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King Dragonov

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Drag The First) and was the leader of Warrior Empire

Dragonov's past is unknown. But he is known for his strenght,logic and great ability to rule a kingdom. He started to expand his little Kingdom and made Belgium as his capital. He first was with the Dragons,but then he joined the Dharan Empire. He was soon promoted to Viceroy.

He then started making big defenses in the city while making gigantic income from the capital:Belgium. After that he made a new city:Orman. After a time the Dharan Empire fell and Dragonov became a lone lord.

Before he joined the War Pigs he made a new city:Lisbon. Soon he understood that being on Lady Kylie's side was a bad idea and left the WarPigs in fear that armies will fall upon him. He again became a lone lord searching for a good Kingdom.

He soon found his old friend as king of the kingdom:Bulgarian Gang. He sought to be part of the Kingdom and sent an application to the king asking to join the Kingdom. Of course in all this time he did not leave a wish having his own Kingdom. He soon started to expand his economy really fast and soon had 500 thousand gold in his tresury.

He sold a very big part of the food and expanded his tresury to 700 thousand gold. He also had bought 70 thousand stone and 12 thousand tree. He soon wanted to make Lisbon and Orman bigger citys, he also wanted to make a new city.

The Bulgarian Gang never responded so he stocked up and made a new kingdom:Warrior Empire. His dream at last came and he became the king of a fabulous empire. He started getting recruits,but not many.He soon was thinking about disbanding his kingdom. He soon got a traitor in his Kingdom and soon bloody war broke out. The first attack failed. Herod war advancing toward his ally and Dragonov sent in a army to help his minion. Overnight the city was burned down. His soldiesrs retreated into
a new little city named Benjor. Dragonov started training an army in Belgium. Soon one of his minions were destroyed and two cities under control of Dragonov:Benjor and Paris,were burned to the ground.

Orman became the capital city where many people fled after the capture of Belgium. Dragonov escaped with death just a inch away. He got a son but not in a good time, Orman was surrounded by a Division. They were seiged and soon most people were leaving the Warrior Empire. In despair Dragonov's wife commited suicide. Dragonov was trying to make a NAP but that failed and he was making plans of suicide himself.

King Drag The First

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Drag The Second) and was the leader of Warrior Empire

Drago The First escaped south with a little platoon after his father comitted suicide just before the capture of Lisbon. Drago The First vowed that he would kill King Herod himself. He made a town named Lisbon in memorial of the last standing city his father had. He officially became king of the Warrior Empire at 12. His bloodiest enemy made another empire:Warriors Of War. He again vowed that he would destroy this empire or die trying. Knights Of Christ dared to build a wall with two cities in between one of his minions, that was soon his new target.

A big battle raged as Drago The First's army was battling the Knight Of Christ, many casualties were made on King Methais' army. The battle was soon won by Drago. One of his Generals was a spy and leaked information to King Methais therefore making a trap for Drago' main Brigade and that turned the tide of war around. The traitor was killed and a NAP was made. Soon King Methais proposed a deal that would fulfill Drago' oath.

Methais proposed to destroy Herod together. But when Drago was away with a scout across the river exploring, Herod destroyed Lisbon. Drago The First fell into a rage.

The league destroyed two of Herods towns forever and started attacking his capital from all sides. Soon Herod paid for all he did and was soon being destroyed. After a couple of days when the seige to Herod's capital ended, Herod was caught and was tortured. Drago' oath was finished.

Drago The First made Moskva by a Forest so Drago always went there to hunt. One time he and his hunting party came to a mountain. They discovered it was filled with Gold and Stone.
He found an old lady who told him to go home because bad things were happening there. When he came back he saw that the city was surrounded by a horde of Barbarians.

Drago The First crept into the city at night and rounded up a couple of Brigades. Just before dawn he attacked. The Barbarians were suprised and that day the surroundings of Moskva was filled with Barbarian blood. The Barbar Brigade was destroyed and the Imperial Brigade was weakened by the Barbarians, and soon Drago had to retreat because he was wounded in his leg.

Drago The First miracuosly recovered and he rounded as much soldiers as possible. The food stock was lowered to minimum so Drago had to attack. The Barbarians were suprised by the Napolean Division and soon was destroyed. The Barbarian Chiefs fled North.

The Barbarian Chiefs were furious and soon they rounded up all of their soldiers and attacked Moskva. Luckily this time Drago The First used a technique to save Moskva from siege. Drago called to Warrior Empire for help. Many months passed and soon Mielio the second came to help. The Barbarians were soon retreating.

Most of Warrior Empire turned on Drago The First and he with only Mielio the second had to battle them. A bloody war followed which lasted almost a year but the great Drago did not give up and soon luckily stumbled on some trolls after a battle. The Trolls were good and they helped Drago. The Troll Warriors killed off most of the Traitors, while Drago made the Barbarians retreat North again. The Trolls were killed soon and Mielio the second was wounded. Things were really bad.

Drago The First soon got help from his former friend. King Basileus crushed the traitors. Drago got a son while away away fighting the Barbarians in the north. One of the traitors brothers killed his son before he could return. Drago The First made an oath:Destroy the traitor's brother kingdom.

A Brigade was soon made to go against Michael the 5, the traitors brother, The Brigade attacked. Many dead bodies there were that day when Michael the 5 died that bloody day.

While the battle against Michael the 5 is going on, Barbaro one of the Barbarian chiefs, had made up a Division and was preparing to attack Drago The First with another chief:Braborsa.
Drago The First made it just in time to Moskva.

A year passed and Drago was beating the Barbarians out. This time he attacked and burned down the Barbarians' villages. Soon the Barbarians were begging for Drago The First to spare them, but Drago only left the Barbarians dead in the mountains once and for all. Soon Drago and his kingdom had peace without the Barbarians attacking, The Golden Age began.

The Golden Age started about when Drago The First was 28 years old. At this time the city of Hoole was growing faster than Moskva ever did in his lifetime. Also at that time made new cities and new allys. Also the Warrior Empire started to grow. Drago The First soon had a scout party across the river where he usually lived and where his father's grave lay.

Many years passed and Drago The First was 69 by now. On his death bed he told his son to continue his legacy. After 2 days the great king died and the golden age died with him. Many people mourned him for his power and logic. With his death the world came to a change. The trolls bodys changed. The Humans knowledge changed. The Halfling way f life changed and Warrior Empire was collapsing. The world had come to an end with Drago The First. Thus only few people survived the majic of the Armaggedon which unleashed itself when King Drago The First died, The leader of the greatest empire.

Sir Drag The Second

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Drago) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire

King Drago the Second was one of many who survived. These people were proffesional. Majically Drago The Second was whisked into another world with his platoon. He saw a many of empires there.
He quickly got accustomed to the land people called Fantasia there. He made a city called Moscow and Belgium.

While away on a scouting mission Abydos attacked his empire and compeletely destroyed it. All his people left his empire. He had to make a new country and he started by making his new capital:Moskva. Many people soon started joining his empire.

A ravaging war soon started with Abydos and because of this he lost money on soldiers and soon he had to disband Warrior Empire.The dark age had started. Thus by ending the glorious empire Drago The Second had to soon battle his brothers also. He then joined Illuminati Empire and was one of the finest rulers in Illuminati.

The wars were soon bringing Drago The Second to his knees. He was forced to retreat South to the other side of the world of Fantasia. Historians, years later, found a journal that Drago The Second kept while on the journey south. And here it is.

Drago The Second's Journey To South
My little army has taken all the peasents and started running south. We had a few skirmishes along they way.

We have reached Abydos' territory. We have killed on of his scouts. We are entering a pass through the mountains.

I have left the Section and I am walking in the main army. It was a good thing too 'cause the section was destroyed.

Today we are entering Legacy's lands I do not know if I will be able to write in this journal anymore because my death may await me.

We see a Legacy city every day. There are hundreds maybe thousands. Today we had a skirmish with them. Legacy lost 600 peasents while we lost about 30 soldiers. Our Strategist said we have a 5% chance to get to Illuminati Empire lands. Maybe I will be able to write in my journal again.

We got to a cut off peice of Illuminati and now are almost to the capital of our empire. Strategist say we have a 70% chance to reach the capital. I am glad.

This is the last day I write in my journal we have reachen Illuminati lands and I already have a capital city:Switzerland. I plan to make a mining camp. 3/4 of the soon to be city are surrounded by mountains and a river. If historians find this book,
then they will know of my 165 day travel.

Drago the Second was prosperous for a few months after that building up a town and a mining camp. The dark age ended. When Drago The Second was 36 and his son 16 the evil Zaragoth attacked and plundered the city of Switzerland. Only Dragoik survived with a platoon his father gave him.
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