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Mr. Smuff

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Smuff Lord of Nothing) and was a member of Phi Empire


Mr. Smuff Lord of Nothing

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Smuff The Death Dealer) and was a member of PHI EMPIRE


Mr. Smuff The Death Dealer

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Smuff With A Shemale Shlong) and was a member of Phi Reloaded


Mr. Smuff With A Shemale Shlong

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Smuff With A Shemale) and was a member of Phi Empire


Mr. Smuff With A Shemale

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Smuff) and was a member of Phi Empire

Book One - Phi Empire

Introduction - After Smuffs fantastic era(s) with the Phi Empire he learnt a lot about the game from Weird. Who himself had learnt the game from the VU Lords of LGC themselves. He had managed to hone his skilles as much as his activity would let him.

Chapter One - During he time with Phi he had fort may honourable foes, and some not so honourable. Phi's first main rivalry came from Abydos, the sly and troublsome Sir Falazar made it his mission to split the NAP between the two great kingdoms appart, making it look as if Phi was in the wrong. After Abydos threw army after army at the Phi blokers, with out any success, and in the end they were saved from a counter attack by the ill timed arramagedon! However this fude did not end there.
A few eras on Abydos and Phi met on the battle field once more. And again it ws not an honourable war. And guess whos fault it was this time?... yes thats right Sir Falazar. He had been sending out PM's to surrounding kingdoms to create infighting. Unfortunatly for Abydos Falazar was found out and an anti-abydos alliance was formed. This alliance, with LGC and PHI at its head, broke through the Abydos lines and over run their core. This fude still continues to this very day.

Chapter two - BoW has also fetured in Phi's colourful past. During my first era with Phi i had just come out of the BoW kingdom, they had been battered and beaten due to the ill leadership of one of their vices, Mr Ratatmaatsabfkaas (or however you spell his name). After a few low level battles with BoW, Phi finally broke them down and moved onto better things.
However, BoW's part in the history of Phi does not end there. A couple of eras later Phi signed a MAP agreement woth BoW after they were beaten down by Abydos. After valiantly fighting till the last, BoW started to re-build behind Phi blockers. The days went by and all seemed well for the Phi/BoW MAP, but then suddenly it all changed. Legacy, the best and brightest of VU decided to wipe BoW from the face of fantasia, and not even the Phi blockers could save them. Legacy Crushed the Phi's walls with spells of untold powerto achieve their goals.

To be continued

Mr. Smuff

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Smuff) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

Book One - World Of Visual Utopia

Introduction - After Smuffs fantastic era(s) with the Phi Empire he learnt a lot about the game from Weird. Who himself had learnt the game from the VU Lords of LGC themselves. He had managed to hone his skilles as much as his activity would let him.

Chapter One - During his time with Phi he had fort may honourable foes, and some not so honourable. Phi's first main rivalry came from Abydos, the sly and troublsome Sir Falazar made it his mission to split the NAP between the two great kingdoms appart, making it look as if Phi was in the wrong. After Abydos threw army after army at the Phi blokers, with out any success, and in the end they were saved from a counter attack by the ill timed arramagedon! However this fude did not end there.
A few eras on Abydos and Phi met on the battle field once more. And again it ws not an honourable war. And guess whos fault it was this time?... yes thats right Sir Falazar. He had been sending out PM's to surrounding kingdoms to create infighting. Unfortunatly for Abydos Falazar was found out and an anti-abydos alliance was formed. This alliance, with LGC and PHI at its head, broke through the Abydos lines and over run their core. This fude still continues to this very day.

Chapter two - BoW has also fetured in Phi's colourful past. During my first era with Phi i had just come out of the BoW kingdom, they had been battered and beaten due to the ill leadership of one of their vices, Mr Ratatmaatsabfkaas (or however you spell his name). After a few low level battles with BoW, Phi finally broke them down and moved onto better things.
However, BoW's part in the history of Phi does not end there. A couple of eras later Phi signed a MAP agreement woth BoW after they were beaten down by Abydos. After valiantly fighting till the last, BoW started to re-build behind Phi blockers. The days went by and all seemed well for the Phi/BoW MAP, but then suddenly it all changed. Legacy, the best and brightest of VU decided to wipe BoW from the face of fantasia, and not even the Phi blockers could save them. Legacy Crushed the Phi's walls with spells of untold powerto achieve their goals.

Chapter Three - Smuff left The kingdom of Phi to go and play with two friends, Geoff (who was also a member of Phi) and Plokoon. Smuff was sad to leave friends from Phi; Senturu, Werid and other will be missed, Zero on the other hand wont, arrogant fuck whit..... The era started well for the Falcons and they signed many great diplomatic agreements, NAP with mirror, MAP with Red Hand and a MAP with Carnage. Smuff was soon high on the HoH most powerfull rulers list.
The first kingdom that the Falcons came up against was the not so mighty TAK (the allied kingdoms) they fell with little trouble. during the fighting Geoff had to help Red Hand as part of our MAP agreement and we made an enemy of Music. In the fighting that followed Music was destroyed from fantasia. Falcons new MAP agreement with carnage meant they were put in a very powerfull position.
The falcons were called upon once more to leveate the fight between jesters and carnage. Smuff single handedly rampaged through the enemy lines for days on end. that was untill Red Hand stabbed them in the back.....
Smuff had signed a MAP agreement with the honourable friend from his BoW days Karac.however when the RH king returned he didnt like the decisions. RH joined Jester in the fight against us. a 48 hour ceasefire was supost to be in effect, however red hand attacked too early and we had not properly organised our defences. we were overrun in a matter of days....
but finally carnage entered the fight, swooping down with massive armies and turning the tride against red hand. and now with only 10 real life days left in the era its seems likely that the falcons will re claim their lost citys and be returned to thier fomer glory.

Mr. Smuff

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Smuff) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf


Mr. Smuff

Lived in Era 29, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

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