Family History

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Mr. Jacobtheawesome

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Jaketheawesome) and was a member of The Lords Of The UnderWorld

one day an elven boy was born.his name is unimportant since this is not his story but his sons story.this boys father was a miner and his mother was a nurse.this boys parents were killed when he became of age(16) and he was forced to become a miner.2 years later he ran away with 500 peasents(for this town was very corrupt)and started a new colony which thrived for 20 years until another boy was born the son of the king and queen.this king was the boy mentioned earlier except 20 years later. the queen died in childbirth and the king was killed in battle 2 days before the birth. so this newborn was the new heir.this boy when grown up was the loved(and feared ruler) that is known as jacobtheawesome who is now one of the leaders of the widely feared(and loved) lords of the underworld.yes this boy is me so now i continue my story to take over the vile and evil eternal warriors and now i continue until i die.....

Mr. Jaketheawesome

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Lalalaman) and was a member of The Lords Of The UnderWorld

My dad was killed today.but he didnt die cowering in a corner like the other guys duss vallen killed no he fought he fought hard.but hence he was killed. i fled fled to deep my fellow kd mate(and my fathers friend) he let me stay there a while. now ive fled to down next to the mountains near another one of his cities down where ive had to stop writing i plan to colonize there and then wipe out duss vallens city lacost

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