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King Fatcakes

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Arrsehole) and was the leader of Corporate

Oh what a sorry tale it is to tell for poor young fatcakes.. From the ashes of a once great kingdom appeared a young knight who had the audacity to set up his own KD to fight for honour throughout the VU lands. It was looking good as this young KD topped the strengths table for a short time. They had however landed in the reigon set to be claimed by those of zeon. All was well for a short time and the battles came and went. Land was lost and regained then lost again. Until the un-HOLY darkfaith appeared.. After assuring the young king that he was safe from hostile action Darkfaith, totally with out honour, attacked and delt CORP a blow from which it was never to recover. With the fair knights of CORP sent to help allies the world over King Fatcakes soldiers on with hit and run attacks when he can muster the forces. Cut off seep in enemy lands time is short for this King but the end will come in a truly hard fought mannor.

Thank you and good night. Please turn off the lights on your way out.

Mr. Arrsehole

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Wellfeckinhackedoff) and was a member of Corporate

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