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Mr. Malekith

Lived in Era 26 and got 1 heir(s) (Malekith II).

Malekith was the son of Aenarion, the first of the High Elf Phoenix Kings, and the mysterious and beautiful seeress Morathi. She became Aenarion's second wife after he rescued her from a Chaos warband. Unknown to Aenarion, Morathi was already a secret worshipper of Slaanesh.He grew up to be a fine soldier and general like his father. Under his mother's tutelage, he became an accomplished mage. Malekith was brought up in a life of political intrigue in court, but he had little interest in High Elf political society. He preferred to lead armies and win battles in his father's name.After the death of his father, Malekith was the obvious heir to the throne. Unfortunately, the political intrigue which had for so long been ignored by Malekith became his undoing. Amongst the court of Lothern there were those who felt that Malekith was unsuitable to rule. He was headstrong like his father, and preferred to sort out disputes with violence. The High Elves were in a time of rare peace and many nobles thought that Malekith did not fit in with this new order.

Assuming that the legacy of his father would guarantee his ascension to the throne, Malekith agreed to let the council vote on whether he should rule. The council voted against him and placed Bel Shanaar in his place. His mother, Morathi furiously protested against the council's decision but was calmed down by Malekith. On the surface Malekith appeared to accept this well. Indeed he was among the first to pay homage to Bel Shanaar during his ascension as the second Phoenix King. In reality he was hiding his resentment and frustration, Malekith vowed to wait until he could make the throne his own

Malekith instead was appointed Commander of the High Elf forces. He proved to be a brilliant young general, gaining power and allies with his glorious victories. At one period of time he was appointed as the ambassador of the High Elves in Karak-a-Karaz. In the colonies he continue to lead successful armies against the Orcs and the forces of Chaos. His expeditions took him ever onward to the cold colonies of the northern New World. Here in the rubble of an abandoned pre-human city he found the Circlet of Iron, a talisman of awesome sorcerous power. Finally, after many decades, he worked himself into a position of power second only to the Phoenix King's, and then he acted.

In the dark winter of -2751 IC he accused Bel Shanaar of being a Slaaneshi devotee during Feast of Purity, a religious festival celebrating the power and glory of the great phoenix. Shortly after his accusation, Bel Shanaar died of poison. Some say Bel Shanaar took his own life in order to avoid the shame of being interrogated while some say Malekith have him poisoned and later claimed Bel Shanaar took his life in guilt. At any rate, Malekith took Bel Shanaar's alleged suicide as proof that he was a devotee of Slaanesh. Any who defied Malekith’s claims were led outside and killed by his own elite guard.

Believing all he now had to do was crown himself as the new Phoenix King for he had the blood of Aenarion running in his veins, Malekith confidently marched into the sacred flame of the god Asuryan, the final test that each Phoenix King has to pass to prove their worthiness for the crown. The sacred flames would not suffer his polluted body and refused to let him pass, and the holy flames cast him out. Horribly scarred and burned, he fled north to his stronghold on Nagarythe with his mother on her dark pegasus.

There, Morathi nursed her son back to health. With the aid of the sorcerers he had trained in the arts of Dark Magic. Hotek, a renegade Priest of Vaul, forged a great suit of black armour which would lend strength to Malekith's withered and fire-blasted body. The suit was fused onto his body while still white hot from the furnace. After his torment on the flames of Asuryan, he felt little pain. When the suit was complete, few could look at him without feeling dread. From that day onwards, the fell elf lord was known as the Witch King.

Meanwhile the council had elected Imrik as the Third Phoenix King, who assumed the title Caledor I. Caledor and Malekith gathered their supporters and battled each other for the throne of Ulthuan. For more than a decade they fought a great civil war. Time proved to be Caledor's ally for as time passed, Malekith's treachery became more evident and more elves flocked to Caledor's banner. In a climactic showdown, Malekith was defeated by Caledor in single combat in the Field of Maledor. The Witch King's supporters retreated back to their fortresses.

Malekith decided to try one final gamble for the Phoenix throne. He instructed his sorcerers to undo the spells that bound the Realm of Chaos in a bid to secure aid from the Dark Gods of Chaos. For hours they struggled to undo the barrier. In the end, the task proved to be too great even for the combined might of Malekith and his coven. Their efforts were thwarted by a group of mighty elven mages trapped in the Isle of the Dead. A surge of raw arcane power struck back at Malekith's fortresses. Many of his sorcerers died from the magical flashback. The land itself buckled under the magical strain and a great tidal wave came crashing down on northern Ulthuan. Mighty earthquakes devastated the land and fine cities of Ulthuan. The lands of Nagarythe and Tiranoc were submerged under water. Thousands of elves were killed in the cataclysm known as The Sundering.The fortresses of the Witch King survived the catastrophe, being protected by powerful spells. The fortresses broke off from the land and floated out into the sea, thus the dreaded Black Arks was born. Large as icebergs, they floated to the northern part of the new world where they grounded. Naming the desolate chilled land Naggaroth or "Land of Chill", the Witch King claimed it as his own new domain and proceed to exterminate the native greenskin and human barbarian populace. The kingdom of the Dark Elves was born. Over the ages the Witch King continued to plot and wage a war against the Phoenix Kings of Ulthuan from Naggaroth till today.

Mr. Malekith II

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Malekith Iii) and was a member of Jester

upon his fathers death while he was campaigning in the High Elven land of Lothern, he rushed twards Naggaroth only to find his father, and his world destroyed. there where only a handful of survivors - imcluding Shadowblade, Master assassin, Malus Darkblade, Morathi, and Tullaris, master executioner along with a handful of peasents and soldiers. to this day he is plotting revenge upon Mr.Salaris. Malekith II resettled in Starta, and has been recovering his kingdom to its once great glory

Mr. Malekith Iii

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Darkblade) and was a member of Jester

Malekith III was out on a hunting trip when he learned the news that members of The Azai Clan Kingdom assassinated his father, he settled near the kingdom of Jester and has build many cities including Krieg, Hag Grief, and rebuilding Nagarroth itself. he sent a scout party east to make a colony there, rebuild a army, and crush the azai clan without mercy and take his cities back. but due to the fact that Armageddon is near, his plans are fleeting fast. as he established a new city, Medusa V, and sent his armies north to invoke Revenge upon the Azai Clan, he learned that Krieg was burned to the ground by The Luna Wolves. Malekiths favored army, The Death Korps of Nagarroth, with 100,000 Dark Elf riders, swiftly re-took Har Ganeth, Cadia, Clar Karond, and Middenheim. they moved east to raze the world Bosaaron had known and suceeded in invoking revenge. upon the verge of battle with his nemesis at the final battle for Cadia Malekith III had a conversation with his top generals, Tullaris, Shadowblade, Malus Darkblade, and Kouran. as he said with a feint smile, " we will not fail, we are the most civilized race in the world. we have more exquisite ways to kill than any other..." he said, pulling out his warpdagger and slamming it into the map, "if you do not kill the enemy and return a failure, i will have your head on my keep. not that it matters anyways in 3 days we will all be dead. die with pride my favored generals." he said as he strode to the ranks to inspire the men, who where depressed that they could no longer pillage and torture.

Sir Darkblade

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Darkblade) and was a member of Luna Wolves

The tale of Malus Darkblade is one of greed, treachery, and much bloodshed. Born of one of the noble families of Hag Graef, Malus was the pride of his father - ruthless, bloodthirsty, cunning, and ambitious. To further his own political power, Malus sought out an ancient magical treasure but, in discovering it, he also found something much older and more terrible. Malus was possessed by the daemon Tz'Arkan, his life and soul were Forfeit. He had but one way to escape his fate - to find five unholy artifacts of power which could be used in the ritual to free Tz'arkan for eternity and restore malus' soul. He had but a year and a day to succeed. Long and Hard
was his quest for the five treasures, and many were his battles along the way. Many foes fell beneath his blade; foul Minotaurs, Orcs, and a mighty Dragon Ogre lie dead in his wake. Such was Malus' determination and ruthlessness that he slew his own father for the possession of the Dagger of Torxus, one of the artifacts needed for his salvation. For this, the dark elf bards also call Malus the Kinslayer. Upon the eve of his doom, Malus returned to the place of his possession and performed the ritual, but Tz'arkan had tricked the Dark Elf lord. Upon escaping from Malus' body, the treacherous daemon took his soul, and thus Darkblade became known as the Soulless One. Caught between life and Death, Malus wandered the Chaos Wastes for a decade, fighting and killing for others. He cared not whether he lived or died and so fought in battle like no mortal creature. Armed with the Warpsword of Khaine, the only artifact not destroyed in the ritual to free himself, Malus was unstoppable and, though he craved death, there was no one skilled or strong enoughto defeat him. It was during this time that Malus learned the new lair of Tz'arkan from a sorcerer. The magic user knew of Darkblade's treacherous nature and hoped to forestall any betrayal by having the map tatooed on his back. Malus cared not, and flayed the map from the sorcerer, feeding the rest to his Cold One, Spite. Once more Malus travelled many leagues and fought against many creatures of the Four Powers and his own enemies from Naggaroth before locating the daemon who had stolen his soul. Unfortunatley for Malis, the resting place of Tz'arkan was within the realm of the Screaming God-Child, a twisted being sworn to Chaos Undivided; a hell place at the heart of the Realms of Chaos from which it was claimed no mortal could pass back. But Malus, the master of cunning, tricked the Screaming God-Child and managed to escape. Upon realising the devious Malus had eluded him, the Screaming God-Child cursed the Dark Elf, and as punishment once more imprisoned Tz'arkan within him. Now, after many years of journeying, Malus has returned to Hag Graef. None know of his true intentions, but he has lost none of his thirst for power.

Sir Darkblade

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Darkblade) and was a member of Luna Wolves

The tale of Malus Darkblade is one of greed, treachery, and much bloodshed. Born of one of the noble families of Hag Graef, Malus was the pride of his father - ruthless, bloodthirsty, cunning, and ambitious. To further his own political power, Malus sought out an ancient magical treasure but, in discovering it, he also found something much older and more terrible. Malus was possessed by the daemon Tz'Arkan, his life and soul were Forfeit. He had but one way to escape his fate - to find five unholy artifacts of power which could be used in the ritual to free Tz'arkan for eternity and restore malus' soul. He had but a year and a day to succeed. Long and Hard
was his quest for the five treasures, and many were his battles along the way. Many foes fell beneath his blade; foul Minotaurs, Orcs, and a mighty Dragon Ogre lie dead in his wake. Such was Malus' determination and ruthlessness that he slew his own father for the possession of the Dagger of Torxus, one of the artifacts needed for his salvation. For this, the dark elf bards also call Malus the Kinslayer. Upon the eve of his doom, Malus returned to the place of his possession and performed the ritual, but Tz'arkan had tricked the Dark Elf lord. Upon escaping from Malus' body, the treacherous daemon took his soul, and thus Darkblade became known as the Soulless One. Caught between life and Death, Malus wandered the Chaos Wastes for a decade, fighting and killing for others. He cared not whether he lived or died and so fought in battle like no mortal creature. Armed with the Warpsword of Khaine, the only artifact not destroyed in the ritual to free himself, Malus was unstoppable and, though he craved death, there was no one skilled or strong enoughto defeat him. It was during this time that Malus learned the new lair of Tz'arkan from a sorcerer. The magic user knew of Darkblade's treacherous nature and hoped to forestall any betrayal by having the map tatooed on his back. Malus cared not, and flayed the map from the sorcerer, feeding the rest to his Cold One, Spite. Once more Malus travelled many leagues and fought against many creatures of the Four Powers and his own enemies from Naggaroth before locating the daemon who had stolen his soul. Unfortunatley for Malis, the resting place of Tz'arkan was within the realm of the Screaming God-Child, a twisted being sworn to Chaos Undivided; a hell place at the heart of the Realms of Chaos from which it was claimed no mortal could pass back. But Malus, the master of cunning, tricked the Screaming God-Child and managed to escape. Upon realising the devious Malus had eluded him, the Screaming God-Child cursed the Dark Elf, and as punishment once more imprisoned Tz'arkan within him. Now, after many years of journeying, Malus has returned to Hag Graef. None know of his true intentions, but he has lost none of his thirst for powe
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