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Mr. Master

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Defensive) and was a member of Predators

Master has gone through many lives such as MR.sneaky,MR feeder5,and MR MY God

Sir Defensive

Lived in Era 27, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Predators II

I am the creator of Halfling Militia from my home I have composed my plan...

"Many many years ago back when Sezymon still ruled over the Halfling lands a small group of Halfling's roamed the land taking back cities and mopping up after raiding armies. Instead of the greater fighters having to set of to retake this out of the way cities which were left undefended. Which would waste army fighting time The Halfling Millita would travel to these cities on pony back where they would take back the cities and wipe out smaller armies left to defend them."

Halfling's are used for Millita because of their cheapness and there expandableness (is that a word?)

A story written about the war of the Half’s.

Not many Halfling warlords are known about. As Halflings are considered inferior and small... however there is a story about me saved and kept locked at the great city of VU, this is that story.
(Copyright of defensive)
Defensive was brought up by his mother and a collection of nuns in a Predator commune. He did not know his father who died and did not leave any record of himself or his deeds (Which were still rumored to be great). He spent his early years playing with daggers and bows (never swords however) and before he was 15 he had won the golden arrow of Predator bow master and when he was 18 he fought in the war of the Sword (featured at the bottom) and when he was finally 21 he married and had a son also named Defensive II. He left home and left his son as his Dad had done before him. Defensive then set up the Halfling Millita and set off on his Adventure he died in the Armageddon having lived a long and happy life....

Defensive wiped his brow as he stood in a field of hay surrounded by his loyal Millita they had just finished recapturing a city which had been left undefended apart from 5 Nazgul which they had still had difficulty slaying. Defensive took a sip from his flask it was hot and tiring this line of work. Working for their lord The Darkmarsbar... It was however rewarding, Defensive and his Millita had already been awarded many different lands by their lord for services they had given him. The war between DR (Dragon Riders Empire) and Predators had been a long one Defensive and co. had been working round the clock to keep themselves alive. Marsbar had just sent word that they were to engage in a full attack on the main DR camp located to the east of "Mount Nester" this was however suicidal as even a orc army of Nazgul would struggle to complete this task, however Defensive was willing to go there and at least try even if he died he would die with honor. Also he didn’t care if he died he had lived a very full life and was not afraid of death. His Son Defensive II was still back at his home protected and safe.. He would of liked to be able to live but still what must be done must be done.. So with a shrug and a stretch he set off once more...

(In under 2 months Defensive and co. had taken over DR's core and had obliterated all enemy supply trains heading to the area to help)

The war with DR was over Predators had won (easily) and Defensive was charged with mopping up he and his units spent weeks riding around the land making a packet sorting out what was left of DR. However a new problem soon presented itself Darkmarsbar (head of Preds) had his castle infiltrated by spies and his Kingdom was laid to waste by them. All of Preds swore to gain revenge somehow but still no one had any leads so revenge would have to wait instead Dark set himself to creating a new Preds with the help of his loyal vices he created the KD Preds II and set himself back to work obliterating LW....

The war began with Defensive sending in some clean up units (left over after the DR war) to the southern front to take out outposts but he was met by a resistance of huge proportions it was obvious that Luna Wolfs had been planning or waiting for this war to come. Instead defensive decided on a different tactic he lead a army of a 100 thousand adventurers in a arrow point formation to attack into the middle of there defenses (how ironic....)

Defensive pulled his short sword from the body of yet another Nazgul and wiped it on the grass. Defensive and his troops (Now only numbering 50,000) had been fighting for weeks none stop against the seemingly endless tide of LW.

Defensive had set off toward the south he had been hoping for reinforcements for weeks but none had came. Thankfully the arrowhead formation had worked and there was now a gaping hole in the LW ranks but they had now came across the castle of "Warburg" and his troops had been forced to halt. Now all defensive could do was attack supply wagons and wandering bands of Orcs but he knew that soon he would have to order an attack on the castle but he knew when it came there was a large chance that he would lose due to the sheer strength of the castle's walls. Defensive had been concentrating on rising his army's morale by opening the Postal service between home and the field, men were able to converse with wives and children even though the morale of the men was high at the moment, he knew that it could not last but what was certain that when the order came to attack, him and his men would give it their all....

Defensive and five others quietly sneaked up to the drawbridge of the castle and scaled the gatehouse wall two of the three then went off in separate directions to the castles sentries while the other three advanced on the gatehouse Defensive reached it first and slipped his hand in to slit the guard dogs throat. It took about five minute for the human guards to realize the dog was dead but that was enough in under 4.5 minutes the entrance to Warburg was under their control. Defensive set about greasing the drawbridge cogs so as to let it down quietly and smoothly and the other two fired flaming arrows into the sky away from the castle toward the north.

Meanwhile about a half a mile away was the rest of Defensive's army who when saw the signal of the fire arrows set off as silent as a mouse toward Warburg.

Back at the castle Defensive began the painstakingly slow process of lowering the castles drawbridge as quietly as possible. He just wished to let it go all at once but that would alert Warburgs citizens and defenders and that was not the point of a stealth operation instead he had to let it down cog by cog. Within an hour the drawbridge was down and not one of the castles inhabitants knew a thing. Defensives army arrived within 20 minutes and the slaughter began Women and children were spared but any soldiers who put up a fight were slaughtered soon they’re was a pile of the cities defenders lying at Defensive's feet. A while later some of Defensive's army where leading those who had surrendered out of the city while others where fixing any defenses which had been damaged in the fight.

Defensive spent the next two weeks setting up the castle for Preds to defend when this was completed his troops spent days partying but still keeping an eye out for LW’s counter attack. This battle was over and the troops could feel that the end of the war was coming…

Defensive lived out the rest of his life at the great castle of Warburg having only light skirmishes until his death....

(End of this story if anymore interesting events happen I will record them. Thanks for reading and May you’re farms be fruitful. This Tale was based on a true story)

This is a detailed report of the battle of "sword"

Defensive fired of another arrow and was rewarded with a scream he ran over to the body and searched it
"Damn it" he cursed
"Another archer"
Defensive had been searching for a sword. He did not own one yet and he hoped to find one to earn himself a place in the Predator High guard, The requirements of which included owning a sword. His mother refused to buy him one as she still thought him a boy so he had set off to fight for his Kingdom (and to hopefully find a sword).

Defensive shrugged off his twinge of guilt as he thought about his mother she was probably still looking for him. He set off in a jog to another hill and wrapped a oil drenched cloth around another arrow, lit it and fired it toward the supply wagons. This war was too easy he needed a challenge. Excalibur (The Enemy whom Preds was fighting during that time) had spent time training a special unit of elite Troops Defensive desperately wanted to meet this unit they where meant to be unstoppable due to their weapons which had been enchanted by Mr. Zink (a powerful magician) there were four of these weapons a bow,a spear,a mace and a Sword. Defensive did not believe that these weapons were just enchanted as Humans struggle to make anything magical or this powerful. Defensive knew that three of the four fighters had been killed and the weapons had been claimed by Darkmarsbar,Rix and Humpf. The only one remaining warrior was the sword wielder Dreadfrufrei. Defensive had been attempting to find this fighter searching all of Mantrax for him....
It was only then that he realized that he was surrounded by Troops all of whom were pointing weapons at him.

How could he have been so stupid to have let these stupid fools sneak up on him and take him prisoner.. Defensive now sat in the back of a wagon heading toward a small village of "Haven". Haven was a well known hiding place for Excalibur's Leader Defensive couldn't help thinking about the happy side of this predicament he was finally going to meet Dreadfrufrei. As he was shook about by the road he couldn't help wondering why they had chosen to take him prisoner...

Defensive was flung to the floor by a large tough looking guard
"kneel before the lord Dreadfrufrei" the guard said
Defensive vaguely wondered about retorting with a smart line but thought better of it.
It was then that the huge shape in front of him moved ...

A dragon uncurled itself from where it had been sleeping... as Defensive looked closer he realized it was no dragon this was a Wyvern much smarted than a dragon and also it could use its hands.
"Why bring this filth before me?" it snarled
"T-the mm-m-magician t-t-told me to tell you this i-is t-he o-one he was found searching the bodies of o-our dead f-f-for s-s-swords" The guard stuttered (he was clearly misinformed about who/what his leader was).
"ahhh.. Guard you are dismissed but you...." It pointed at Defensive
"you are the one whom wishes to take control of the last of the elder weapons... "
Elder weapons Defensive thought the elder weapons had been lost for millenniums they had had the power to kill with the slightest touch but Zeta the God of war had flung them into oblivion it seems someone had retrieved them but who? and how?
"I am Dreadfrufrei and you are Defensive... i found you with a little help from you're father he told me that you would one day come looking for a sword... he thought that we would have a deal... that when you came looking for a sword i was to give you The Elder Sword in return for his help in collecting the other three ones, he was very helpful we just sent him into oblivion and he brought us the weapons.. you see to enter and return from oblivion all you need is a warrior who has had a child but who has never looked upon it. Roughly impossible..."
The Wyvern stared inquisitively at Defensive
"But you're father died... we killed him in order to finish the spell to get into oblivion.. do you wish to revenge you're father?
in fact i will even let you fight me with the Elder sword, this should be interesting a young boy with a sword he has never used verses a Wyvern who is among the greatest warriors ever, do you take my challenge?"

"I do.." Defensive replied

Dreadfrufrei led Defensive towards a back room and passed a Set of Huge Oaken doors with Two dragons emblazoned upon them.
"Here" the Wyvern said almost reverently passing Defensive the Sword of Elders from a plaque on a wall. The sword seamed to sing as Defensive experimentally swung it through the air.
"Ready to die like you're father? With you dead the full power of oblivion will flow into the Elder sword and by unlocking the power it will make me invincible..."
"You're crazy!" Defensive exclaimed
But then a new voice came in, the voice of the Magician Zink..
"No what he says is true... and soon together the great magician Zink and the most powerful Wyvern will rule all of Mantrax!!"
The Wyvern stopped the Magician Before he could go into detail about there plans. He Opened the door to the Towns arena and the fight began... The Wyvern started by clawing speedily at Defensives Eyes trying to blind his opponent.
However the sword in Defensives hands seamed to move by itself blocking then slicing down at the Wyvern who was able to dodge it but only just...
"Zink he seems to handle that sword like a master... why is this??" screeched the Wyvern
"I don't know... unless..." Zink replied
"unless what??"
"unless the power of Oblivion has been locked inside the sword along with the experience of his father who dies in oblivion.. he should have the skill of his father..." Zink said rather uneasily
This Information filled Defensive with a Hope he ran toward Dreadfrufrei and began a attack with so much force it sent the Wyvern flying. However the Wyvern countered by flinging itself on Defensive and trying to rip open his Stomach but Defensive managed to pull himself away and counter attacked by throwing his sword like a spear at Dreadfrufrei. Instead of dodging it he grabbed the magician Zink and let the sword impale the great magician there was an explosion and Zink was no more the force of the explosion sent the sword flying back into Defensive's hands. With a cry the Wyvern turned and ran out of the arena and Defensive gave chase....

Meanwhile a young Soldier by the name of Septim was fighting in the Predator's main army. He was a young soldier untrained in the art of battle but he had great skill with the Bow. Septim was part of the ninth devision of Soldiers who had been given the orders to take the Town of "Haven" They had spent over two weeks traveling there and now they had arrived they had begun the fight Septim had made himself a distinguished name on the field. It was now that Septim spied a Soldier roughly the same age he was fighting a huge beast who seamed to be attempting to retreat. But what this young warrior fighting the beast did not know was that two burly guards were approaching him from behind knifes raised... Septim tried to call a warning but he was too far away, as quick as a flask Septim picked up his bow and slew the two men.

Defensive continued to chase the Wyvern along the streets and walls of "Haven" until the Wyvern stopped and began the fight again. As the two warriors fought, Defensive did not notice two guards sneaking up behind him. The arrows hit the guards squarely in the heads and they dropped like logs. Defensive seized the moment of shock the Wyvern felt at seeing his town falling to the Predator Army with this second of hesitation Defensive drove his sword home into the black heart of the Wyvern....

From that day forth Septim and Defensive felt a strong bond of friendship which has never wavered... (Apart from when Septim Sets his bloody mongoose on him)

Aftermath of the war:
After the defeat of the Wyvern warlord/king of Excalibur the rest of Excalibur soon came to heel and Preds Great rule Was safe (until DR came along but thats another tale) Sir Tiber Septim was hailed as a hero but he soon left to go to the lands of Fantasia and serve the Imperial corps and Defensive set up The Halfling Millita and was hailed as a Wyvern slayer for the rest of his days.

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