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Viceroy Rayo

Lived in Era 11, got 1 heir(s) (Varient) and was a member of Avagneon

Years ago Oya lived and created a legend of himself, however this was a far distant land and when he arrived in the worlds of Visual Utopia everything changed. Instead of fighting wars as a Knight alone alot of the time.... he now led legions or men into battle. Unfortunatly Oya again betrayed by someone with many promises, and was attaked during the ends of the last era, which didnt take his life, but made what he had built into nothing more than ruins. Left to wander the lands of Tropica he fell upon a new freind which aided him in his last dying days, however that freindship was short lived has the friend was killed by the Kingdom of OWN......
Oya lived on for a while longer but as the world was bearing its last days, he left it for the Gods to decide and waited and hoped that the only child that he had, would avenge him. Ironically he named his son from his cousin and archnemesis in his great lengendary past from the distant lands. His son left home to follow in his fathers footsteps to make himself a legend of the present and avanege his fathers honor of the past, he knew that this was the case as he was given a name that once struck fear in the heart of men, in the distant land, and made sure that Rayo would remember the path he had been chosen to take, and not to stray into corruption.
Rayo now lives in the new world of Visual Utopia, the forth era of rambo....he has respect for him and one day hopes to challenge him, to keep his fathers honor intact

Sir Varient

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Oya).

Rayo the great warrior of this era died, not in the land of VU but in another world and while he was gone the Kingdom of M attacked his cities as they couldn't fight back! Rayo however set out with one thing in mind in the beginning of the era. To fight Rambo. And he was somewhat shocked to find he was on the other side of the mountain. Rayo talked with Osiris and they both waged war on him. As Osiris took the cities and was the basic destroyer of Rambo, rayo sat back and waited for his armies to appear, so that Rayo could ambush and kill them and was successful in 3 attacks, then moved on towards the cities to find they had already been taken by Viceroy Zipo of AoC.
Rayo kept his fathers honour intact and set out to become powerful. This came apparent when he started claiming cities from M who at the time had been recklessly taking from Rayo's King. Then M retaliated, 3 members turned on Rayo to show their power, but Rayo was cunning, when 2 of the cities fell and the 2nd most powerful army of his wasn't close enough to anything about it he talked with people around him, and somehow managed to make them stop attacking just to give him time....fools! He took his citys back and looked on to the east and prepared for war......

Varient was just a knight of the Varients, an Aquatic creature who had trained with many weapons making him a powerful threat to any who crossed his path. As Rayo had no heir, he took the place, given to him by Rayo in his will. He is known as Varient not only because he is one of them but also of his amazing ability to adabt and evolve in combat

Sir Oya

Lived in Era 12, got 1 heir(s) (Oya) and was a member of Heaven

There was a world, far from the lands of VU in which a young half elf made a legend of himself. This man was known as Oya, he travelled ages ago to the world of VU to explore and die in peace as an old man, however he got caught up in the many battles of the age and was forced to fight once again. Many years have passed since those times, and the world is a different place now.
In the mountains of Tsuki Peaks, a forgotten kingdom of full bred elves decided it was time to resurrect the legend, they seeked the both the magic of white and black mages in the Mako halls high in the Glace Mountains. With all the knowledge of these three races combind the legend was reborn. But he was born with the wings of an angel, as something had gone wrong in the procedure. He had no power as an immortal, infact he was full half elf once again, yet with his wings, as if the Gods made sure that he would never forget his past. The elves reminded him of his life and of the land of VU, he set about to find the lands again, with his elvish brothers and help rebuild an old kingdom he had heard of, The Kingdom of Heaven.

Sir Oya

Lived in Era 12, got 1 heir(s) (Oya) and was a member of Defender of the Unholy Noble Empire

Oya watched from the distance as his Elvish brothers fell.....he grew angry at this Orc army, only taking revenge on the Kingdom of Heaven because they weren't allowed to be apart of its greatness. Oya now stands on the mountains of Manx preparing with all his anger, preparing his vengance! Oya was blessed during this era from the Viceroy Goek. He liberated oya's town in the old world, this was very helpfuland Oya decided to use the world of Manx as a economical advantage, however this was not to be, as the world of Manx became more and more dangerous, so much infact that Swifty himself decided he would attack Oya's allies and threaten his cities. This was just the thing that was needed.... Oya within his keep wathced as the allies two defensive cities fell, and thought time to act was now...vengence will be "Swift"....however there was a change in the wind and Oya looked on to the west, another of the Kingdom of Heaven was there and had bad luck so Oya decided he would help him out and use this as his vengence to create a new world for his people. However there was a confusion in this era Osiris casted arma making look like that Hayabusa was casting it and coursed choas in the worlds, and the reckless Kingdom of ARRSE chose to use this as a reason for war so Oya had to defeat Flipper in the western lands of Manx. The war with flipper was easy, however Sezymon decided that he would attack Oya as the world was coming to an end, this would either be death or just another victory.....

King Oya

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Oya) and was the leader of Invicta

At the begining of the era, everything was going well for Oya, he had the most lucrative city in fantasia at that time things looked good, all that was to end however has sezymon who started very close to Oya after arma grow quickly and as an elf has a distinct advantage over Oya.
Oya ran away to to somewhere far from what appeared to be a legacy rampage, Oya stayed fighting for as long as he could, but as all his kingdom mates fell around him he decided that DUNE looked over and restarted in the new world of Mantrax. This world was fresh with oppurtunity, but alas the great ruler Oya had to move his real world house and therefore became inactive for a week. This was a major set back in the growth of Oyas new empire, and when things finally got underway his old foe from his early years, yoris, took it away from him. Yoris could only say "you restarted before me" which was true apart from the fact of a weeks complete inactivity its not really the same. So once again Oya ran away to find refuage, DUNE crumbled in on its self and so Oya joined the relativly Noobish kingdom of FOWL, at first the relationship was good, and allowed Oya to gain ground quickly even gain a Hoh city easily, but alas, with only two of the members of the kingdom really doing anything to aid Oya in these dark times (Katsu and jhonaton) he decided that is was best to leave the kingdom and join his freinds in RED which was better and for awhile Oya was safe. But alas once again, Oya now punished with the weakness of the dwarves in warfare lost the great Hoh city to mere humans, an embarrasment to any ruler. This Oya will never forgive and will learn from, dwarves make money but are to greedy for their own good that it makes even the ruler himself forget to train the grand armies of earlier eras.
Oya then decided that it was time to be a true ruler of the lands and create a kingdom designed to help the newer settlers to these war torn lands. The kingdom of INVICTA was born and from that day on many have said of it potential and people joined, at first with hesitance and now a fully fledged kingdom in its own right, however nothing compared to M and Legacy which Oya was drew swords against, so the training of these new rulers was vital as in his heart he knew those days of terrible wars would arrive once again.

Viceroy Oya

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Anubis).

The new era started well the world of fantasia fertile from the fires of armegeddon turned to ashes. Two provinces were constructed of the Invicta members. The east and the west......while in the beginning the eastern cities prospered while the west under complete safety slowly grew also, a power was emerging which would threaten the very exsistance of the eastern province. The threat came from the kingdoms of NARRSE and HaVi, both prospered and it would seem that NARRSE would have almost all there strongest members in that area, their intentions seemed obvious and war quickly broke out between Invicta and NARRSE over the eastern lands, HaVi later joined in on the skirmishes, but later a deal was made between HaVi and Invicta that insured peace. The war was going well, the NARRSE players constantly pushed back and it looked as if they could fall, however the sleeping giant of Legacy awoke and felt the need to get involved, speculative talk about NARRSE issusing a plea for help as they are Legacys puppet. The king drove through the eastern lands and left nothing...eventually with the aid of some other Legacy members and NARRSE invicta fell in the east only to become refugees and head to the more powerful and prosperous land of the west.
The west had become powerful, and their old advisaries of the era before began to look suspcious, however the kingdom of HELL felt that peace was a better option, and so a MAP was set in motion and the kingdoms continued to prosper. As the era continued the western province became more and more crowded, the members needed expansion, and so they moved north, where the young but powerful Mirror had been quietly residing, apart from the annhilaion of FOWL in the very far north. Invicta started skirmishing with M, and it seemed that these battles would never cease and so an agreement was set in place so that both kingdoms would be at peace to prosper, to prepare for a more obvious threat. The western province was secure from both the north and the south leaving a perfect oppurtunity to grow and become as powerful as possible a very much easier task. The refugees who made to a safe zone decided to build up and enjoy peaceful times, which they did for a time. However the plans of revenge were being prepared an war on the eastern warlords was set in motion. Oya strategically placed himself about the map while others did the same. It at first seemed easy and the war would go smoothly, untill of course the very people they were plotting against made the first move, then war broke out again on the already war torn members, and the refugee zone became an area of death and destruction, and hammerblow did strike hard, but not hard enough, the members of Invicta fought valiantly and are even beginning to push back the oppressors to their own lands.....time will only tell if their fate is of celebration, or moarning.


All other records of this kingdom were destroyed in the great battles, some say Invicta never even excisted.....

Viceroy Anubis

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Anubis) and was a member of Abydos

Anubis, Half man, Half Jackal....rose from Oya's ashes and looked out towards the horizon. He noticed a few small colonies in the distance and decided to build Shango, in honor of his forefathers and it started to become lucrative for himself and his follwers that survived the armageddon that ravaged the land to give birth to another era.
Anubis watched his kingdom mates grow around him and at firt they grew strong and had a large presence even with the small numbers compared to others.
Then it came apparant....the kingdom of Abydos was in the direct path of two opposing superpowers, so it came for war to wage, so early in the new lands, Abydos fought both the Legacy armies and the Serenity Hords, constantly holding there ground however after a week of constant fighting with many armies from the bigger powers something was to break, and it was Abydos....which now is exiled to an northern homeland. Anubis now feeling relief for atleast he is alive, and can have time to grow in peace. but this was not to be....and NT and Serenity continued to war the broken Abydos kingdom......"Can we not rest?"

Viceroy Anubis

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Anubis) and was a member of Abydos

The world of Fantasia was so full of war, that Abydos stretched and torn from fighting overwhelming odds, fell and the warriors and leaders of this kingdom were sent to an almost shameful place....a world mirroring the world of fantasia yet more peaceful and free.
Anubis rose from the ground in the most southern parts of Mantrax, the world was so peaceful that even this figure of power granted a smile of promise over it.
Anubis set himself up and started building new cities, many folk who were native to these lands settled and soon his new towns were prospering. Anubis headed to the caves of the mountains near by and tamed single handly some wild trolls which he trained for protection of his new cities.
Anubis looked around from his new keep noticing the other leaders of the kingdom settling down and also becoming wealthy. However this freedom was short lived and like blossom on a tree, it all fell away. The neibouring kingdom of FOWL seemed to feel that war was needed to settle a misunderstanding and so they sent their legions storming the gates of the newly made cities. Totally unprepared for war on such a scale cities fell with ease, but the war mungering leaders of FOWL were unexperienced and Anubis looked upon his unhonourable foe and laughed.....The cities were liberated and FOWL were pushed out of the homelands. Abydos was not to going to fall a second time and made its point very clear.
War against FOWL continues and now with abydos on equal terms in power, its only a matter of time before FOWL fall, unless of course events in the mirroring world of Fantasia hinder this........ "time will reveal all, those with patience gain the knowledge"

FOWLs world finally came crashing down around them, there naivety got the better of them and many members difected to Abydos's affliated kingdom of AFA, now with one of the powers of mantrax on its knees, Abydos and Anubis looked north at its next victim

Viceroy Anubis

Lived in Era 16, got 8 heir(s) (Oya, Oya, Oya, Oya, Oya, Oya, Oya, Oya) and was a member of Abydos

The world ravaged by the hell known as armegeddon, finally, ended and fantasia returned again for the opputunists who survived oblivion. Abydos was resurrected and its members were hungry for power. Betrayal from the last era was ready to be avenged, and the leaders of this great kingdom, were in vengeful moods. Anubis manged to travel to fantasia from mantrax during the destruction and managed to make it, unskaved. He rebuilt shango and prepared his men for war from the get go. Mirror had many people within the traitorous kingdom of Serenity, discarding the pacts with abydoians when they were on their knees. Mirror felt Abydos's wrath and almost fell, however they fled north to recover what dignity they had left, at the same time Abydos looked west for a homeland which at the time the young PKS owned, it was time claim some land for their own which wasn't possible last era.

Now Abydos fights the kingdom of PKS on its fresh new borders while stabbing the fataly wounded Mirror, its only a matter of time now.

King Oya

Lived in Era 17, got 0 heir(s) and was the leader of Abydos

Anubis was tired of his mortal life so took it upon himself and use his godly powers to resurrect the great legend that is Oya. Then with a sigh faded back to underworld, Oya now reborn, stumbled upon a large group of leaderless dwarven peasents....
"It's time to grow a vast empire like the times of old" he proclaimed and becan to build shango, but this time to be larger than it ever was before....Abydos is now a big power in visual utopia even though losing some members, there is still that common respect for the great warriors that are the Abydions.
Oya took control of the kingdom while Osiris, pharoh of the great empire was away for a time, and until his return Abydos will grow and set down the foundations of the new world once again.
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