Family History

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Mr. Iwasfrozen

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Iwasfrozen) and was a member of predators

i couldn't be botherd to write a story
so if you were looking for one
Agh....... good times

Mr. Iwasfrozen

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Iwasfrozen) and was a member of Predators

still couldn't be bothered!!!!!!

Mr. Iwasfrozen

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Iwasfrozen IV) and was a member of Predators

it was a cold windy night my father and his pack of drawven scavengers where out looking for food they lived in mount mukno a cold and lonley place you understand where scavenging partys like this where common sight.

this was only supposed to be a rutine hunt -only a rutine- but that is where my father made his first mastake,his first of many, as i said earlier mt mukno was a cold and lonley place a place where even the most experience mountiner could easily be killed. Mountiers did not come more experienced than my father he was like most drawves hard to the core mountins did him no harm and seeing as this is only a rutine surely an experienced mountiner had nothing to fear,that was his secound mistake.

he and his team of two strong drawven men made their way up the mountin.If only they had seen that hidden snow cave hidden under the ground,if only, but they didn't they steeped stright into the cavey father first as he was leading. i suppose you think i'm going to tell you my father fell to his death,that his corpse was retained forever in that frozen land. WRONG he didn't fall my father was strong and he pulled himself up by the side of the cave however his bag was to heavey and had to be discarded. Alas his mates did not survive alas futher they did not die suddenly and my father had to listen to their faint moaning on into the night.

it was day 16 and though my father had survived he was alone in a blizzerd with no mates and no pack. death seamed nearer now than it did when he was hanging of the cliff. he decided to go into a cave to wait out the storm what ever chance he had then he had no chance now.

night fell and though he know he could not sleep he was very tired. just a sec just a sec......

he woke up, if you could call it that early mourning only to find he could not move he thought he was parilised he tried to move his eyes but they would not they where frozen. THEY WHERE FROZEN this can't be my father thought its impossible for the entire boby to freeze without dieing but this is what happend and though his brain was workin perfect his body would not move he was caught a prisener in his own body.

250 years passed exacly though my father had not aged a day (the ice perserved his body). he got up to walk around (he had terible pins and needles) it was then he noticed a man standing in a cornor

theres not a lot to say about the man discription wise he was dressed in all black, a black waistcoat,a black hat,sunglasses and black trousers. his face was mean and worn when asked to indentify himself the man said "i am who i am" "i have come for you" when asked why he did not reply eventually he said " you have been frozen for 250 years that i know ,how you may not know, why you may not know, though you may know that with out me you will not live past 5 weeks in this new world." "will you come with me"

not having much choice after being told what he was he said yes and the man and his aprentice walked of into the night...

my father is now dead, it's not surprising he was 600
(preaty old for an Dwarve eh?)
Befor he died he swore his familys obligation to the strange man (he still hasn't told us his name) for ten generations
i soppose i should explain you see the man -as i have began calling him told my father he had froze him for a reason he could not tell him and could only give each generation after me one piece of information.
won't tell me anything, stupid old...
oh crap he's comin...

Mr. Iwasfrozen IV

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Iwasfrozen IV) and was a member of Predators


Mr. Iwasfrozen IV

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Iwasfrozen IV) and was a member of Predators


Sir Iwasfrozen IV

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Jack Frost) and was a member of Predators II

Iwasfrozen looked around, so this was war. Many nights this young human dreamed of being a knight, to lead his swordsmen into battle. Now it had come he didn't know what to make of it.
Iwasfrozen Having trained under his master Desmond Tiny (he finally revelled his name) for 15 years knew one day this day would come, As he looks around the scattered remains of the Dark Riders threat he knew the battle was won but the war was far from over.
Clenching the sword his master had given on his becoming a knight he felt a tear coming from his eyes before long he was crying not being able to stop he lay on the blood soaked ground and cried until he felt a hand on his shoulder looking around he saw the face of his master looking back at him.
Iwasfrozen and his master paid their final respects to the fallen soldiers and left the battlefield.

Sir Jack Frost

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Jack Frost) and was a member of Predators II


Sir Jack Frost

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Jack Frost) and was a member of Predators II


Sir Jack Frost

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Iwasfrozen) and was a member of Predators

As hard as it may be to believe, i didn't die those past 3 times, i restarted to land next to my kd, Honest !!!

Sir Iwasfrozen

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Iwasfrozen V) and was a member of Predators


Sir Iwasfrozen V

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Iwasfrozen V) and was a member of Predators

I am the 5th ruler of the frozen dynestie.
It was my ancestore who was first frozen in those horrid mountins.
Now my Master has bestowed onto me the halfway point of our 10 lifetime service to him a title, the title "Sir".
He has promised me futher generations will have even better gifts than this,
Gifts of Power.....
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