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Invisible attack
15:49:55 Oct 9th 11 - Mr. Prado:

Some times I put my army in a city and one man is left behind, then soon he is dead and I lost my unit... what is happening? Am I under attack? there is no enemy army around...

15:54:04 Oct 9th 11 - Princess Aisha:

What do you mean one man is left behind?
You put soldiers in homes? You have enough homes in the city?
Peasants take all the homes and if all homes are full then you need to take peasants in the army to make room for soldiers...

16:55:09 Oct 9th 11 - Polydeuces (Mr. Try Harder):

If you put soldiers into a city full with peasants, the peasants will leave first.  The only time you will lose troops is if the city is full with troops.  

I think what you are doing Prado, is putting all the troops into the city.  Doing this will make the army disappear.

17:25:45 Oct 9th 11 - Mr. Prado:

So why I receive this notice after I bring my soldiers into the city: 17:00:20 - All men in Pepi Force have died!

17:28:47 Oct 9th 11 - Princess Aisha:

Because the army that you created does not have any more soldiers there and it does not exist.
I see your point, they did not die, they went to city...
That might be considered as a bug :)

18:48:45 Oct 9th 11 - Mr. Prado:

Thank you Aisha :)

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