Forums / In game politics / Valhalla Era 95

Valhalla Era 95
07:32:35 Feb 22nd 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):

Despite the late drops of a couple Kd’s and some new ones. Val seems to be populating again! ….. more food 😝😎

Let’s have a great era guys/gals 💯 

08:33:07 Feb 22nd 24 - Sir Exlamation:

Yes the main problem was having one large kingdom and others are small. Glad Ren came up with idea to split up so that all kingdoms are same size. Now its all fair because Ren split up. Oh wait? What?

13:51:05 Feb 22nd 24 - Phat (Lord Crados):

There’s two kingdoms. Then some randoms. 

13:52:43 Feb 22nd 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Blackbrush):

We dropped 3 strong members lol

Kon Jasper and Professor are all not playing this era.

Every except for me, Spartan and Bart have probably less than 5 eras of experience. 

Y'all stay mad. 

I'm not gonna split up the Kingdom into new people and less new people (us three I membtioned earlier are all returning players but still relatively fresh compared to many of you). 

I'm going to continue to provide a place for new players to learn. Splitting the Kingdoms didn't allow that to happen.

13:54:55 Feb 22nd 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Blackbrush):

Not to mention Exclamation point has two of the best players playing right now in Rox and Venomz. Y'all will be fine. Chin up. Let's fight.

15:45:03 Feb 22nd 24 - Sir Exlamation:

Who is mad? I was only mentioning the idea you had about splitting. Nobody else pushed that idea but majority agreed. You are training new players which is great, I try to do similar on Mantrax and next era Fant, but there will always be vets who call other less active kingdoms as randoms only because they do not have the same level of activity. Or in this situation bad start time for EU people. 

By the way I am sure You all are playing the game much longer than I have. But indeed our kingdom has some great players gathered last minute cause we did not know what is going on with the whole draft thing.

16:51:09 Feb 23rd 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):

And just to throw this out there. It says we have 9 but it’s really 7 like Sable said 2 aren’t even playing this era. 

❗️has 5

Bannerless has 6 

Seems pretty fair to me. It was clear the mass draft lost traction (which sucked. Because I personally was looking forward to it) and splitting the kingdom as Sable said wouldn’t have been fair to new players trying to learn and ultimate not fair to us who are buddies who enjoy to play together and learn from one another and teach. 

Exclamation I’m glad you are trying to do the same on Mant and Fant because that’s what drew me to come play with Ren. (And a previous promise to Jasper eras back) but if that’s the case why even mention the original comment? Because there is “shade” wanting to be thrown. 

03:09:52 Feb 25th 24 - Spartan Edward Kelly:

For the record... I'm not a returning player just active and trying to learn from the vets who share knowledge 

07:05:26 Feb 27th 24 - Duke Caedus:

Albatross are slowly returning back to valhalla! :D

07:20:24 Feb 27th 24 - The Oppressed:

I'm also back and plan on kicking some towns down. Starting at the top of the charts..... now if i can just remember how to play this game.   Old age is a bitch!

07:14:26 Feb 28th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):


07:15:02 Feb 28th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):

Glad to see you back Caedus! Hope all is well with your newborn 🙏🏾😇

10:00:49 Feb 28th 24 - Duke Caedus:

Thanks man! We had to rush her back to hospital and she was on an IV and Oxygen for a week - but everything is good now! It was just a bad flu that wiped us out. Did you know that newborns can't breathe through their mouth? Therefore, a common cold of flu can result in needing oxygen and IV... I've learned that this month! ;) 

00:46:58 Mar 2nd 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):

Damn…. Y’all really hated us that much huh? Lol 11v4(5)

Y’all better win lmao 🤣 😘

03:09:50 Mar 2nd 24 - Princess Yasmina:

All about perspective then, its same for everyone. ! is in same situation 5 vs 11. 

19:54:33 Mar 2nd 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):

lol more like facts. It’s the world vs us (4-5) and now the kingdomless lmao so 13 vs 4-5. SMH 🤦🏽‍♂️ 😂. 

So what y’all saying your gonna war each other after you gang**** us? 🤪

20:06:59 Mar 2nd 24 - Prophet Eldarion:

That makes no sense, if kingdoms are located on the map as follows:

west corner kingdom a  -  middle of map kingdom b - kingdom c east corner

It makes no sense for kingdom a to walk around kingdom b to attack kingdom c. It does not mean they are allies, its just such placement on map. Keep in mind you guys are the ones that spread around and attacked all the kingdoms.

00:31:18 Mar 3rd 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):

By no means am I complaining haha. All is fair in love and war 🫡. 

If anything itbwas smart for ALL OF YOU to march on us at once. Lol 😝 💯. 

Previous eras have shown if it’s not all or nothing it typically doesn’t bode well haha. 

13:51:57 Mar 3rd 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Blackbrush):

Now all the tagless also want a piece. Vultures :p

Maybe one day I'll play a world where it doesn't feel like the whole map is conspiring against me

14:26:25 Mar 3rd 24 - Mr. Bevoi Brewborn:

Hey, you can't call it the whole map yet. The giant and the midge are not fighting you. Yet. 

15:23:47 Mar 3rd 24 - The Oppressed:

Yeah and we in pest been stalled by ^^^This giant and a midge so we gonna be tied up a while.

20:50:21 Mar 5th 24 - Phat (Lord Crados):

Stalled? You dorks marched like 40 ticks out of the way to attack us.

you picked us as victims after napping everyone else around.

23:26:38 Mar 5th 24 - The Oppressed:

You (2/28/2024 11:37:16 AM)
Pest would like to offer a NAP between our kingdoms.

Mr. Bevoi Brewborn (2/28/2024 12:05:22 PM) GOOD BAD
The giant and the midge refuse your offer due to other arrangements. We'll look forward to meeting your kingdom on the battlefield if we live that long!

 Not sure where u get off saying that Phat/Crados.  You not only declared us as u can see but also attacked first by snagging one our towns...   we sent 25k lords and 2k nazi with a little magic support and here we are harvesting salt as you raze everything.

00:13:18 Mar 6th 24 - Phat (Lord Crados):


You built a city in our core area, then said “friends?” 

You deserve your salt. 

01:45:35 Mar 6th 24 - Sable (Arkanist Sable Shorthalt):


06:27:50 Mar 8th 24 - Mr. Mullet Also:

do you like large walls and more than necessary guard towers
or are you a mage with expendable income and want more
buy rocks by mullet 
theyre great 

06:36:54 Mar 8th 24 - Mr. Mullet Also:

buuuy  mu llet

06:42:55 Mar 8th 24 - Mr. Mullet Also:

17:14:55 Mar 9th 24 - Venomz (High Warlord Cicero):

I'll just quit like Oppressed,  I'm not allowed to play the game.

Enjoy the rest of the Era all of u.

The Oppressed (3/9/2024 8:09:03 AM)GOODBAD
I'll burn it all fcking joke
You (3/9/2024 8:12:31 AM)
The Oppressed (3/9/2024 4:15:18 PM)GOODBAD
just the fact that u coming at a small player like me . Plus the yellow nature of cwing instead of prepping on top of being so overpowered that no one on this side of the map can contest.

Just lame man flat lame. but thats ok u do u. I could understand cwing a larger kd but to come at a kingdom 20% ur size that is still fighting another war and cw to take easy spoils when u already won the age just rubs me wrong. had u prepped and fought me I would of left the spoils in-tack slaves and all. You should already know this about me. Any the win is yours enjoy

18:27:42 Mar 9th 24 - Mr. Mullet Also:

wtf is cw like the shitty drama channel

20:01:55 Mar 9th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Forgotten):

Only lame one is you Oppressed. It’s part of the game. SMH. 

11:25:52 Mar 10th 24 - Mr. Hills:

Damn, if people quit after every bad message, there would be no players left in the game. Take it as part of game experience. Like this guy claiming I am Ivanho even though I have two chars with rp points that I invested many months of playing. Game is bugged so you can’t see history but a 20 minutes search easily finds my chars over + 10 eras of play before I quit. Were the messages rude and hurtful? Sure. Does it make me quit? Not at all. 

The Ancient Niccolo Machiavelli (1/31/2024 7:12:19 PM)GOODBAD
Hey sad little hoebag.

Go attack the Renaissance scout just SE of this army, and then I'll come and visit you. I haven't reminded your place lately, and you've gotten a bit too uppity.

Though I know you won't do it - because you're a scared little hoebag who always losses. You'll just hide behind the 50% rule the whole time - like the pathetic loser that you are.

12:48:52 Mar 10th 24 - Konstant (The Ancient Niccolo Machiavelli):

I wouldn't be advertising who you are ghengis hoe - venomz might get wind of you again, or did you forget how he completely destroyed you?

Even his KD-mate for that era left him because she saw through him.

PS. He never did close those gates. Not surprising, typical ghengis hoe behaviour. 

You (1/31/2024 6:31:44 AM)
Hey Hoe, long time no see. You know you can't hide.
Mr. Hills (1/31/2024 8:31:29 AM)GOODBAD
I am not Ivanho
You (1/31/2024 9:57:03 AM)
Say what you will hoebag. We all know you're a multi abuser and slave to your master.
Mr. Hills (1/31/2024 12:01:00 PM)GOODBAD
City is Lame Start
You (1/31/2024 1:02:22 PM)
I'm literally 10x your size. Have your little buddy attack a scout of mine and I will send my scraps to eradicate you.

Skill, intelligence, capability - none of those things have ever been your strong suits.

Mr. Hills (1/31/2024 3:20:29 PM)GOODBAD
I will close gates

14:28:51 Mar 10th 24 - Edi (Sir Edi The Great):

Gengis/Hills Have Eyes have been in RoC, Sol Invictus and Collective with me for years back when I was active. What are you on about Konstant?


Even has a mant win

14:38:13 Mar 10th 24 - Sir Hills Have Eyes:

I did leave kd to take out inactive members Hamish style, I do deserve the bad rep. Being called Ivanho is pushing it a bit. 

02:28:00 Mar 11th 24 - Mr. Moctezuma:

Excuse my lack of competence when it comes to old forums

I just read what Lord Cardos said and my eyes bled out
Thats what he said (talking about Pest KD of which i am a member of):
  Stalled? You dorks marched like 40 ticks out of the way to attack us.
  you picked us as victims after napping everyone else around

I just want to give a little bit of context to what happened

1. I dropped late in this era just to have a bit of fun with an orc (I'm solo KDless)
2. I happened to drop next to Oppressed and since I wanted to have a safe start it was in my best interest to stay friendly with my neighbors
I settled my first 90k next to Oppressed (good water/mountain/tree spot)

I was looking for a spot for my 2nd 90ker so I went a little north near the mountain (where midge KD lived but I didn't know that before I settled, after I settled I tried to make friendly relations with them)

After a few days I exchanged a couple of messages with Oppressed and he seemed to have similar goals (target top KDs) and seemed like a nice guy so I thought I would join his KD, initially I didn't plan to get involved in his matters I just wanted to have a bigger vision range and I made that clear to the Oppressed before applying

A day after I joined my city (about 30k) near Midge KD was taken by Midge KD so i let them know that I'm no longer peaceful towards them (this was their first attack on me or Oppressed)

Now please explain to me how we are the ones who started the war? It seems to me like I made it pretty clear that I'm not interested in attacking you and yet you decided to attack me? I understand that maybe you want to play the game and attack someone, but why the need to say stuff like that here after you got beat?

I am interested to hear what your thoughts are :)

10:13:19 Mar 11th 24 - Konspyre (Captain Michelangelo):

damn thats three whole ass paragraphs about someone who just dm'd "Ok" twice

12:27:53 Mar 11th 24 - Percy (Sir Percy The Retreat Tester):

Someone saying “ok” when you claim to not pose a threat doesn’t exactly correlate to a peace agreement. That’s them acknowledging you aren’t a threat :P

If you take another stab at being solo/small, it might be good to actually state you want peace with the other party, and to not assume peace until you get something along the lines of “we will not attack you” back. 

14:05:01 Mar 11th 24 - Mr. Moctezuma:

You are missing my point

I do not care that they attacked me or wanted to have a war with me
The fact that they claim "we picked them as victims" is what annoys me
Truth is, they attacked us unprovoked and got beat, also, why the need to call us dorks?

14:06:38 Mar 11th 24 - Mr. Mullet Also:

your playing a 20 year old browser game your a dork

14:11:44 Mar 11th 24 - Mr. Moctezuma:


14:37:34 Mar 11th 24 - Venomz (High Warlord Cicero):

All hail lord of bricks Mullet.

15:53:28 Mar 11th 24 - Phat (Lord Crados):


You're remarks stating "I am not a threat" were quickly found to be false when the kingdom you joined had decided that we were opponents. 

Yes, we declined a NAP with them, but they(you) still marched through other kingdoms to wage war.


16:44:17 Mar 11th 24 - Mr. Moctezuma:

What do you mean we "decided that we were opponents"?

I clearly said that I'm not interested in attacking you and you took my town randomly so of course I will do everything in my power to eradicate your kind after that

I guess for you it's just one of those "we attack you in defense" scenarios that Russia is doing right now 😁

17:42:30 Mar 11th 24 - Konspyre (Captain Michelangelo):

casually comparing others to an aggressive nation committing war crimes is a pretty good way to make sure others know you're in the wrong lol

17:50:19 Mar 11th 24 - The End:

Kon just shut up no one wants to hear your remarks u fracking scrub.   They declared war on us they lost ... the end.

17:51:50 Mar 11th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

If Jasper is here its definitely smelling like BS in here. Pot calling the kettle black lol

18:07:39 Mar 11th 24 - Konspyre (Captain Michelangelo):

you think anyone is interested in the whining sprout? maybe look at yourself before looking at others

And if jarl is here then i guess someone forgot to close the circus's front door!

18:08:28 Mar 11th 24 - Professor Picklerickprofessor:

Man, what in the frick is happening in Val? 

18:15:51 Mar 11th 24 - Sir Exlamation:

So much is happening, its pretty hard to keep track of everything. I am having a lot of fun thought, we'll see for how long.

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