Kell Hounds

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Name: Kell Hounds
Members: 2
Created: 10/5/2011 7:26:35 AM
Leader: Mr. Qwerty

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The Kell Hounds were born even before Morgan and Patrick had thoughts of running their own mercenary command. Arthur Luvon, future husband of Lyran Archon Katrina Steiner and Morgan and Patrick"s cousin, dubbed the two brothers the Kell Hounds after witnessing them as young boys running around and terrorizing a neighbor"s flock of sheep. Arthur drew up the Kell Hounds" crest and predicted that the two would grow up to become great MechWarriors. When Arthur died, Morgan and Patrick used the money left to them to form the Kell Hounds mercenary unit which they created in 3010. Though initially mocked as rich boys playing mercenary, the two made quite the impression with their surprisingly advanced grasp of strategy and tactics, as well as a top-notch technical support staff.


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