Family History

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Duke Borazon

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (of Hazard).

Sir Borazon's mother was the wife of Sir Ultimate. Sir Ultimate was human and ruler of a very large province. When Sir Ultimate found that his wife, Aurora, was pregnant he was overjoyed. But the joy did not last long.

When Sir Borazon was born, Sir Ultimate was very confused. For he and Aurora were both humans and Borazon was a dwarf. Sir Ultimate threw Aurora and her son Borazon out of his castle and his province, because Aurora had cheated on him with a dwarf. Sir Ultimate's mistake was not following the old adage, "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your wives closest."

Borazon and his mother Aurora walked for countless days in the wilderness living on what small fruit and game they could find. Borazon hunted with a small wooden knife he crafted with to small stones. This and his dwarf toughness saved them from many wild animals and robbers.

On the day 20 moons after they were kicked out, they were found by a scout. It was a scout from the ruler, Disdyakis Hexakis, of the kingdom of Diamonds. They pleaded for the scout to spare them. He did and took them to King Hex's court.

King Hex was very generous to them. After hearing their story he decided that he would give Borazon a province to rule in his kingdom.

Sir Borazon now owes King Hex and the Diamonds much. He shall build the strongest armies and fight the enemies of the Diamonds for as long as the Gods allow his years to span.

Duke of Hazard

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Grumpy) and was a member of Diamonds

The Duke of Hazard lived for many years. He was in the world of Fantasia. He wasn't the smartest of fellows. Actually he was delusional. He thought that he was the son of the great Duke Borazon.
This caused him to walk around with a great pride and title that he was not worthy of. This caused an upstir in the world of Fantasia. Some new of his false notions, but others did not. Therefore, he was greatly recruited to join kingdoms in their hope that he was like his "father" and would use him to better their Kingdom.
No sooner was his pride escalating rapidly, his pride plummeted to an extreme low. While being recruited to improve another man's kingdom, Duke of Hazard got really arrogant and told the man he could not follow the lead of a lowly peasant. This angered the man greatly.
Soon after the man heard that the Duke of Hazard was actually not what he claimed to be. So, the man came to the Duke's mighty castle and told him the information he had collected.
Duke of Hazard was very depressed after hearing this terrible news. He quickly went on a massive rampage killing all his peasant and destroying all the buildings in his city. After it all was over he ended his life.

Duke Grumpy

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Mary The Model) and was a member of Ultimate


Duchess Mary The Model

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Samus) and was a member of Luna Wolves


Duchess Samus

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Borazon) and was a member of Luna Wolves


Duke Borazon

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Borazon) and was a member of Nemesis


Duke Borazon

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Agent Jackson) and was a member of Agent Smith

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