Family History

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Mr. Vanewba

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Vladamere) and was a member of Zeon

I am Vanewba Desendent of Jay Brown,
I have returned home i have returned to Zeon.
after many years of my Family line living in Pain as Slaves
I have Rose from my life of pain and suffering and became a Knight of Zeon as my Ancestors once were.
i will not returne to my old life hear i live a life of exitment and War.
Here i live a life of Freedom,
i will Help Purge Fantasia of all Emenys of Zeon so my Children live a Life of Freedom.
but when i though all was going well i accidentally started my Crusade behind enemy lines.
i am cut of from all Help form my Kingdom mates,
but no how bad things get i will not throw down my arms and Surrender,
I will not Become a Slave again,
i will Fight to death and My Son Vladamere Shall Avenge my Death
i may die but atleast i will know that i free'd my family.
I am a Fallen man i will die and i will die with honor
But if i am Sent to live with my Ancesters i will not go alone
i will bring all who wish to conquor me
i may not win but i will Burn everything in my path
so i am remembered not as the guy who tryed to defend himself
but the guy who gave everything he had
i have no chance of winning this war but as many great Kings have said
"i would rather die a hero then live a coward"

Mr. Vladamere

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Herronadon) and was a member of Zeon

Hello i Am Vladamere
My Father Vanewba Lived a Short Life He Was Slaughtered by the Eval Legacy
He Had Very Little Chance of Living
There Numbers Were to Greats and His to Little
but i will Avenge Him
and if i can my Son Herronadon Will He Reminds me of my Father they are both Strong in Spirit
I tell him Storys of my Father every day after his Trainning
he is but 6 years old and he is already a great Sworsmen
He has started his Hammerthrowing Trainning
He Does Not Have the Accrucey to do it
but he has Might in Body and Mind
so i Hope He will make a Brave Axemen
my Family Has Has may Wars Between rival Familys or Enemy Kingdoms
But the One Fight that Has Been Past Down Was may Years ago
in the Era of dark Origin When My Great Great Great Great GrandFather Jay Brown ruled With the Help of Zeon
He was always Loyal to them but he Son Did not want to Fight he wanted to live a simple life so my Family Left our home in Zeon and Our Family Name Was Lost and so was our hounor
but my Father Bought it back
and he was Slaughtered with no Regret By Legacy
My Father Vanewba was but twenty four years old and he meet his end by the hand of Dogs
who have no greater perpuse but to kill and Destroy what others have made
but mark my words i Vladamere will bring back the Power and Hounor my family name once held
Mark my words my Son will make Legacy reget the day they took my Fathers Life
Killing Legacy Will be my Path to Heaven

Mr. Herronadon

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Son of Herronadon) and was a member of Zeon

As i sat next to my Fathers death bed i tryed to forget the pain and suffering he went though
at the age of 16 my farther was made a Ruler
at 16 he had the weight of his people on his shoulders
at 16 my father became a man
but his legacy will go on
i will make my father proud by bring back the Respect and hounor that this family once had
i know that is what my father drempt of and so did his father
but this time is diffrent i am starting my glory's Empire at the same time as everyone else
my goal is not to be the biggest or the best its to be Remembered
So my family in may years time will have every thing they deserve
In the hour of Need i will save my people my
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