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Mr. Ironskies

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Ironsky) and was a member of Internal Primates Forever

A man forged of Iron in mind and spirit! If any will have me I will fight for my kingdom and destroy the enemy.

Joined Internal Primates Forever 2 Jan 2008

Created the first army of Ironskies....IronHammer!

Mr. Ironsky

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Ironsky) and was a member of Internal Primates Forever

Lost my Lifegaurds and eventually my army Ironhammer due to stupidity. All armies must have at least one soldier to be active.

Chimera has told me this world Valhalla is only a tutorial can't wait ot get out and start in the real world.

Kantral or something like that killed me today....shit.

Created new city Sophia
Created new city Tree Haven
Created new Army Iron Hammer
Created new city Iron Mountian
Created new city The River

Launched fair size army !st Iron Gaurds 8000 men

Kanthor and I have agreed to be civil to each other through the war with him and the Primates.
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