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Mr. Epyon

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Epyon) and was a member of Music

After his kingdom had disbanded, Epyon found himself in the world of Zetamania. He had pledged his loyalty to his former kingdom only to have it all lost, so he was in search of a new kingdom that he could prove his allegiance to. He soon discovered the kingdom of Music and was warmly welcomed by each of its rulers.

Music was stationed in between two great mountain ranges. They took advantage of these mountains and were able to gain extra gold from this. They were able to make allies with the surrounding kingdoms of Shen an Calhar and Destiny. Pretty soon their kingdom was growing, so they decided to expand their empire north. King Salmon was able to defend the southern pass by building a great wall. They're kingdom was on its way to becoming great.

Music's newly expanded territory was abundant with forests and rivers. This was a great economic boost as well, for it provided their people with extra food and tree. Walls were built, and Music had a secure area that they're members could grow in both economy and military status, which they did.

Epyon's soldiers were stationed in their eastern wall, Dark Blood. It was dusk. It was a normal evening. Soldiers were exchanging jokes, telling stories of their family and friends, and just trying to make it through the day. Suddenly, arrows came from bellow the wall, striking many soldiers of Music. Just as the soldiers were preparing for a counterattack, fire reigned down from the sky. The wall of Dark Blood was now under the control of Shen an Calhar.

"This is an outrage! They killed our soldiers and took our wall!" Epyon shouted, in a debate amongst Music's rulers.
"Our military is not as advanced as theirs. We will have to reason with them" said Spoon. And with that, a ceasefire came into effect between the two kingdoms.

Music was able to regain its wall for it was stated in the ceasefire. They were now focused on miltary status. It seemed as though a war between Shen an Calhar and Music was inevitable.

One morning, Epyon woke up from sleeping. He was in a room in Cosmo Canyon.

"We're under attack!!" yelled a soldier just as he got struck down by a fire bolt.

Fire reigned down upon all of Music's cities. Shen an Calhar was attacking.

Epyon got up from his bed, strapped on his armor, picked up his two swords and ran off into the city. He retrieved some of his best men that he had trained over the past few months and lead them into battle.

Shen an Calhar had infultrated Music's base and had an army of thousands wreaking havoc. Any cities that stood in its way were burned to the ground.

Epyon lead his army of ten thousand knights from Cosmo Canyon into battle. Just as they passed the mountain range, the saw the enemy army.

"We fight for Music!" Epyon yelled as he charged into battle.

Knights on the front line of Epyon's army fired arrows at enemy archmages. Epyon ran towards the enemy with his two swords drawn out of their sheaths. Dodging enemy firebolts, Epyon launched himself towards an enemy archmage, slicing his head off. Detecting an oncoming blow, Epyon ducked. An enemy sword swung past where he head was just a second earlier. Epyon jabbed his sword up towards the enemy, stabbing his stomach. Epyon jumped up, stretched his swords out, then spun them around, slicing the throats of each of the soldiers that surrounded him.

Meanwhile, Epyon's soldiers flung arrow after arrow upon enemy archmages, striking down many of them. A second fleet of Epyon's knights charged down, following Epyon. They werent about to let their general die, so they rushed after him killing all enemies that were in their way.

Epyon's soldiers were clearly winning the battle, so the enemy soldiers soon retreated. Epyon's army had won the battle, but they had not won the war. Music's empire was in shambles. With many of their cities burned to the ground, many of the commanding generals had given up and accepted defeat.

"We cant give up!" Epyon tried to convince some of the generals.
"I'm not going to give up without a fight!"

By this time, Epyon's knights had dwindled in numbers. They were weakened from their previous battles and a new threat awaited them. Shen an Calhar sent an army of twenty thousand, and all that Epyon had was five thousand.

As soon as his army had spotted the enemy army, they were under attack. Arrows rained down from the skies.

"Draw your bows!" Epyon commanded. "And fire!!"

Epyon's soldiers fired as many arrows as they could, but soon the enemy started using magic. Fire came down from the sky and many of Epyon's knights burned to death. He knew that this was it. He knew that they were going to die.

With death on his mind, Epyon charged into battle. He slashed left and right cutting of the arms of enemy soldiers. He made a stab at an enemy archer, but the archer was quick and dodged the blow. Epyon turned around and an arrow hit him in his chest. It was hard for him to breath, and blood was dripping out of his mouth. He fell down on his knees with one hand on the ground. He stared at the ground knowing any minute, an enemy soldier would strike him. Then, he looked up and a sword struck him in his back. He fell forward on the ground.
Epyon of the kingdom of Music lay there on the ground...dead.

Epyon found himself on the world of Starta. He didnt know how he got there, but he soon met up with his good friend Swofty and good friend Sandy, both of whom belonged to Music.

"Now we can get a fresh start" said Swofty.

Epyon was able to establish a colony in just inbetween a river and a forest. The city was called Wutai. From there he traveled with some peasents and swordsmen around the river and across a bridge to a vast mountain range where the colony of Cosmo Canyon was reborn. From there they traveled southwest to eastablish a military colony of Kalm.

"The enemy is too close to our cities. Send you army to take over their cities" ordered General Kobuskan.

Epyon lead his army from Kalm across the river to the city of Venice. He charged into the city with one thousand of his best men behind him. They plundered the city, killed any soldiers that tried to resist, and eventually, the enemy surrendered. The city of Venice was now under Epyon's control.

From there, Music's empire expanded west. Sandy and Epyon were ordered to move their armies west and take any cities in their way while Swofty and Stark sent their armies south.

Expanding south, Epyon and his army discovered their allies cities: Zoidbergmania. Things were going great. With their empire constantly expanding and a powerful kingdom as their ally, Music was at the top of the world. That is, until a mutiny occured within the kingdom Zoidbergmania.

Mr Penguin arrived at Epyon's city.

"Mutiny has occured. Our kingdom is in shambles." said Penguin.

Having his kingdom crumble, Penguin was accepted into the kingdom of Music.

Meanwhile, one of Music's greatest enemies, The Fellowship, had also experienced a mutiny. Truefailure had risen up and murdered his kind, taking over the kingdom only he renamed it the Undead Alliance.

Undead Alliance immediately attacked another kingdom Avalanche. Giving up all hope, a few members from Avalanche turned to Music for help and were accepted as part of the kingdom.

As for Music, its power grew immensley. They conquered kingdoms such as the Death Eaters and The Demolishers. Epyon lead his armies into battle, striking down all in his pass. His military leadership proved useful to his kingdom when he trained his greatest army, Symphony Of Destruction.

Epyon lead his armies west, taking control of many cities. He is faced with war against the Shogunate kingdom.

"We will fight for our kingdom and take what is ours!" Epyon shouted as he lead his army in an attempt to return Snazzopia to its rightful owner, Kobuskan.

Swords clashed, arrows were shot and lives were lost as Epyon successfully returned Snazzopia to Kobuskan. He now prepares an advance on the Shogunate Kingdom...

Soldiers yelled as the two enemies clashed in battle. It was Epyon's army versus Ninja's army. Fire rained down from the sky as Ninja's mages cast their magic upon Epyon's soldiers. Epyon's soldiers were heavily protected with armor and were trained well. With spears held high, the knights of United Abominations fought valiantly against enemy archmages. In the midst of all of the chaos of the battlefield, Epyon found himself face to face with Mr Ninja.

"It was fate that brought us to this battlefield" Epyon said with his two swords now out of their sheaths.

"Yes, and it is fate that will decide this battle" Ninja replied, as he drew his shurikens and threw them towards Epyon.

Epyon leaned backwards as a shuriken nearly sliced his ear. He then lifted his sword up deflecting another shuriken, then he swung it forward slices threw the steal components of the final shuriken. No on the attack, Epyon ran towards Ninja and slashes his swords directly towards him.


Ninja was gone in a smoke blast and nowhere to be seen. Epyon sensed someone behind him and turned around quickly to find Ninja standing behind him, his katana now in his hands.

Ninja made a quick swipe at Epyon but Epyon was able to parry it and jab Ninja in the arm. Blood quickly streamed down Ninja's arm. With his now wounded left arm, Ninja took his katana in his right hand and swung towards Epyon. Epyon was overwhelmed by the strength of the blow and it hit the hilt of one of his swords and sent it flying off into the distance.

Both Epyon and Ninja had one sword.

Epyon slashed at Ninja quickly, but Ninja's quickness alloud him to dodge and slice at Epyon. Epyon's left arm was hit and now had a giant gash in it with blood pouring out of it. He had to end this quickly or else he would surely die.

Epyon moved quickly, but so did Ninja. They're swords clashed repeatedly until Epyon dealt a hard blow to Ninja's sword that made him stumble backwards. Epyon stabbed at Ninja, hoping to deliver the final blow.


Ninja had disappeared in a ball of smoke again and was gone. Predicting Ninja's next move, Epyon swung his sword behind him. It struck Ninja in the chest. Ninja fell down onto the ground, dead.

With the Shogunate Kingdom out of the way, Epyon could now focus on furthering his advances on the Undead Alliance. He lead his army Symphony of Destruction into battle. Grndrgn Den B would surely belong to him.

The city was defended by 30,000 soldiers. Epyon's army was around 50,000. With his archers and knights at his side, Epyon charged into battle. He knew that the city was heavily defended by walls and peasants, but he would not give up. His archers flung arrows upon the wall, striking countless soldiers and peasents. His knights had brought ladders to climb up the wall, and they did so. Epyon followed his knights as they climbed up the ladder. The battle was fought on top of the walls. Slashing left and right, Epyon made his way across the walls. He saw that there were more soldiers deeper into the city, so he had his men kill all of the soldiers on the walls before advancing. Once they had done that, they dropped down the walls into the city.

Epyon lead his troops into battle without looking back. They knew it would be hard, but capturing this city would give their kingdom an edge over Undead Alliance in the war.

Soon Epyon was in the middle of thousands of soldiers. Spinning around, he swung his swords around him. Then, a soldier who must've been six feet and five inches swung at Epyon with a giant axe. His only use of defense was his swords, so Epyon tried to block the blow with them. However, the force of the axe was so powerful that it knocked his swords out of his hands. Now Epyon was faced with a huge enemy soldier with a giant axe and he had nothing but the armor on his back. The soldier swung down upon him and Epyon quickly side stepped. He then tornado kicked the soldier in the face, knocking him to the ground. He then picked up the axe and charged back into battle. He saw no generals in sight, so he continued to fight any soldier that came his way.

The battle went late into the night, but soon, Epyon's soldiers outnumbered the enemy soldiers, and soon only peasants were left. They had won the battle and successfully taken over Grndrgn Den B...

Mr. Epyon

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Epyon) and was a member of Music

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