Scum Lords

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Name: Scum Lords
Members: 1
Created: 7/23/2014 1:21:35 AM
Leader: Mr. Nalc

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"'And to wit,' He replied, 'All must bow before thee, thy Lord, as I am thine Savior and thine Creator.' The Beggar then asked, 'Could I claim fealty from any minen Creations, or thine that are Saved by me? How doth thou claim that right?'
And the Lord smote him, as the Beggar is Scum, and as He is Creator, Savior, Lord, and Master over all of Scum in Arma. The Beggar was sent to the fiery Damnation to serve as escort to all other Scum who blaspheme thine Scum Lord.
'To all others whom seek guidance, I put before you, the Chocolate Starfish, my man Fred Durst, for thou to have above you as Scum. He shall form counsil of those whom are most Scum, and they shall hence forth be known as the Scum Lords, fealty sworn by thou, thy Scum, and sworn only by mine, thy Scum Lord.'
And so it was."
-Passage From the Holy Book of Scum


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