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Mr. Meowman

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Meowman) and was a member of Knights of Camelot

Meowman was born as a rejected little dwarf, named in he custom of his land and thrown out onto the streets (or tunnels) of his home city of Clayheaven. But soon, bent on revenge, he had mustered an army of stupid dwarves which were willing to follow him. He then made them all think their name was Bob. This had no particular reason technically, but it was funnny to see them fall over each other when he shouted: Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob and Bob, go and scout the area! It is a strange fact that most of the Bobs had previously been fast food managers. They had a morale-boosting lunch of tuna sandwitches and invented wallpaper before setting out on the government army. However, most of his army started selling pizza on the sidelines, so he lost. He was exiled, and travelled to the world of Vallhala, roughly half-way since the begining of time. He had soon established a settlement of dwarves and had become a member of the Kingdom of the Knights of Camalot. Being one of the first and most trustworthy members, he soon found himself a vice of the Kingdom. Lots of little things happened and his KD members took lots of little cities, even though Meowman, being at the back, could never get an army out far enough to reach them. Then Cease to Exist, without provoction, started to kill us, and although we fought bravely, they had 5 times our power and we had what had been the south of our main core out of our LOS in 4 days, and it didn't help that Pinguin betrayed the Kingdom. So Meowman called on his friend Bruiant of Demonic Uprising, and they had armies out to assist us within 3 days. But then, Predators started attacking too! Even with the power of HELL, we had less then a 6th of their power. But we fought bravely on, and held them out of our true core for 10 days. I right this now as the scribe of Meowman, who can feel the tension in the air: he knows the world will end soon. So let it be known that none have taken the knights of Camelot, and that Meowman, as the King, chosen by god, will be reincarnated, although he may not look the same.
So, in conclusion, all I can say is that you should look out for Meowman in the next life, if you have one, and say hello. And whatever you do, don't discriminate cheesy puffs near him: he loves them! (He doesn't know what they are, but that's never stopped him before)

Mr. Meowman

Lived in Era 31, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Knights of Camelot

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