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Mr. Coteaz

Lived in Era 10 and got 1 heir(s) (Coteaz).

[quote]There are those among our Ordo who say that I seek advancements for my own perposes, and they are correct. My perpose is to destroy the demonic and if i must rise to command an entire sector sector to do so, then so be it. I am a servant of the Emperor and only those who consort with Warp-Spawn need fear my ambition.[/quote]

Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Coteaz of the Inquisition, fighting demons to protect The Imperium of Man. Using whatever troops are available to him, to destroy the demonic infestation which has obviously occurred in OWN.

Sir Coteaz

Lived in Era 11, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Mirror

This era the forces of Humans are avalible to him. His father did not have the power to accomplish his task but he taugh everything he knew to his only son Inquisitor Lord Torquemada Osma Coteaz. Who has taken up his fathers task, to destroy the demonic infestation which has obviously occurred in OWN.

Unfortunatly for him he has been called by the Empourer to complete another task of the highest importance, and so him may have to leace his troops to fend for themselves. What he fears most is not being able to retern before death takes him, and having to leave his heir to find out the history he has missed ond not been able to tell him about whilst he was away, fighting for the Empourers life.
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