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Mr. Wizardus

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Sparemylifeplz) and was a member of Kingdom Of Sin Cross

Wizardus finds his way, after 7 eras, past the ocean between Fantasia and Zetamania. He has crossed many challenges.

--------------Crossing the ocean--------------

Wizardus boards his ship, the "Striker", and prepares himself for the huge journey ahead of him. The first challenge they encounter is the enemy ships from the Rumourians.
The battle begins when the Rumourians first ambush the Striker. The Rumourians have mostly triremes with a few bigger ships. All ships have several spell casters on them, as well as archers, and even catapults are seen. This will certainly not be a quick and easy battle.
A few Rumourian triremes begin crashing into the Striker. Wizardus retaliates by calling all archers and trebuchets. Wizardus casts an earth spell that makes several ships heavier than normal. Those ships quickly sink.
Then, several arrows hit the Striker. In response, several rocks come crashing back.
After a lot of arrows and spells going back and forth, Wizardus sees several enemy ships remaining. He decides that he must retreat before they can do anything. He casts invisibility on the ship and also creates a fake image. The image lasts just long enough for them to sneak away...

After several other events, Wizardus sees land ahead. He gets out the small rafts and slowly rows to what he knows to be Zetamania. He then proceeds on yet another adventures...

--------------First Arrival--------------

When Wizardus first arrives, he founds a small colony, which he called "Acolony", named after the first colonies he ever formed. He then sends a scouting party to determine his location.
He finds he is in the west, and joins a kingdom nearby called "the downloads". However, soon he finds that there is a closer kingdom known as "BEARMACHINES". This kingdom is at war with Wizardus's kingdom, and sends an army towards the nice colony Wizardus set up.
Once the Spell of Protection is over, Wizardus goes out to see the army just outside his gates. He quickly forms an army of some brave men, but there was just not enough money to form a full, professional army.
Anyhow, after 4 days, Wizardus loses the battle. He retreats and forms a new colony, with the same name. He also sends an army to take other people's towns that are left undefended. The plan fails when he finds the Spell of Protection, and the army comes back reporting that they have been seen. The army overwhelmed the other army, but a few people escaped to tell the details of the city.
Wizardus prepares another army, but is, once again, overwhelmed by a superior force. He flees to the Downloads core, where he starts a new life.

--------------At the Core--------------

Wizardus then forms a new colony in his kingdom's core, which is a part of the Jumper's core. The colony is named "Zomg Stupid", which was in the Jumpers-Downloads core. He decides to focus on gaining a large income before anything else. That first city soon grew a large lumber industry from the nearby forest.
Wizardus knew he needed more colonies to truly get going. He forms three new colonies in a short period of time: Colonyu, Loalaloh, and Kalakama. Colonyu was closer to Zomg Stupid and was an armory. Both of these cities were in the north. Loalaloh had a major mine industry, and was more south, in the Downloads core. Kalakama benefited from the river nearby and had a food industry, in the same area as Loalaloh, but deeper into the Download's core.
All the colonies gained a few buildings, but the first to massively increase in size was Loalaloh. Over 1000 mines were added, providing a large gold source, but still not as large as taxes placed on citizens of Zomg Stupid.
Then, Wizardus thought it was time to go on the offensive. He formed a massive tower to cast spells from, known as "Macolony". Then, he sent large numbers of soldiers from Colonyu. He then started casting spells and experimenting with spells on enemy cities, like Rain of Fire and EitS. However, all this came to a halt as a new war started, and he was forced to go the battle...

--------------War starts with SC--------------

The war started as the kingdom of SinX (Sin Cross) sent an army, under the command of Dark Lord Opium, to attack Azul, a city near Macolony. Azul was owned by another ruler of the downloads, and was already under siege when Wizardus got news of the event. He quickly built up an army of riders to break the siege. About 1000 riders marched to the east and attacked Killingspree. The army was decimated, but at huge losses - only 200 riders rode back.

Wizardus then formed a new army of archmages and riders combined to march east to "Fire", a colony owned by SC. It was past the easily-defended river that was blocked by SC, thus an easy target to destroy and defend. It was not one of those great victories, however...

--------------The Battle of Fire--------------

Wizardus rode with his archmages and riders on this mission. He started his attack with a surprise ambush on one of the armies patrolling the city, in the night. After a great victory outside of Fire, Wizardus decided to move in on them. He had the archmages start the attack by casting RoF and earthquake on the city. It did not cause much damage, as most of the fire and ground was defended by trained casters within Fire. Wizardus then moved in with his riders, casting several powerful spells like volcano and poison, to no avail. Suddenly, a great horn thundered.
A rain of arrows fell from the wall of Fire, killing a relatively high number of riders. But Wizardus did not retreat yet. He quickly ordered a battalion of archers to come. While he was waiting for their arrival, he set up camp for the night outside Fire. In the morning, with reinforcements, he again attacked Fire. This time, he had his riders go in front with the archmages to cover up the archers. Wizardus then yelled out and all of the archers raised their bows and shot, over and over. Then, the archmages joined in, casting RoF and earthquake again, this time successfully as no force was there to defend - the enemy had all ran into their houses and walls. However the enemy general was also a smart one, and quickly re-assembled his soldiers before Wizardus could launch an assault with the riders. The enemy casted flood, wiping out the line of archers. Now, there was nothing to annoy the enemy soldiers, thus they stood along the walled and attacked the riders and archmages. Then spell weavers stood on the walls, crushing any hopes of casting more RoF or earthquake.
Wizardus rode with his riders once more to sweep a few of the enemy lines, and then retreated.
Although he had caused massive losses on the enemy side from the arrows, he had not won Fire.

--------------Defending the Land--------------

Wizardus then decided that, because the enemy still had cities across the river, he had to defend closer to home. Thus two walls were built by a combination work force of Alatriste and him - Yyy and Zzz. These were defended with a variety of soldiers.
Then, Wizardus helped capture the wall of Pinky Ring by casting RoF a number of times, as well as finding out about enemy numbers. Afterwards, Alatriste decided to attempt to attack Fire. Wizardus helped by supplying a section of spell weavers, and the city of Fire was now their's. But scouts from the army reported dreadful news - another colony was built across the river known as Talath. Wizardus returned home, tired, to defend the walls, and decided that Talath would be taken later. However, he heard some good news as a NAP was signed with SinX.

--------------More Battles--------------

The next challenge for Wizardus would be in the northwest. Several BEARMACHINES colonies had been formed there, across the wall of Pinky Ring. Kilobyte already was attacking Last Outpost, and Wizardus sent an army to take out Conquer and Conquer Farms. He travelled with his army again, this time of riders, archers, archmages, and even a few ghosts.
Wizardus placed a famous spellweaver in charge of Macolony, Zuriem Cabau. He would lead the casting of RoF upon Conquer, to minimize losses from taking it.
Wizardus then rode his army past Pinky Ring and the area that was sieged by Kilobyte, and to Conquer.

--------------Battle of Conquer--------------

Wizardus led his army to Conquer's gates. He decided to take a different approach, learning from previous losses. He plundered the city.
The archmages casted fog, and the archers launched a distracting hail of arrows. Meanwhile, the riders rode up front, stealing any goods they could find, and also breaking a few windows.
The attack was a great success, and much gold was stolen. Wizardus then camped outside the city, deciding whether to destroy it or burn it.
Finally, he made the decision to burn it down, as he scanned the city and it had all types of buildings that he didn't use. After the victory over there, he merged with an army of the Downloads leader's, Kilobyte's, and attacked Conquer Farms. With another successful attack, Wizardus rode back home to defend.

--------------Second Confrontation with SinX--------------

Dolfyn, a member of the Downloads, apparently had been lying about the NAP with SinX. SinX denied everything about signing a NAP, and they were known to be an honest and loyal kingdom. And right at that moment in time, SinX was sending a massive army, straight up an area that was left undefended. It was to the east of Macolony, and even to the east of the Zzz wall. There was a narrow space between two mountains where the army was likely to pass.
And if the army passed, all of the Downloads was open to attack. Thus, Wizardus sent a scout from Macolony and his own army to meet at a point on the passing. But then plans changed...
Wizardus realized that the army was ahead of him, and would not be defeated by his small army. He had to return to Macolony to defend, even if it risked the kingdom's life. He called for another army to come from Colonyu in the north, and sent up scouts to get reports on how this was going. If all went well, two armies of reinforcements would come and destroy the army before SinX could start attacking in the core.
But all did not go well - the armies encountered several traps and were massively slow. 2 armies of SinX got into the core and became attacking the Jumpers, an ally of the Downloads. Wizardus and Alatriste formed a wall, Rrr, before more reinforcements to them could get in, and Wizardus destroyed one of the armies.

The armies of SinX that got into the core returned to the wall, and began attacking. 1 more army of reinforcements arrived from Colonyu. However, Wizardus saw that if his men didn't get lucky, they would lose. Thus he rode back to Macolony in hopes of getting reinforcements.
When his army went back, Rrr was under SinX control - he had lost an important strategic position as now SinX could pump soldiers straight into has cities. He was forced to return as it was heavily defended. However, one of the armies chased him to Macolony, and was 3 ticks behind. The other army headed up to attack some other ruler's cities.
After the loss, Wizardus sent 3 armies to defend Macolony, as the army kept getting closer. But it was too late, and the reinforcements didn't arrive... the army attacked. Seven days of intense fighting and intense losses followed, and at last, the enemy retreated.
It was an important victory as his men had almost lost all hope. With the good news, thousands of archmages and riders volunteered at Colonyu, to fight. From reports, he heard about several armies coming to reinforce Macolony and attack Rrr in case SinX sent more armies.
With this, Wizardus sent a few scouts to check upon SinX positions. They were attacking the Downloads farther south, at cities like Elona and Shourai. He wanted to help, but it was too far and he had to focus at recapturing Rrr before the entire core was lost.

--------------The 2nd Battle of Rrr--------------

Wizardus sent around 1000 archmages to defeat Rrr. He expected that it would be a narrow victory, but was wrong - there were no soldiers stationed at the wall. It had been completely abandoned, except a few confused peasants. Wizardus easily took the wall, and burned it to the ground. He then marched south to a wall that was recently built, called Stop That. It was also abandoned, and Wizardus decided to keep it in order to prevent any attacks from SinX.
After the victory at Stop That, Wizardus got news from Excia that Macolony had been captured, although not returned. Anyhow, he also got news about a new wall southwards called Done Yet.

--------------A New War Front--------------

Wizardus decided to forget Done Yet at the moment, and set lines at Zzz and Stop That. He sent several huge armies eastwards, to a different perimeter of SinX. It was their northeast, and consisted of several walls. The first of the armies was defeated by SinX. Although the men had fought bravely and killed at least 5 times for enemies than they had lost, they were greatly outnumbered.
Army Of Wizardus II then reported that it was half way to the SinX walls. It also reported a few names - You Shall Not Pass and Woop were two targets. Also, there was Great Woop and Wats, and, farther south, Haha. Childish names, he thought, although thoroughly defended.

--------------Back at the Macolony Area--------------

Wizardus now saw a serious flaw in the wall, Done Yet. It had a gap in the eastern area. He sent a huge army to attack a SinX city called The Spine, across the border. It was an easy target as he determined there were no guarding troops, yet was a relatively large city.
He burned the city down to wreckages, and moved on to Fire, which was taken back. He burned it down as well. After these victories, he moved on to some walls and split up to take them both at the same time. Two more victories!

--------------Attack on Flute--------------

Army of Wizardus then merged and marched on to a wall that lead to Flute's undefended core. After an easy victory there, he went to several mining towns and had success again. He made his away along Flute's core in a clockwise motion, burning several more cities. However then he reached Flute Arms. It was defended by some 20K soldiers, of which 2000 were nazguls. There was plenty enough shamans to resist any spells. Wizardus fled from the city before they could come out and attack his puny army, but the next day they started chasing him. He headed toward another mining city and burned it, when they were right on his back.
He then turned his army around, so that he appeared to be going northwards (the enemy was to the west). The enemies changed their path to go northeast, but just before the day was over Wizardus started going southeast towards another wall. The enemy was deceived, and another battle was close by...

Mr. Sparemylifeplz

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Sparemylifeplz) and was a member of Kingdom Of Sin Cross


Before the Armageddon, Wizardus was busy sending troops to and from Valentine, a betrayer of the downloads. He was also preparing for an attack on Sin Cross. However, he did not at all expect the Armageddon to strike so early.
Messengers had reported that there was a whole 80 days left! They said that back in Fantasia, an island far away, Armageddon had just started to be cast!
Thus, Wizardus was thrusted right from his throne, up into the swirling air. Rain, dust... even people fell upon him in the vast tornado of Armageddon.
After 5 days (or what felt like it), Wizardus saw an island below him. It looked remotely similar to Zetamania, the island he had previously settled in, but there were odd features. It seemed to have taller mountains, quick and strong rivers, large lakes, denser forests, and most of all, a feeling that just caused you to fear... to fear everything around you, to fear death. That feeling must have come from kingdoms of the past - ancient kingdoms, much more bloody than those he had seen in Zetamania. It had been so long since he last had been here that he forgot it all!
Anyways, he joined his enemy, Sin Cross. The reason was that he saw that their leader was much wiser, much better at strategy, and much more active than King Kilobyte. Although he felt as though he was betraying his kingdom, his honor, he realized that in order to live anymore, he had to join them. Also, he changed his name to Sparemylifeplz, and said that he was the son of himself. That was just to cover up his long past, to prevent any past enemies from recognizing him.

--------------Settling down in a New World--------------

The tornado gradually put him down, right next to one of those dense forests. He did not want to be even close to it, for he feared (that dreadful feeling) the animals (the dark, cruel animals) inside. At first, he decided to stay just outside of the forest (resisting his fear) to establish an army. However, the feeling overpowered him when he raised 50 soldiers.
The army marched southeast, to some vast, rich (in gold) mountains. He established a city directly to the west of it. He realized that there were some silver mountains to the far west, but he wanted to stay where gold was.
Because Wizardus was so tired, the army decided to name the city. And believe me, the army had not any good names. So, it was named "Colony". Then, Wizardus got 3 soldiers together to establish another city just a little bit north and west (still east of the silver mountains). This would be his armory. It was named "ColonyB".
Wizardus then began focusing on a strong economy to fuel his future. He realized that all his men were dwarves, and he had turned into a dwarf too! Wow, the armageddon wasn't just a tornado, it transformed you too.
Anyhow, he built (with some peasants) several homes and mines, and gradually more people came to join him and Sin Cross. Soon, other members as well as people from other kingdoms came. Most Sin Cross members established north of him - even farther north than that dreadful forest. He knew that it wasn't good to be spread out, but he had already made a city.

--------------Scouting Around--------------

He then decided to look what was around him. To the south (just a little bit too) was the so called Fantastic, a member of HYPHY. He was an elf, like Sparemylifeplz (aka Wizardus) used to be. Farther north than the other members was the Freelance Alliance. To the northwest (of him) was Freedom. To the east was Eternity.

--------------Alliances and Wars--------------

Everything was peaceful for a while, as Sparemylifeplz built up his cities. However, things changed after Freedom declared war upon them, and HYPHY agreed to a NAP with them.
Sparemylifeplz was determined to help his KD in all ways possible. He sent a large army of swordsmen towards Freedom, right when he got news about a full invasion from them. They had taken out a member, named Danus. Then, they had moved on to Gallyon and Random.

And just when he though things couldn't get worse, HYPHY disbanded. And then he thought it again, but things just got EVEN worse - most of HYPHY joined Eternity... who declared war upon them.

--------------Warfront up North--------------

Although he didn't participate, he wishes me to write about it.
Tranny was the first to retaliate, sending 12 Nazguls towards them. He took out Homesweethome, Lazarus, and Murmada, as well as some other cities. However, soon most of them were taken back.
He then was joined by Goofy (the kingdom leader), and together they took back those three key cities. From there, they prepared another assault.

At the same time, Eternity was attacking the SinX core. Mines I, II, and III were quickly taken (and relatively easily), as well as Slam. These cities were all pretty far north of Sparemylifeplz, and mostly together. Eternity proceeded south and northeast from Slam, to Ive Got Wood (south) and Peach.
Although it looked pretty futile in the core, Opium and Tranny got together, and created a medium-sized army. Only time could tell whether success or failure would occur.

--------------Warfront down North--------------

When HYPHY first disbanded, Sparemylifeplz thought it would be a quick gain. However, when they joined Eternity, his army was repelled. Even worse, Eternity surrounded him in the east and the south, and perhaps the west as well. EVEN worse, his men were starving.
The first thing was always first to him, so he sent a scout up to establish two cities, a farm and another mine, from Colony. After Foodton (the farm) and Lolzz (the mine) were built, he started training soldiers in Colonyb.
The city Lolzz was soon taken from the east, by Acheron's army "Unum". Then, Acheron moved up to Foodton. From the south, Acheron captured Colony.
Luckily, his army was left, even though an army of 300 was attacking. He quickly destroyed it, and moved an army on to Colony.

--------------Recapturing of Colony--------------

His soldiers were numbered at just 300, but the enemy had only 50. It was winter, however, and the soldiers were already cold from the short march from Colonyb. He told them to attack, and they slowly got up.
Arrows rained from the city of Colony, and his men ran. They ran in all directions, and they were about to desert the army.
However, in the nick of time, Sparemylifeplz casted Happiness. Instantly (or almost instantly), the soldiers turned around and began attacking. 250 remained (several died in the rain of arrows).
His soldiers assembled a catapult and began destroying the walls. The enemy archers on top quickly scrambled off.
Once the walls were down, he led swordsmen into the colony and quickly killed all enemy soldiers, not letting any retreat.
Colony was his once more!

--------------Acheron Plans--------------

Acheron was both attacking at Foodton (near Lolzz which already was captured, if you forgot), and defending at Fantasia (south of Sparemylifeplz). Thus, from Colonyb Sparmylifeplz sent an army south, and from Colony he sent an army, led by him, northwest. Two battles might be won.
But while Sparemylifeplz was sleeping the night at Foodton, it was attacked, and he got news that both Colony and Colonyb, as well as the army sent to attack Fantasia, were taken. He quickly ran westwards, so quickly that the enemy could not catch him.

--------------The AntiSmiths--------------

The AntiSmiths kingdom was in the southwest where Sparemylifeplz headed. It was nothing large, but consisted of some familiar people - leaders of PKS. .....

Mr. Sparemylifeplz

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Sparemylifeplz) and was a member of Kingdom Of Sin Cross

He decided to join them. Ahuh. OHEunu. OEUCDGOCGUDO!!!

Mr. Sparemylifeplz

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Wizardus) and was a member of Eternity


Mr. Wizardus

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Sparemylifeplz) and was a member of Eternity

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