1. Captain Pakistan of Renaissance (Halfling)
    Had 357,175 land, 1,105,030 troops and 23 science points. Killed 24,858 soldiers, won 6 of 6 battles and captured 0 cities.
  2. Spartan Thickhed of Renaissance (Human)
    Had 365,163 land, 673,262 troops and 33 science points. Killed 237,847 soldiers, won 7 of 7 battles and captured 4 cities.
  3. Duke of Polymeria of Pestilence (Dwarf)
    Had 277,803 land, 485,094 troops and 25 science points. Killed 114,330 soldiers, won 3 of 6 battles and captured 3 cities.
  4. Duke Caedus of Albatross (Human)
    Had 278,370 land, 261,746 troops and 7 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  5. Mr. Travion Brokenspear of Renaissance (Troll)
    Had 171,070 land, 361,555 troops and 20 science points. Killed 58,944 soldiers, won 3 of 4 battles and captured 0 cities.
  6. Mr. Gem Arma Dillo of Pink Fairy Armadillos (Elf)
    Had 240,041 land, 314,103 troops and 26 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  7. Ms. Ponderosa of Renaissance (Elf)
    Had 207,184 land, 311,102 troops and 26 science points. Killed 6,536 soldiers, won 0 of 4 battles and captured 0 cities.
  8. Mr. Karmatic of Pestilence (Dwarf)
    Had 131,704 land, 122,357 troops and 10 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  9. Mr. Naughtius Maximus of Exclamation Mark (Elf)
    Had 219,907 land, 350,926 troops and 20 science points. Killed 53,137 soldiers, won 1 of 6 battles and captured 0 cities.
  10. Mr. Eye of Pestilence (Troll)
    Had 224,124 land, 234,074 troops and 20 science points. Killed 560,877 soldiers, won 17 of 20 battles and captured 14 cities.
  11. Lord Arc of (Human)
    Had 306,438 land, 82,756 troops and 37 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  12. Professor Dumbledore The Great of Renaissance (Orc)
    Had 260,631 land, 158,795 troops and 12 science points. Killed 10,683 soldiers, won 7 of 20 battles and captured 6 cities.
  13. Mr. Flesh Eater of OutKast (Orc)
    Had 212,891 land, 143,543 troops and 8 science points. Killed 18,265 soldiers, won 3 of 8 battles and captured 4 cities.
  14. Mr. Hills of (Human)
    Had 95,622 land, 180,584 troops and 29 science points. Killed 18,062 soldiers, won 1 of 1 battles and captured 0 cities.
  15. The Sprout of Pestilence (Elf)
    Had 171,970 land, 134,925 troops and 15 science points. Killed 54,631 soldiers, won 7 of 12 battles and captured 2 cities.
  16. Mr. Exodia of Pestilence (Troll)
    Had 127,004 land, 183,804 troops and 6 science points. Killed 190,747 soldiers, won 5 of 7 battles and captured 3 cities.
  17. Lord Dark Spawn of Exclamation Mark (Troll)
    Had 103,759 land, 146,179 troops and 21 science points. Killed 58,834 soldiers, won 1 of 3 battles and captured 0 cities.
  18. Sir Edi The Great of OutKast (Halfling)
    Had 110,437 land, 155,870 troops and 25 science points. Killed 198 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 1 cities.
  19. Sir Ellezar of Exclamation Mark (Orc)
    Had 153,985 land, 62,536 troops and 11 science points. Killed 161,371 soldiers, won 6 of 11 battles and captured 1 cities.
  20. Princess Yasmina of Exclamation Mark (Troll)
    Had 150,034 land, 24,959 troops and 24 science points. Killed 115,385 soldiers, won 8 of 11 battles and captured 3 cities.
  21. Mr. Unix of (Halfling)
    Had 19,391 land, 76,439 troops and 7 science points. Killed 17,688 soldiers, won 3 of 8 battles and captured 0 cities.
  22. Jarl Who Cares of Pestilence (Halfling)
    Had 59,254 land, 23,376 troops and 7 science points. Killed 45,070 soldiers, won 1 of 3 battles and captured 1 cities.
  23. Mr. Haldimir Kalderion of Exclamation Mark (Elf)
    Had 90,000 land, 0 troops and 7 science points. Killed 119,205 soldiers, won 2 of 8 battles and captured 1 cities.
  24. Lady Wild Roses of (Halfling)
    Had 7,508 land, 49,938 troops and 6 science points. Killed 79,369 soldiers, won 1 of 4 battles and captured 0 cities.
  25. Mr. Mullet Also of (Human)
    Had 33,360 land, 902 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  26. Mr. Woodyyy of Exclamation Mark (Orc)
    Had 4,514 land, 1,565 troops and 19 science points. Killed 126,650 soldiers, won 9 of 23 battles and captured 7 cities.
  27. Dark Lord Rennala of Exclamation Mark (Halfling)
    Had 1 land, 10,097 troops and 15 science points. Killed 103,709 soldiers, won 6 of 20 battles and captured 5 cities.
  28. Mr. Big Brother of The Borg (Human)
    Had 760 land, 50 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  29. Mr. Puppy Eyes of (Elf)
    Had 0 land, 50 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  30. Mr. Webster of (Human)
    Had 0 land, 50 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  31. Mr. Zaneth of (Orc)
    Had 0 land, 5 troops and 6 science points. Killed 1,897 soldiers, won 0 of 2 battles and captured 0 cities.
The fifth era

Click on the era winner to see full list of all players

The fourth era
  1. The Beginning
  2. Era of Raistlin
  3. Era of Sezymon
  4. Era of Roxbury
  5. Era of Valium
  6. Era of Jeroen
  7. Era of Drunk
  8. Era of Rambo
  9. Second era of Rambo
  10. Third era of Rambo
  11. Fourth era of Rambo
  12. Second era of Sezymon
  13. Era of Jeker
  14. Era of Adelbert
  15. Era of Leo
  16. Era of Draiken
  17. Era of Saint Paul
  18. Era of Sparker
  19. Second Era of Sparker
  20. Era of Hansel
  21. Era of Juchi
  22. Era of Isabel
  23. Second era of Draiken
  24. Era of Ezatious
  25. Era of Virgin
  26. Era of Crissxcross
  27. Era of Amon Hen
  28. Era of Dark Orion
  29. Era of Asystole
  30. Era of Lenard
  31. Era of Grumpy old bastard
  32. Era of White Widow
  33. Era of Dark Blood
  34. Era of Bill Thomas Killman
  35. Era of Grumpy old Star
  36. Era of Elsin
  37. Era of Kobuskan
  38. Era of Messiah
  39. Era of Agent Smith
  40. Era of Dvsmasta
  41. Era of Magneto
  42. Era of Chipotle "Wolf" Snack Wrap
  43. Era of Chavez
  44. Era of Mzzery
  45. Era of Bluelight
  46. Era of Bogdan
  47. Era of Nova
The third era
  1. Beta 1
  2. Beta 2
  3. Beta 3
  4. Beta 4
The second era
  1. Beta 1 not saved.
  2. Beta 2
  3. Beta 3
  4. Beta 4
  5. Beta 5
  6. Beta 6
  7. Beta 7
  8. Beta 8
  9. Beta 9
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