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Mr. Blobber

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Lick The Licker) and was a member of Kingdom of War

Diary of Blobber the dwarf in Valhalla...

As the era of Mages died out, a new ruler oversaw the land. A distant cousin of the famous leader Mr. Mager, I hope to fulfil the role bestowed upon me. I look towards the lands sown with crops and many workers digging away, and begin my new empire. Banding together with a few soldiers born of the earth, I set off on a treacherous mission to the east, in the hope of salvation. I shall ride until no one else stands, to the very corners of the world, to find a place where I may begin a revolution in the name of my ancestor Mr. MageGuy!
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The trek is long and dangerous but my men will follow me to the end. But what will we find waiting there?
After many long hours, for ever so many days, we have lost count, and we are suffering from vast hunger and dehydration. The harmful rays of the Sun beat down on us, as we trod along, stepping the ground into a rough path shape. Finally, as many of us begin to get delirious, we find a spot to begin civilization. But we will never forget the roots of our newfound wisdom...
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One day, as we strived to nourish our ever growing establishment, far out here by the brown mountains of the sacred thunder god, we came upon a pack of civilizations that had banded together as one, who called themselves Nexus. They grew ever stronger, as our troops and spies became more wary and cautious, but also excited to see what this vast power would become eventually, in this peaceful sanctuary, not being goaded about by warrior like races whose only thoughts were to annihilate whomever and whatever stood in their way or blocked their invisible path to richness and barbaric glory. As the groves of wild pearpine trees grew stronger, so did this unimaginable force of great power, never before seen this far in the hallowed halls of Valhalla, and the reports brought back to my high throne became more hurried and frequent, as the blobsquirms and fliprappers of the Great Gnarled Forest of Dwaine the Almighty danced around the mighty bluntsap tree in anticipation of war. Many treaties were proposed in this period of prosperity, but we looked upon the mountains, and pondered their secrets, secrets that could lead us to the answer.
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After many long nights of hard work, a terrifying decision was made. As our warriors sharpened their swords and axes, we withdrew them from the armoury, as they would play no part in our newfound allegiance with Nexus, whom we joined in a mutually beneficial way that would eventually prove its worth.
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War proved near, then suddenly my treasured diaries were scattered to the winds, swept upon the snowcapped peaks of the great mountains far far away.

Attempting to join and become one again with old fellow predators, I Blobber am searching through time itself to find those I seek.

Mr. Lick The Licker

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Mage The Blob) and was a member of Kingdom of War

waaa! waaa! waaa!
I am toddyler now
Bleeuurgh.. waah!
I am dead now.

Mr. Mage The Blob

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Blobwiz) and was a member of Predators

A new master was reborn from the ashes like the phoenix that roamed the night sky. The dwarf was strong like his predecessors, and lived in the cold, wintry region of Fantasia. He earned a living by mining the ore out of the mountains, and selling it for the substance that he craved most... Gold.
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First, there was the beginning...
In the beginning there was space itself, and emptiness, but soon, in an unmeasurable longevity of lengthiness, the seeds of time were sown in the fields of non existence, and the world flourished. A utopia was born, a world in which life was simply at a beginning, not thriving nor ceasing to live, but beings of matter under construction and simple puppets of the creator itself. No one knows really who it was, but it is known that the creator was all powerful, a creature neither male or female, who became obsessed with cheese. No. I am telling this wrong. He began a craving, creating cheese in such bizarre forms, as a large mass of matter, small in comparison, but a talisman of the creator's true power. A three dimensional object encircling a two dimensional world (with terrible graphics), and shining light between dimensions, an impossibility which some forms of life had begun to call the moon.
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The different creatures and races that roamed this world had evolved greatly since the beginning, in which there was only one life, with an infinite improbability of survival. The problem with this probability, is that chances in which circumstance has revealed the odds stacked in infinite amounts against something, also shows up the infinite number of loopholes within the stack, until it eventually crumbles under its own weight. Therefore the creature survived to become the many races that are seen today.
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Every semester, the world is swallowed up by the darkness, which is more commonly known as the absence of light. Suddenly, with no warning, a new world is born, some call this cycle an infinite afterlife, but it is not. New colonies are born, but memories die, and what has happened becomes what no one cares about, namely the property of the state.
This is where I come in...
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Born into one of the six different races that roamed the world that I lived in, my dwarf birth parents died when I was four months old, and I had to be looked after by my grandfather, and one of his so-called distant cousins, Mr. Mager. But all too soon I had to find out that the grim reaper has a cruel way of coming when you need a person most. So then I gound myself at the age of eleven stuck in an orphanage, to play with the many others that had suffered this fate. They did not come to fetch me from the derelict house that the local council had seen fit to leave me in, and I felt weak, defenceless, and alone.
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However I was not born weak, and soon figured out that if they did not take me there then I would have to go myself. And thats how I ended up traversing through the closely cropped forestland next to my recent living quarters, lost in the overgrown undergrowth (that sounds weird), searching for a building of which I was not sure if it even existed. Eventually, I found a small clearing in the woods and decided to spend the night there. Looking around me for something to spend it on, I came across an imp selling a horse and cart and bought it, so that it would be easier to travel to my destination.
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When I awoke, I found that a rather small piece of paper had been attached to the forefront of my recently aquired cart, fluttering in the wind like it was attached with blu-tak. It was attached with blu-tak. Upon closer inspection I found that it was about to fly away, and so grabbed the parchment in all haste forgetting the oh-so important blu-tak that flew away, which I could have bought my night back with. I decided that it was no use crying over spilt milk, and so opened the now tightly furled parchment. To my absolute amazement it turned out to be a letter seemingly to me with one simple statement written upon the paper in black ink and curly handwriting.
"You are going the wrong way".
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After my shock had subsided, I abruptly turned around my horse and cart, and doubled back to head in the direction that I had come. After a few minutes traversing the lush greenness, I chanced upon a band of fellow humans, who I all recognised as my second uncle's friends' descendants instantly.
Unfortunately all did not bode well for me, after I slept I awoke to the sight of all my friends lain dead, and a bloody knife in my chest. The knife was engraved with four words:
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At the end of Era 29 my stats as a dwarven member of Predators...

Villages/Towns/Cities/Conurbations Built since the start of the era
(houses:resources in a 1:4 ratio)

Mushroom Mining (mainly mines)
Magic Mushrooms (mines and farms)
Deathly Fungi (armoury with mines also thrown in)
McDonalds (farming city)
Gooooold (mines)
Forest Fungi (lumbermills:mines in a 1:9 ratio)
Blobber Square (mines)
Sucks Carnage (houses:mines 1:1 ratio)
Wreck Havoc (lumbermills:mines in a 1:3 ratio)
Forest Fires (lumbermills:mines in a 3:5 ratio)
Burn Fungi Burn (lumbermills:mines in a 1:3 ratio)
Not Givin (farms:mines in a 3:5 ratio)
Spud Memories (farms:mines in a 1:1 ratio)
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Villages/Towns/Cities/Conurbations before we got mullered by carnage and peacekeepers argh those weiners!!!

Wreck Havoc - Lv7 - buildings
Mushroom Mining - Lv7 - buildings
Magic Mushrooms - Lv4 - buildings
McDonalds - Lv3 - buildings
Blobber Square - Lv3 - buildings
Deathly Fungi - Lv2 - buildings
Forest Fungi - Lv2 - buildings
Forest Fires - Lv4 - buildings
Spud Memories - Lv2 - buildings
Some other thing that was taken so quick that I forgot wat it was called but it was only lv2
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Military - Lv9
Farming - Lv3
Mining - Lv10
Woodcutting - Lv2
Medicine - Lv6
Magic - Lv1
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Kingdom Wars during the era

Carnage: thrashed us
Peacekeepers: worked with carnage

predators were at one time the 5th best kd in fant!!!
woot woot!!!
lol I died a few days b4 end of era that sucks :(
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But before I died I sent my signal to the creatures that had killed me. My son was born, put into an orphanage in a foreign land for his first ever holiday, and there he sat, a lad with pointy ears...

Mr. Blobwiz

Lived in Era 31, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Predators

The Dwarven Mage

Blob. Blob blobbity blob blob blob. Blob...wiz!
Here I am, the sole continuation of the line of mages through the dark ages... Grandson of thingamajig, great grandson of whatshisface, etcetera. Fred Blobwiz, the lowly dwarf, stuck in the unforgiving marshlands of Mantrax. But the hunters better watch out, for the prey may soon become the predator!
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Chapter One…


After many long nights, idly spent staring into the starry sky and recounting various old memories of my elven father and gloriously glamorous dwarven mother by the fire - and many long days slowly traversing upon the mouldy fruit that littered the muddy floor of numerous swamps, I chanced upon a previously unknown village, or camp that had been raised in amongst the many trees cluttering up the area. After a structured and careful checking of the small orange bag that I had been carrying through the forest on my back, I realised that I had unfortunately forgotten anything at all resembling some sort of map or chart, or anything else that might possibly tell me what exactly I was looking at. So I decided to enter the godforsaken place against my better judgement, and traversed the ten or so metres of muddy plain that lay between me and this somewhat mysterious place. Knowing not whether the life forms, if at all they existed, would be friendly to a straggling traveller like me, I hence concluded that a short endeavour around the edge may eventually tell me more. Peering into the mouldy darkness that filled the air I saw a couple of rather large tents pitched in unusual spots under the many trees. While observing this new development in my humble adventure, the black clouds of the night suddenly gripped me in the palm of their hands and tossed me into the air. I was thundered into a nearby willow, feeling extremely frightened of the present natural disaster. Thankful to the Lord for my safety, and wishing that this immense blackness would not return, I began to pray. And, as I knelt there praying, I was struck on the back by a heavy blow from a superhuman fist and I was immediately rendered unconscious.

* * *

I finally awoke and carefully took in my new surroundings from the (what I assumed was) safety of my (what looked and felt like a) sleeping bag. Strange as it was, it seemed as if the place I had chanced upon previously may have been inhabited, although what by I have no idea. These people or animals that I cast away as an awfully primitive species seem to know more about technology than they reveal. My thoughts about this new twist were slightly interrupted when I caught sight of a smallish man scurrying past this tent - outside. If I were to describe his features then they would be those of a squashed man, apart from the long red trailing beard that was windswept in the other direction.
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