Forums / Miscellaneous Discussions / Magical Dragon on the toplist

Magical Dragon on the toplist
08:25:40 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Brief:

I have not seen a magical dragon get this strong in the past and quite frankly, it should be on the toplist. I am not sure whether having the strength of 700k+ elven archers means:

a. 2 OP * 700k = 1.4 million OP
b. [(2 OP + 10 DP) / 2] * 700k = 4.2 million avg OP/DP
c.  10 DP * 700k = 7 million Dp

I don't really care but this thing is fast and flys over mountains and is always moving around. I do not think an army of 4 million OP/DP could ever catch this thing.
And it has tripled in size in less than a week.

Anyone seen a dragon stronger than this one?


Dragon (id=26)

Our scouts have found a dragon!

We estimate it's strength to be like 786600 Archers.

09:00:11 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Endless Newly Transgendered:

that looks like the same dragon that was running around in the era of Sky that Zeta forgot to delete?  

09:30:04 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Barny The Inactive:

Zeta doesnt have a mechanic for Dragons dying when era end, so he needs to do it manually.

12:57:20 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Wolf Fighter:

When we summoned six dragons two eras ago, two of those dragons where stronger than that.

13:16:12 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Yes Brief. It will be that way for archers. It takes your level 2 unit and tells you how many you need, each race needs less or more OP to destroy the dragon, making halfers pretty much the best race to kill the dragon for their level 2's are 2/2, and less slingers are stated than archers.

14:06:21 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Brief:

The thing now

Dragon (id=26)

Our scouts have found a dragon!

We estimate it's strength to be like 404300 Rockthrowers.

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