- Bartimaeus The Tired has won 3 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 32858 men and women.
- Duke Vytautas Didysis has won 2 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 8390 men and women.
- Ms. Mei San has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 5622 men and women.
- Lord Woody has won 2 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 2075 men and women.
- Ms. Wild Rose has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 944 men and women.
- The Native People has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 763 men and women.
* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.