updates and boredom turned me away.
Real life took over, and I'm not active enough to play properly.

Almost 20 eras now since I joined, and Im glad I left.

18:45:19 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Onslaught:

Hey Kath.

18:45:51 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Who Was Fone:

>your lameass returning already? its not even been an era, you really do suck mr chav

I'm not returning to a shit game like this, Im just popping in as I've got today off work

18:46:17 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Who Was Fone:

>Hey Kath.

Hey troll!

18:47:41 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

Fuck you Onslaught LOOOL

18:57:30 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Who Was Fone:

Jason would you mind putting my name into the KD thing?

I would appreciate it.

19:01:37 Apr 3rd 10 - Sir Jason of Antioch:

im in a KD now :P

19:36:55 Apr 3rd 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:


19:58:12 Apr 3rd 10 - The Architect:

All the good flame wars ended long ago, the admin just locks/deletes the thread when one starts now...

We need Cobra, Quietone, Osiris and myself back and we'll get some good ones going again.

20:10:56 Apr 3rd 10 - Dark Prince Hemagyname:

We need Cobra, Quietone, Osiris and myself back and we'll get some good ones going again.

hmmm all of the above still play!

20:44:40 Apr 3rd 10 - The Architect:

But none of us dredge around in the politics forum much anymore, the admin has put a serious hamper on our flaming efforts.  And I do believe that Osi left the game, I could be mistaken, but last I talked to him he was leaving for good.

20:53:47 Apr 3rd 10 - Dark Prince Hemagyname:

hes in db

21:48:14 Apr 3rd 10 - Lord Woody Loves Latex:

rev is a homo.

07:07:24 Apr 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I second that statement.

Im jealous of his overly high sexiness and it makes me feel like calling him a homo as well

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