Family History

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Mr. Imperator

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Imperator) and was a member of Dark Blood

Imperator, son of a father unknown, ruler of Midnight Sun, commander of the royal armies, conqueror and peacekeeper of the Core. It was him who after his awakening created a kingdom, a kingdom found inferior by others yet superior in his mind.

Mr. Imperator

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Messenger of Onuris) and was a member of Dark Blood

Imperator, son of a father unknown, member of Dark Blood, general of his Executioners, conqueror and peacekeeper in the fallen lands. It was he, who after his awakening joined a kingdom with potential to be great, a kingdom hated by many, but often looked upon with the eyes of jealousy.


As the days passed, months turned to years and as he grew old, the Dark Blood empire stretched through out the world! Countless cities were under the Imperators rule and his armies were feared among his enemies.

But then, as suddenly as the great wars had started, it was a time of peace. The known world was conquered by the alliance. All enemies were vanquished and a time of peace and prosperity began.

Imperator ordered his cities to flourish, ordered his armies to grow to defend the lands, to defend against the inevitable; ARMAGEDDON.

With just 100 months to armageddon, the great ruler got sick and died - stopping progress in his lands and since that moment, his is listed in the great hall of honor at #5.

Mr. Messenger of Onuris

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Onuris) and was a member of ZEON


Mr. Onuris

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Onuris) and was a member of ZEON

Onuris, son of none, father of all. Vice in ZEON, dedicated to the one true GOD. Leader of his minions, example for many. Loved by his followers. Tested by a fawlty alliance, he found his peace.



Mr. Onuris

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Robert) and was a member of ZEON

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