Family History

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Mr. Jasnik

Lived in Era 29 and got 1 heir(s) (Jasnik II).

Born in the the early 29th era was raised in a working class family. He enlisted into the military and partook in many of our early conquests that would forge our beloved russian democratic republic. He demonstrated courage valour and was duly rewarded fro them. He quickly rose through the ranks to become head of a front line legion. His men loved him and were fiercely loyal. They would gladly lay down their lives should he ask it. By the time he was 25 he commanded legions in many territories and was granted governorship of his first territory. from which he expanded conquering cities in the name of his beloved country. While on the warpath in a long lost city Jasnik was bruttally assasinated. hundreds of the people he had liberated from his sworn tyrannical enemies did not know the gift he had given them. The mob quickly dispatched his brave bodyguard and proceeded to capture Jasnik. He was then taken to the town square and posted up for all to see. The people proceeded to torture and kill our honorable leader! such an act they would later regret. his many legions quickly brought forth his young son as their new commander. Though he would learn to become as honorable a general as his father he spared not this rebellion and punished them fittingly for killing his father. The city was burned and his son assumed his fathers name as his surname and title, now the name Jasnik lives on as the title bestowed on those fit to lead our people.

Mr. Jasnik II

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Jasnik) and was a member of United Lyrian Confederacy

After leaving the ruins of the now corrupted russian democratic republic Jasnik took the original values of her people her original founding ideals. He took these and after years of journeying founded a new nation! a great nation that was associated with honor and integrity. It soon rose to be one of the most powerful in the realm!

Mr. Jasnik

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Jasnik IV) and was a member of United Lyrian Confederacy

With the armegeddon Jasnik IIV left on a crusade to new lands, he came accross mantrax and established the first House Davion FEDSUN city in the new worlds. only time will tell what will come of his people

Mr. Jasnik IV

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Jasnik V) and was a member of Cease To Exist


Mr. Jasnik V

Lived in Era 31, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Cease To Exist

the leader of his people both as head of state and head of the Army. He would lead his people to glory, never had they achieved so much. He would muster armies to come to countless victories. it would not be long before his men revered him both as a Leader and a Warrior. His people dilligently serve the high lords of Cease to Exist as the Bondsmen that came about when they conquered the Power Hungry Empire. Jasnik V the Brave, His men loved him and were fiercely loyal. They would gladly lay down their lives should he ask it. The people respected him for rebuilding hte holy sites of New Avalon, Huntress, Kathil, Coventry, Strana Mechty and more. He reformed the sacred RCTs (Regimental Combat Teams) including hte Falcon Guard, Deneb Light Cavalry, Coventry Crucis Lancers, and New Avalon Hussars. Early in this era only teh passing of time and life will show what will come,
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