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Q Why do you still play this
22:22:19 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Revenge Forum Banned:


22:26:14 Apr 18th 11 - Sir Horus XV:

its the best browser game i've ever played, and i've tried quite a few... maybe its personal taste

22:28:46 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Revenge Forum Banned:

Horus, I quit this game quite a long time ago, and from what I can see, nothing has improved.
Thats my main point

22:58:01 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Mewtwo:

i think the main improvement this game needs is more players

after that we can address new maps, aotd issues, etc...

(this is obv horus)

00:13:49 Apr 19th 11 - Mr. The Turtle:

Although many players think that the game has declined, it is still among the best games of it's genre.

00:18:09 Apr 19th 11 - Mr. Babyface:

it doesnt even have an admin LOL

01:45:29 Apr 19th 11 - Mr. Rahatamatata:

i don't even think vu has a genre...that's probably the only reason i still come back..i miss it. there is nothing else out there i can waste time on as much as vu.

 sell a another 360...get bored when i complete fallout...sell the 360 vu...wonder if anyone has any better vu games...nobody does...drink beer...other stuff....more player = vegetable. 

vegetable peoples.  :)

04:26:01 Apr 19th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

i like the idea and how this game works =) that's the reason why i stayed with this game for oh so many eras.

10:35:21 Apr 19th 11 - Sir Jesus Left Toe:

Cause i is addicted and I don't need to play 24/7 to do well at it.
Sure nothing much has changed for the better in quite some time, but i don't mind it, it's a new challenge every era.
We just need more players...

11:51:40 Apr 19th 11 - Mr. Middle Earth:

I stopped playing for half a year, and I missed the game... never thought I would ever miss a game on internet =(

12:15:49 Apr 19th 11 - Mr. Effer:

Unlike most mmorpgs, this one is less like a job and more like a game. And its less about the damn social and more about the actual play like alot. And its free. REALLY free, unlike alot that are limited to be free and almost everything the free function does is a trick to try to get you to open your wallet.  This one, the "donations" may be advantageous, but not completely necessary to compete. 

And to indirectly quote Jesus (or at least his left toe) You dont have to be here 24/7 to excell at it. But at the same time, activity is rewarded :) 

04:44:48 May 6th 11 - Mr. Razios:

If a game grabs your interest long enough to fail a few classes... worth playing.

05:10:04 May 6th 11 - Mr. Fever:

I don't know why still the 100-200 people left still play vu but it is addiciting, but the main problem I must say is the fact that it makes u helpless of having a life... This game works hourly, and it forces you to log in as much as possible leaving you without a life.. It takes to much space in our lives.. I started the game in era 31-32 and quit around the 40's. But after a few months I come back and play for a week and then realize how waste of time this is.. Anyways am back for another week. XD

06:28:19 May 6th 11 - Mr. Koreh:

its a drug, once you start it., no matter what you do after, you'll come back. i started era 14, left came back. left, came back. you cant leave, and you'll always try to find a game like VU somewhere else, but you wont.

08:42:52 May 6th 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon The Troll:


05:01:44 May 13th 11 - Mr. Razios:


09:02:25 May 13th 11 - Ms. Serena Willia:

The best improvement made was revenge leaving this game!

02:15:54 Jun 11th 11 - Mr. Binh The Young Killer:


15:33:50 Jun 11th 11 - Mr. Jahrakal X:

is it?? it makes ppl lifeless... ive seen many players... it was as if they dont have to sleep.. and they plays it every hour... im like.. wth?? the purpose of having fun is really kinda off... i dont feel fun anymore.. i felt stress... and the race elf... have become SUX TO THE MAX alrd.... freezing takes up soo much MUs... and MTs... and what?? sometimes fail a bunch of times??? even a percentage 95% close to 100% also can fail a few times.... ridiculous game..

20:59:29 Jun 11th 11 - Mr. Fafnir:

you love it and you know it

21:42:02 Jun 11th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

jahrakal is right, he described the game perfectly. It is stressing maybe it's time to leave this game.

22:23:12 Jun 11th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

lol stressing? Like all competitive games, where you directly compete or die, it's only as much stress as you make it out to be. If you feel a game isn't worth it and you can't play without getting over-stressed or angry, then it's time for you to go outside and take a breath of fresh air. 

I have kingdom mates who do awesome while having a lot more going on in real life than I expect most in VU do, but they have fun and we do well on a world. Having fun, even when we're killed off, as long as it's a challenge. 

When you open your browser and go on to the forum or in game, go in with one thought in mind. It's just a GAME. :P

06:23:51 Jun 12th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

yea but competitive drive gets to you lol and plus i think i've played long enough and are you staling man dude?

10:00:32 Jun 12th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

Naw, just so little life in this forum that it's not hard to notice a thread coming up. :

Not to mention, I open EVERY topic at least once briefly, just to stop it from being lit up out of some strange obsessive habit. :P

17:40:26 Jun 12th 11 - Mr. Eddie:

hahah im glad you understood that i meant "are you stalking me dude?"

19:26:05 Jun 12th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

I read gibberish!

09:53:20 Jun 19th 11 - The Architect:

I really don't know why I still play.  Most of the people I considered close friends have moved on, or just aren't around much anymore, and it seems like most who are left like me just enough to put up with me. =S  Not to mention the state of the game...though it is starting to improve.

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