Your contribution

Visual Utopia is a free game that is free to play, but not free to run. I need money to keep the game online and keep working on it.

Bank Transfer

IBAN: SE39 8000 0000 0776 7270 6543
Bank name: Hudiksvalls Sparbank
Bank address: Box 1202, 824 15 Hudiksvall SWEDEN


Put the money in a letter and send to:
Johan Zetterberg
Norra Långgatan 28
82531 Iggesund

Please do not send cheques as the bank charge $70 for foregin cheques.
If possible, send in Swedish krona or Euro, but any currency will do. Also hide the money (put them in a folded paper) so that they will not get stolen.


With paypal you can send via your credit card or from an existing paypal account. Click on the button below to go to paypal.

Your rulername:
Your new title: (If you want bonus turns, write "bonus turns" in this field or click here)


Contact me to get a bitcoin address.



You are free to send as much as you want!
If you write down your rulername in the message field on the bank transfer or somewhere in the letter you will get some bonuses in the game depending on how much you send.

SEK EUR USD mBTC You will get
40 4 5 0.0075 Five Bonus turns
110 12 15 0.0225 Custom title (write your new title in the message) or 15 bonus turns
300 32 40 0.06 Custom title, no loss of "Line of sight" and much more. Or just 40 bonus turns.

The turns are manually added to your account. Once they are added, they will convert to usable "bonus turns" every 3rd tick/hour.

If you have any questions, feel free to send an e-mail to or talk to me on MSN:

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