Forums / In game politics / wow this is just sad dude

wow this is just sad dude
04:44:08 Apr 10th 09 - Sir Brizen Corbin:


City Info
Owner: Mr. Jatt Returns V Kingdom Banner
Size: 103 building(s).
Kingdom: Kingdom Of Cyprus
Gates: no gates

This ruler is in protection!

jatt lifeguards

army info
commander: mr. jatt kingdom banner
kingdom: biohazard
size: scout (1-5)
status: moving east

this ruler is in protection!

jatt returns iv lifeguards

army info
commander: mr. jatt returns iv kingdom banner
kingdom: kingdom of cyprus
size: scout (1-5)
status: camping

I mean really?! Come on!

Now i hate to throw around accusations... but i think this just may be a multi. [/sarcasm]

04:51:06 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Sdrawkcab:

can someone really be dumb enough to multi and name them all almost hte same name???

I guess so O.O

05:08:44 Apr 10th 09 - Duke Kev The Bastard:

Yeah, I saw him in chat a few days back... asking how to build a good 'military' city.  Not the shiniest penny in the piggy bank.

05:16:02 Apr 10th 09 - General Kryptonite And Killed Superman:

just look at the kd 2 of them are in...

05:20:02 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Dildonium:

no they are not multis...i know both of them...they are not multis...and Jatt is a punjabi word which means if two people have KING in their name...doesnt make em multis

05:29:38 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Sdrawkcab:

how do we know your not a multi made by him in order to defend him? lol if so that would be pretty smart...

06:22:03 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Justin:

technically it isnt multi if they dont have the same IP adress.

08:38:20 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Mr. Justin


4/10/2009 6:22:03 AM
technically it isnt multi if they dont have the same IP adress.

So.. If I wer..

Nvm, Ill leave you be

12:31:20 Apr 10th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

jatt returns iv and jatt returns V are the same person. jatt returns iv DIED then became jatt returns V as far as i know .......... as there is only one of them in our KD so i dont know why you are trying to flame someone for dieing, you should know that as it was your KD that killed him i believe...........

13:04:05 Apr 10th 09 - Sir Haribs The Godly Gummibear God:

speaking of sad, Fate and vedgies attacking a kingdom who is on the first time on fantasia at the same time, is also sad.

that a kingdom like fate have to do something like that proofs that they are just weak little farmers

13:10:25 Apr 10th 09 - Sir Spoon:

lol haribs <3

13:21:53 Apr 10th 09 - Sir Lychee:

Why can we never do something good? First people whine about too many NAPs, now people start whining that we go to war with the LEADING Fant kingdom.

I think I'm gonna commit harakiri...

13:24:06 Apr 10th 09 - Dark Lord Osiris:

good do us a favour :p

13:31:39 Apr 10th 09 - Ms. Racheal of The Skulls:

its always like that first theres not enough war then theres to MUCH war

14:40:15 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Ignis The Evil One:

Burning Time
owned by Mr. Ignis
and he is in starta while i am in zetmania does this mean that i am a multi

14:43:58 Apr 10th 09 - Sir Spoon:

For some there is too much war. For others there isn't :)

15:06:12 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Bob The Entomoligist Smurf:

Speaking of sad. Its sad when people comment on things they know nothing about and rather than try and find the truth revel in their assumptions.

15:14:50 Apr 10th 09 - Princess Lula:

seems like that entire kd is multi :p

Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail [KOC] (4/10/2009 10:10:48 AM) GOOD BAD
yeah not a gang up on the guy who just got out of being temporary banned for like a tick.

15:24:33 Apr 10th 09 - Lord Wraith The Hermit:

Kath got banned? What happened to "I had permission from Zeta"?? :P
Kathnub! xD

16:23:49 Apr 10th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

wraith go away please.

-_- saddo's

16:42:50 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Slobodan Mielosovic:

Mr. Justin


4/10/2009 5:22:03 AM
technically it isnt multi if they dont have the same IP adress.

technically speaking, you're ret@rded

17:13:06 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Brutii:

Mr. Slobodan Mielosovic


4/10/2009 10:42:50 AM
Mr. Justin


4/10/2009 5:22:03 AM
technically it isnt multi if they dont have the same IP adress.

technically speaking, you're ret@rded
technically speaking slobodan no one knows who u r

17:55:37 Apr 10th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Mr. Brutii


4/10/2009 5:13:06 PM
Mr. Slobodan Mielosovic


4/10/2009 10:42:50 AM
Mr. Justin


4/10/2009 5:22:03 AM
technically it isnt multi if they dont have the same IP adress.

technically speaking, you're ret@rded
technically speaking slobodan no one knows who u r

Technically speaking brutii, noone knows who you are and because of that you dont know who slobodan is.

18:05:08 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Brutii:


18:14:58 Apr 10th 09 - Sir Lychee:

I don't know either of them. But I am a Fruit!
Ya'll probably don't know Lychee either.

18:36:57 Apr 10th 09 - Sir Santa:

Some of you are pretty stupid, just check out the frigging history!

How hard can it be to just type in a name and make sure you're not making a mistake?

18:45:47 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Midnight Kiss:

Sir Santa


4/10/2009 5:36:57 PM
Some of you are pretty stupid, just check out the frigging history!

How hard can it be to just type in a name and make sure you're not making a mistake?
Why would you type it....? The first post has the links to the history already...

22:36:20 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Theophilus IX:

Jatt has lost his place in Biohazard. He will be struck down, at least one of him will.

22:40:00 Apr 10th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Sepelchure Grail:

theo you know they arent multis right?

22:56:32 Apr 10th 09 - Mr. Theophilus IX:

Too late for that now. Besides, he added nothing to the Kingdom.

04:30:11 Apr 11th 09 - Sir Brizen Corbin:

Sir Haribs The Godly Gummibear God said:

"speaking of sad, Fate and vedgies attacking a kingdom who is on the first time on fantasia at the same time, is also sad.
that a kingdom like fate have to do something like that proofs that they are just weak little farmers"

Lol, well it makes for good rp in any case. i love that we are the HUGE underdog in this and is good for rp (but i doubt any of mine will be reported). and this is our 1st era so if we win they will just look that much worse. Im not saying anything bad about these guys, 'ell they could be cool in rl. This is what this game is all about in the long run. And if we are getting hammerd it will show us who will break and run in the face of a hard fight, thereby inproving our Kingdom. 

BTW- Regarding this WAR we are now looking for tough allies that are open, and willing to coordinat devistating attacks (only intelligent Kingdom rulers- please). And are willing to join our allied coalition for the era. You will only be given details about the war after the coalition review and acceptiance. Kingdoms throught VU may be accepted (mostly looking for Fant& Zetamania kingdoms to join us).

Lord Brizen Corbin, Founder and Head Councilmen of TAK

06:55:54 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Rambutan:

    I recommend that no one go into relations with this guy, he's out of his mind^

                He contacted us wanting relations, we told him we had no intention of going to Nirvana, so he had nothing to worry about. We had some scouts and market cities over there, but that was it. Then they randomly send armies at us and take our market cities. Then I get a pm telling me what dirty unhonorable scoundrels we are, here you go:

Sir Brizen Corbin [TAK] (4/10/2009 8:40:58 PM) GOOD BAD
I know to many a foe like you.
I would call you a Lord as i respect many of the brave worthy foe that have have fallen before my sword before. But men like you are not worthy of such a title. All you know is underhanded tactics, and would speak on such things as honor with a tongue that is laced with a vile poison. TAK offered diplomacy relations with you, and you say you have no intentions here in Nervana. Yet here you are, and decline any diplomacy with us. Aye... indeed we know to well of your kind, your empire. I will met your forces, maybe outmatched, but the difference between victory and defeat is that of doing so in honor. And even more so if we are to succeed outnumbered. You see, if the brave honorable kings of TAK fall, we become a martyr, an ideal of what these lands should aspire to. And if we win, well. We have removed an dark epire that has no such ideals accept that of tryany, thus saving the Navana lands from an wicked kingdom of Tryants.

The honorable Lord Brizen Corbin    [-rofl]

             We have the greatest respect for many of his members:  Bogdan, Condinho, Luarie, etc.     which many of our members have played with in past eras. Their leader, however, is delusional. I would encourage them to leave and let their leader be crushed by his own foolishness.

    oh and "underdog"  ?   So far only two of our members have volunteered to fight you, so technically we will be the underdogs if you can convince your members to follow you into a stupid war.   Paranoid, delusional, misguided, foolish, these are all words that describe you, but you missed honorable by a LONG shot.

08:03:16 Apr 11th 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

It must be true if he can write in such a great RPing format! 


08:29:16 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Draik:

-"I know to many a foe like you."

ARGH! Why does the extra O in TOO always get shafted?? ffs...

09:22:22 Apr 11th 09 - Mr. Kilroy Killinger:

09:28:58 Apr 11th 09 - Sir Watermelon:


10:05:46 Apr 11th 09 - Sir Lychee:

I like the 'accept that of tryany' part. improvements the whole meaning of the sentence if you spell it like that.

10:42:56 Apr 11th 09 - Sir Watermelon:

cant nirvana and Fruit Veggia  be friends ?

11:49:09 Apr 11th 09 - Sir Lychee:


Why does dzjanges still get changed into improvements?

EDIT: for those of you without a brain, that word is 'phonetically' spelled...

12:04:05 Apr 11th 09 - Dark Lord Osiris:

err and in what language does ch@nges  go to dzjanges when using phonetics?

12:38:31 Apr 11th 09 - Sir Lychee:

Dunno, I don't know phonetics xD

02:02:05 Apr 13th 09 - Mr. Garlic:

i find it humorous.

03:13:59 Apr 13th 09 - Sir Samulis The Pompillious:

'Lord Brizen Corbin, Founder and Head Councilmen of TAK'


Who is Lord Brizen Corbin and what in the name of ZeTa is TAK? Are they a Starta KD?


btw, nice coat of arms guys. :)

15:56:06 Apr 15th 09 - Mr. Millenium:

lolllll, i know this guy in RL lol

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