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Mr. Pyron

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Pyron) and was a member of The Holy Roman Empire


Mr. Pyron

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Pyron) and was a member of The Holy Roman Empire


Mr. Pyron

Lived in Era 28 and got 1 heir(s) (Pyron).

Pyron was a wandering Dwarve. He grew up on the streets and traveling from city to city never staying in one place to long. He never really knew his parents and remembers nothing of a home other than those of the dirty alleys, lonely roads, and empty caves. He stole food and money to survive.

Pyron was always trveling by himself. Though lonely his life may seem he didn't find it lonely at all, as long as he was near the mountains or caves. He always felt as though the mountains and caves were his homes and the rocks and stalagmites his family. Sometimes he even thought that they talked to him.

One day while enjoying a delicious meal of fruits and bread that he had "borrowed" from a busy merchant inside a cave he heard a noice that made him stop midway through his meal. He sat still and listened. He heard it again. Someone was coming into the cave. Pyron hastily hid the food away in a crevice in the rock wall. He then hid himself as quietly as he could making sure to have his trusty pickaxe with him that he carried at all times.

Pyron waited and listened. Soon he saw who made the noise. It was an old dwarve carrying a walking staff. "Whew," Pyron thought,"For a minute there I thought it was the merchant I stole from or maybe a bounty hunter. But it's just a stupid old dwarve. I'll just scare him out of hear. No reason for us to fight." So Pyron charged out of his hiding place, yelling and waving his pickaxe in the air. But in a split second he was lying on the ground with the old dwarve standing over him.

"Wha...wha.what..." Pyron stuttered.

"What do ya think yer doin'! Sneakin inter me mountains and then tryin to attak me eh! Thought you could hide in me caves and I'd never find yas is that it! Well yeh thought wrong ya theivin halfling!" The old man shouted.

"Halfing!I'm no halfling yea blind old fool! I'm a blimey dwarve!" Pyron yelled back in anger now that he had gotten over his surprise of the old dwarve being able to react so fast. He had to of been reacting or else he must have seen him earlier. But that was impossible. How could this old fool of a dwarf spot him. He had hiddne perfectly. Yet he knew that he had done it and it angered him that he hadn't been able to hide from him.
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